Flip all but ios-simulator builders to GN.

This affects:

- tryserver.chromium.mac:
  - ios-device
  - ios-simulator-cronet
- chromium.mac
  - ios-device
- chromium.fyi
  - ClangToTiOS
  - EarlGreyiOS

This CL also flips the ios-device-gn builder to use the xcode version
of Clang so that we can get some coverage of that configuration.

The ios-simulator builder will remain on GYP until we drop GYP support.

R=sdefresne@chromium.org, smut@chromium.org

Review-Url: https://codereview.chromium.org/2194703002
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#408585}
5 files changed