blob: 1c029fa042545bc5b4987ae5ab23c04868080570 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# TODO(dpranke): Rename this to '' to remove the 'parser'
# part and make it a bit more generic. Consider if we can reword this to
# also not talk about 'expectations' so much (i.e., to find a clearer way
# to talk about them that doesn't have quite so much legacy baggage), but
# that might not be possible.
import fnmatch
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import defaultdict
from typ.json_results import ResultType
'Crash': ResultType.Crash,
'Failure': ResultType.Failure,
'Pass': ResultType.Pass,
'Timeout': ResultType.Timeout,
'Skip': ResultType.Skip
def _group_to_string(group):
msg = ', '.join(group)
k = msg.rfind(', ')
return msg[:k] + ' and ' + msg[k+2:] if k != -1 else msg
class ParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, lineno, msg):
super(ParseError, self).__init__('%d: %s' % (lineno, msg))
class Expectation(object):
def __init__(self, reason, test, tags, results):
"""Constructor for expectations.
reason: String that indicates the reason for the expectation.
test: String indicating which test is being affected.
tags: List of tags that the expectation applies to. Tags are combined
using a logical and, i.e., all of the tags need to be present for
the expectation to apply. For example, if tags = ['Mac', 'Debug'],
then the test must be running with the 'Mac' and 'Debug' tags
set; just 'Mac', or 'Mac' and 'Release', would not qualify.
results: List of outcomes for test. Example: ['Skip', 'Pass']
assert isinstance(reason, basestring) or reason is None
assert isinstance(test, basestring)
self._reason = reason
self._test = test
self._tags = frozenset(tags)
self._results = frozenset(results)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.reason == other.reason and self.test == other.test
and self.tags == other.tags and self.results == other.results)
def reason(self):
return self._reason
def test(self):
return self._test
def tags(self):
return self._tags
def results(self):
return self._results
class TaggedTestListParser(object):
"""Parses lists of tests and expectations for them.
This parser covers the 'tagged' test lists format in:
Takes raw expectations data as a string read from the expectation file
in the format:
# This is an example expectation file.
# tags: [
# Mac Mac10.1 Mac10.2
# Win Win8
# ]
# tags: [ Release Debug ] [ Win ] benchmark/story [ Skip ]
TAG_TOKEN = '# tags: ['
_MATCH_STRING = r'^(?:(\d+) )?' # The bug field (optional).
_MATCH_STRING += r'(?:\[ (.+) \] )?' # The label field (optional).
_MATCH_STRING += r'(\S+) ' # The test path field.
_MATCH_STRING += r'\[ ([^\[.]+) \]' # The expectation field.
_MATCH_STRING += r'(\s+#.*)?$' # End comment (optional).
def __init__(self, raw_data):
self.tag_sets = []
self.expectations = []
self._tag_to_tag_set = {}
def _parse_raw_expectation_data(self, raw_data):
lines = raw_data.splitlines()
lineno = 1
num_lines = len(lines)
tag_sets_intersection = set()
first_tag_line = None
while lineno <= num_lines:
line = lines[lineno - 1].strip()
if line.startswith(self.TAG_TOKEN):
# Handle tags.
if self.expectations:
raise ParseError(lineno,
'Tag found after first expectation.')
if not first_tag_line:
first_tag_line = lineno
right_bracket = line.find(']')
if right_bracket == -1:
# multi-line tag set
tag_set = set(line[len(self.TAG_TOKEN):].split())
lineno += 1
while lineno <= num_lines and right_bracket == -1:
line = lines[lineno - 1].strip()
if line[0] != '#':
raise ParseError(
'Multi-line tag set missing leading "#"')
right_bracket = line.find(']')
if right_bracket == -1:
if line[right_bracket+1:]:
raise ParseError(
'Nothing is allowed after a closing tag '
lineno += 1
if line[right_bracket+1:]:
raise ParseError(
'Nothing is allowed after a closing tag '
tag_set = set(
(t for t in tag_set if t in self._tag_to_tag_set))
self._tag_to_tag_set.update({tg: id(tag_set) for tg in tag_set})
elif line.startswith('#') or not line:
# Ignore, it is just a comment or empty.
lineno += 1
elif not tag_sets_intersection:
self._parse_expectation_line(lineno, line))
lineno += 1
if tag_sets_intersection:
is_multiple_tags = len(tag_sets_intersection) > 1
tag_tags = 'tags' if is_multiple_tags else 'tag'
was_were = 'were' if is_multiple_tags else 'was'
error_msg = 'The {0} {1} {2} found in multiple tag sets'.format(
tag_tags, _group_to_string(
sorted(list(tag_sets_intersection))), was_were)
raise ParseError(first_tag_line, error_msg)
def _parse_expectation_line(self, lineno, line):
match = self.MATCHER.match(line)
if not match:
raise ParseError(lineno, 'Syntax error: %s' % line)
# Unused group is optional trailing comment.
reason, raw_tags, test, raw_results, _ = match.groups()
tags = raw_tags.split() if raw_tags else []
tag_set_ids = set()
for t in tags:
if not t in self._tag_to_tag_set:
raise ParseError(lineno, 'Unknown tag "%s"' % t)
if len(tag_set_ids) != len(tags):
error_msg = ('The tag group contains tags that are '
'part of the same tag set')
tags_by_tag_set_id = defaultdict(list)
for t in tags:
for tag_intersection in tags_by_tag_set_id.values():
error_msg += ('\n - Tags %s are part of the same tag set' %
raise ParseError(lineno, error_msg)
results = []
for r in raw_results.split():
except KeyError:
raise ParseError(lineno, 'Unknown result type "%s"' % r)
return Expectation(reason, test, tags, results)
class TestExpectations(object):
def __init__(self, tags):
self.tags = tags
# Expectations may either refer to individual tests, or globs of
# tests. Each test (or glob) may have multiple sets of tags and
# expected results, so we store these in dicts ordered by the string
# for ease of retrieve. glob_exps use an OrderedDict rather than
# a regular dict for reasons given below.
self.individual_exps = {}
self.glob_exps = OrderedDict()
def parse_tagged_list(self, raw_data):
parser = TaggedTestListParser(raw_data)
except ParseError as e:
return 1, e.message
# TODO( - Add support for multiple policies
# for supporting multiple matching lines, e.g., allow/union,
# reject, etc. Right now, you effectively just get a union.
glob_exps = []
for exp in parser.expectations:
if exp.test.endswith('*'):
self.individual_exps.setdefault(exp.test, []).append(exp)
# Each glob may also have multiple matching lines. By ordering the
# globs by decreasing length, this allows us to find the most
# specific glob by a simple linear search in expected_results_for().
glob_exps.sort(key=lambda exp: len(exp.test), reverse=True)
for exp in glob_exps:
self.glob_exps.setdefault(exp.test, []).append(exp)
return 0, None
def expected_results_for(self, test):
# A given test may have multiple expectations, each with different
# sets of tags that apply and different expected results, e.g.:
# [ Mac ] TestFoo.test_bar [ Skip ]
# [ Debug Win ] TestFoo.test_bar [ Pass Failure ]
# To determine the expected results for a test, we have to loop over
# all of the failures matching a test, find the ones whose tags are
# a subset of the ones in effect, and return the union of all of the
# results. For example, if the runner is running with {Debug, Mac, Mac10.12}
# then lines with no tags, {Mac}, or {Debug, Mac} would all match, but
# {Debug, Win} would not.
# The longest matching test string (name or glob) has priority.
results = set()
# First, check for an exact match on the test name.
for exp in self.individual_exps.get(test, []):
if exp.tags.issubset(self.tags):
if results:
return results
# If we didn't find an exact match, check for matching globs. Match by
# the most specific (i.e., longest) glob first. Because self.globs is
# ordered by length, this is a simple linear search.
for glob, exps in self.glob_exps.items():
if fnmatch.fnmatch(test, glob):
for exp in exps:
if exp.tags.issubset(self.tags):
# if *any* of the exps matched, results will be non-empty,
# and we're done. If not, keep looking through ever-shorter
# globs.
if results:
return results
# Nothing matched, so by default, the test is expected to pass.
return {ResultType.Pass}