blob: 0182b8d067a14367863b37748254334b45907292 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/unit.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/helpers/chrome_model_helper.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/value/diagnostics/breakdown.html">
'use strict';
* @fileoverview This file contains implementations of the following metrics.
* TODO( document pipeline:* metrics here.
tr.exportTo('tr.metrics.rendering', function() {
function eventIsValidGraphicsEvent_(event, eventMap) {
if (!event.bindId || !event.args || !event.args.step) {
return false;
const bindId = event.bindId;
if (bindId in eventMap && event.args.step in eventMap[bindId]) {
// It is possible for a client to submit multiple compositor frames for
// one begin-message. So most steps can be present multiple times.
// However, a begin-frame is issued only once, and received only once. So
// these steps should not be repeated.
if (event.args.step === 'IssueBeginFrame' ||
event.args.step === 'ReceiveBeginFrame') {
throw new Error('Unexpected duplicate step: ' + event.args.step);
return false;
return true;
function generateBreakdownForCompositorPipelineInClient_(flow) {
const breakdown = new tr.v.d.Breakdown();
breakdown.set('time before GenerateRenderPass',
flow.GenerateRenderPass.start - flow.ReceiveBeginFrame.start);
breakdown.set('GenerateRenderPass duration',
breakdown.set('GenerateCompositorFrame duration',
breakdown.set('SubmitCompositorFrame duration',
return breakdown;
function generateBreakdownForCompositorPipelineInService_(flow) {
const breakdown = new tr.v.d.Breakdown();
breakdown.set('Processing CompositorFrame on reception',
breakdown.set('Delay before SurfaceAggregation',
flow.SurfaceAggregation.start - flow.ReceiveCompositorFrame.end);
breakdown.set('SurfaceAggregation duration',
return breakdown;
function generateBreakdownForDraw_(drawEvent) {
const breakdown = new tr.v.d.Breakdown();
for (const slice of drawEvent.subSlices) {
breakdown.set(slice.title, slice.duration);
return breakdown;
function getDisplayCompositorThread_(model) {
const chromeHelper = model.getOrCreateHelper(
const gpuHelper = chromeHelper.gpuHelper;
if (gpuHelper) {
const thread =
if (thread) {
return thread;
if (!chromeHelper.browserProcess) return null;
return chromeHelper.browserProcess.findAtMostOneThreadNamed(
function addPipelineHistograms(histograms, model, segments) {
let events = [];
for (const thread of model.getAllThreads()) {
const graphicsEvents = thread.sliceGroup.slices.filter(
slice => {
if (slice.title !== 'Graphics.Pipeline') return false;
for (const segment of segments) {
if (segment.boundsRange.containsExplicitRangeInclusive(
slice.start, slice.end)) {
return true;
return false;
events = events.concat(graphicsEvents);
const bindEvents = {};
for (const event of events) {
if (!eventIsValidGraphicsEvent_(event, bindEvents)) continue;
const bindId = event.bindId;
if (!(bindId in bindEvents)) {
bindEvents[bindId] = {};
bindEvents[bindId][event.args.step] = event;
const dcThread = getDisplayCompositorThread_(model);
const drawEvents = {};
if (dcThread) {
const events =
for (const segment of segments) {
const filteredEvents = segment.boundsRange.filterArray(events,
evt => evt.start);
for (const event of filteredEvents) {
if ((event.args && event.args.status === 'canceled') ||
!':ptr:')) {
const id = parseInt(, 16);
if (id in drawEvents) {
throw new Error('Duplicate draw events: ' + id);
drawEvents[id] = event;
const issueToReceipt = histograms.createHistogram(
[], {
description: 'Latency of begin-frame message from the display ' +
'compositor to the client, including the IPC latency and task-' +
'queue time in the client.',
const receiptToSubmit = histograms.createHistogram(
[], {
description: 'Latency between begin-frame reception and ' +
'CompositorFrame submission in the renderer.'
const submitToAggregate = histograms.createHistogram(
[], {
description: 'Latency between CompositorFrame submission in the ' +
'renderer to display in the display-compositor, including IPC ' +
'latency, task-queue time in the display-compositor, and ' +
'additional processing (e.g. surface-sync etc.)',
const aggregateToDraw = histograms.createHistogram(
[], {description: 'How long it takes for the gpu-swap step.'});
for (const flow of Object.values(bindEvents)) {
// Report only for the cases that go through the complete pipeline.
if (!flow.IssueBeginFrame || !flow.ReceiveBeginFrame ||
!flow.SubmitCompositorFrame || !flow.SurfaceAggregation) {
issueToReceipt.addSample(flow.ReceiveBeginFrame.start -
flow.SubmitCompositorFrame.end - flow.ReceiveBeginFrame.start,
{breakdown: generateBreakdownForCompositorPipelineInClient_(flow)});
flow.SurfaceAggregation.end - flow.SubmitCompositorFrame.end,
{breakdown: generateBreakdownForCompositorPipelineInService_(flow)});
if (flow.SurfaceAggregation.args &&
flow.SurfaceAggregation.args.display_trace) {
const displayTrace = flow.SurfaceAggregation.args.display_trace;
if (!(displayTrace in drawEvents)) continue;
const drawEvent = drawEvents[displayTrace];
{breakdown: generateBreakdownForDraw_(drawEvent)});
return {