blob: 20a4e9c09fc721a8b89ae2d4b901cf90752af63f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_block_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_box.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_physical_fragment.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_units.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
NGConstraintSpace* ConstructConstraintSpace(NGWritingMode writing_mode,
NGDirection direction,
NGPhysicalSize size) {
return new NGConstraintSpace(writing_mode, direction,
new NGPhysicalConstraintSpace(size));
class NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override { style_ = ComputedStyle::create(); }
NGPhysicalFragment* RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(const NGConstraintSpace* space,
NGBox* first_child) {
NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm algorithm(style_, first_child);
NGPhysicalFragment* frag;
while (!algorithm.Layout(space, &frag))
return frag;
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> style_;
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, FixedSize) {
style_->setWidth(Length(30, Fixed));
style_->setHeight(Length(40, Fixed));
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(100), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(30), frag->Width());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(40), frag->Height());
// Verifies that two children are laid out with the correct size and position.
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, LayoutBlockChildren) {
const int kWidth = 30;
const int kHeight1 = 20;
const int kHeight2 = 30;
const int kMarginTop = 5;
const int kMarginBottom = 20;
style_->setWidth(Length(kWidth, Fixed));
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> first_style = ComputedStyle::create();
first_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight1, Fixed));
NGBox* first_child = new NGBox(first_style.get());
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> second_style = ComputedStyle::create();
second_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight2, Fixed));
second_style->setMarginTop(Length(kMarginTop, Fixed));
second_style->setMarginBottom(Length(kMarginBottom, Fixed));
NGBox* second_child = new NGBox(second_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(100), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, first_child);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(kWidth), frag->Width());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(kHeight1 + kHeight2 + kMarginTop), frag->Height());
EXPECT_EQ(NGPhysicalFragmentBase::FragmentBox, frag->Type());
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 2UL);
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child = frag->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight1, child->Height());
EXPECT_EQ(0, child->TopOffset());
child = frag->Children()[1];
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight2, child->Height());
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight1 + kMarginTop, child->TopOffset());
// Verifies that a child is laid out correctly if it's writing mode is different
// from the parent's one.
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <div style="writing-mode: vertical-lr;">
// <div style="width:50px;
// height: 50px; margin-left: 100px;
// writing-mode: horizontal-tb;"></div>
// </div>
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, LayoutBlockChildrenWithWritingMode) {
const int kWidth = 50;
const int kHeight = 50;
const int kMarginLeft = 100;
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div1_style = ComputedStyle::create();
NGBox* div1 = new NGBox(div1_style.get());
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div2_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div2_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div2_style->setWidth(Length(kWidth, Fixed));
div2_style->setMarginLeft(Length(kMarginLeft, Fixed));
NGBox* div2 = new NGBox(div2_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(500), LayoutUnit(500)));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child = frag->Children()[0];
// DIV2
child = static_cast<const NGPhysicalFragment*>(child)->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight, child->Height());
EXPECT_EQ(0, child->TopOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(kMarginLeft, child->LeftOffset());
// Verifies the collapsing margins case for the next pair:
// - top margin of a box and top margin of its first in-flow child.
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <div style="margin-top: 20px; height: 50px;"> <!-- DIV1 -->
// <div style="margin-top: 10px"></div> <!-- DIV2 -->
// </div>
// Expected:
// - Empty margin strut of the fragment that establishes new formatting context
// - Margins are collapsed resulting a single margin 20px = max(20px, 10px)
// - The top offset of DIV2 == 20px
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, CollapsingMarginsCase1) {
const int kHeight = 50;
const int kDiv1MarginTop = 20;
const int kDiv2MarginTop = 10;
// DIV1
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div1_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div1_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div1_style->setMarginTop(Length(kDiv1MarginTop, Fixed));
NGBox* div1 = new NGBox(div1_style.get());
// DIV2
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div2_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div2_style->setMarginTop(Length(kDiv2MarginTop, Fixed));
NGBox* div2 = new NGBox(div2_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(100), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 1UL);
const NGPhysicalFragment* div2_fragment =
static_cast<const NGPhysicalFragment*>(frag->Children()[0].get());
EXPECT_EQ(kDiv1MarginTop, div2_fragment->TopOffset());
// Verifies the collapsing margins case for the next pair:
// - bottom margin of box and top margin of its next in-flow following sibling.
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <div style="margin-bottom: 20px; height: 50px;"> <!-- DIV1 -->
// <div style="margin-bottom: -15px"></div> <!-- DIV2 -->
// <div></div> <!-- DIV3 -->
// </div>
// <div></div> <!-- DIV4 -->
// <div style="margin-top: 10px; height: 50px;"> <!-- DIV5 -->
// <div></div> <!-- DIV6 -->
// <div style="margin-top: -30px"></div> <!-- DIV7 -->
// </div>
// Expected:
// Margins are collapsed resulting an overlap
// -10px = max(20px, 10px) - max(abs(-15px), abs(-30px))
// between DIV2 and DIV3. Zero-height blocks are ignored.
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, CollapsingMarginsCase2) {
const int kHeight = 50;
const int kDiv1MarginBottom = 20;
const int kDiv2MarginBottom = -15;
const int kDiv5MarginTop = 10;
const int kDiv7MarginTop = -30;
const int kExpectedCollapsedMargin = -10;
// DIV1
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div1_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div1_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div1_style->setMarginBottom(Length(kDiv1MarginBottom, Fixed));
NGBox* div1 = new NGBox(div1_style.get());
// DIV2
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div2_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div2_style->setMarginBottom(Length(kDiv2MarginBottom, Fixed));
NGBox* div2 = new NGBox(div2_style.get());
// Empty DIVs: DIV3, DIV4, DIV6
NGBox* div3 = new NGBox(ComputedStyle::create().get());
NGBox* div4 = new NGBox(ComputedStyle::create().get());
NGBox* div6 = new NGBox(ComputedStyle::create().get());
// DIV5
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div5_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div5_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div5_style->setMarginTop(Length(kDiv5MarginTop, Fixed));
NGBox* div5 = new NGBox(div5_style.get());
// DIV7
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div7_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div7_style->setMarginTop(Length(kDiv7MarginTop, Fixed));
NGBox* div7 = new NGBox(div7_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(100), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 3UL);
// DIV1
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child = frag->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight, child->Height());
EXPECT_EQ(0, child->TopOffset());
// DIV5
child = frag->Children()[2];
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight, child->Height());
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight + kExpectedCollapsedMargin, child->TopOffset());
// Verifies the collapsing margins case for the next pair:
// - bottom margin of a last in-flow child and bottom margin of its parent if
// the parent has 'auto' computed height
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <div style="margin-bottom: 20px; height: 50px;"> <!-- DIV1 -->
// <div style="margin-bottom: 200px; height: 50px;"/> <!-- DIV2 -->
// </div>
// Expected:
// 1) Margins are collapsed with the result = std::max(20, 200)
// if DIV1.height == auto
// 2) Margins are NOT collapsed if DIV1.height != auto
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, CollapsingMarginsCase3) {
const int kHeight = 50;
const int kDiv1MarginBottom = 20;
const int kDiv2MarginBottom = 200;
// DIV1
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div1_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div1_style->setMarginBottom(Length(kDiv1MarginBottom, Fixed));
NGBox* div1 = new NGBox(div1_style.get());
// DIV2
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div2_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div2_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div2_style->setMarginBottom(Length(kDiv2MarginBottom, Fixed));
NGBox* div2 = new NGBox(div2_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(100), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
// Verify that margins are collapsed.
EXPECT_EQ(NGMarginStrut({LayoutUnit(0), LayoutUnit(kDiv2MarginBottom)}),
// Verify that margins are NOT collapsed.
div1_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
EXPECT_EQ(NGMarginStrut({LayoutUnit(0), LayoutUnit(kDiv1MarginBottom)}),
// Verifies that 2 adjoining margins are not collapsed if there is padding or
// border that separates them.
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <div style="margin: 30px 0px; padding: 20px 0px;"> <!-- DIV1 -->
// <div style="margin: 200px 0px; height: 50px;"/> <!-- DIV2 -->
// </div>
// Expected:
// Margins do NOT collapse if there is an interfering padding or border.
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, CollapsingMarginsCase4) {
const int kHeight = 50;
const int kDiv1Margin = 30;
const int kDiv1Padding = 20;
const int kDiv2Margin = 200;
// DIV1
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div1_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div1_style->setMarginTop(Length(kDiv1Margin, Fixed));
div1_style->setMarginBottom(Length(kDiv1Margin, Fixed));
div1_style->setPaddingTop(Length(kDiv1Padding, Fixed));
div1_style->setPaddingBottom(Length(kDiv1Padding, Fixed));
NGBox* div1 = new NGBox(div1_style.get());
// DIV2
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div2_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div2_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div2_style->setMarginTop(Length(kDiv2Margin, Fixed));
div2_style->setMarginBottom(Length(kDiv2Margin, Fixed));
NGBox* div2 = new NGBox(div2_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(100), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
// Verify that margins do NOT collapse.
frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
EXPECT_EQ(NGMarginStrut({LayoutUnit(kDiv1Margin), LayoutUnit(kDiv1Margin)}),
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 1UL);
EXPECT_EQ(NGMarginStrut({LayoutUnit(kDiv2Margin), LayoutUnit(kDiv2Margin)}),
static_cast<const NGPhysicalFragment*>(frag->Children()[0].get())
// Reset padding and verify that margins DO collapse.
div1_style->setPaddingTop(Length(0, Fixed));
div1_style->setPaddingBottom(Length(0, Fixed));
frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
EXPECT_EQ(NGMarginStrut({LayoutUnit(kDiv2Margin), LayoutUnit(kDiv2Margin)}),
// Verifies that margins of 2 adjoining blocks with different writing modes
// get collapsed.
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <div style="writing-mode: vertical-lr;">
// <div style="margin-right: 60px; width: 60px;">vertical</div>
// <div style="margin-left: 100px; writing-mode: horizontal-tb;">
// horizontal
// </div>
// </div>
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, CollapsingMarginsCase5) {
const int kVerticalDivMarginRight = 60;
const int kVerticalDivWidth = 60;
const int kHorizontalDivMarginLeft = 100;
style_->setWidth(Length(500, Fixed));
style_->setHeight(Length(500, Fixed));
// Vertical DIV
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> vertical_style = ComputedStyle::create();
vertical_style->setMarginRight(Length(kVerticalDivMarginRight, Fixed));
vertical_style->setWidth(Length(kVerticalDivWidth, Fixed));
NGBox* vertical_div = new NGBox(vertical_style.get());
// Horizontal DIV
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> horizontal_style = ComputedStyle::create();
horizontal_style->setMarginLeft(Length(kHorizontalDivMarginLeft, Fixed));
NGBox* horizontal_div = new NGBox(horizontal_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
VerticalLeftRight, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(500), LayoutUnit(500)));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, vertical_div);
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 2UL);
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child = frag->Children()[1];
// Horizontal div
EXPECT_EQ(0, child->TopOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(kVerticalDivWidth + kHorizontalDivMarginLeft, child->LeftOffset());
// Verifies that the margin strut of a child with a different writing mode does
// not get used in the collapsing margins calculation.
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <style>
// #div1 { margin-bottom: 10px; height: 60px; writing-mode: vertical-rl; }
// #div2 { margin-left: -20px; width: 10px; }
// #div3 { margin-top: 40px; height: 60px; }
// </style>
// <div id="div1">
// <div id="div2">vertical</div>
// </div>
// <div id="div3"></div>
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, CollapsingMarginsCase6) {
const int kHeight = 60;
const int kWidth = 10;
const int kMarginBottom = 10;
const int kMarginLeft = -20;
const int kMarginTop = 40;
style_->setWidth(Length(500, Fixed));
style_->setHeight(Length(500, Fixed));
// DIV1
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div1_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div1_style->setWidth(Length(kWidth, Fixed));
div1_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div1_style->setMarginBottom(Length(kMarginBottom, Fixed));
NGBox* div1 = new NGBox(div1_style.get());
// DIV2
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div2_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div2_style->setWidth(Length(kWidth, Fixed));
div2_style->setMarginLeft(Length(kMarginLeft, Fixed));
NGBox* div2 = new NGBox(div2_style.get());
// DIV3
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div3_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div3_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div3_style->setMarginTop(Length(kMarginTop, Fixed));
NGBox* div3 = new NGBox(div3_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(500), LayoutUnit(500)));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 2UL);
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child1 = frag->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(0, child1->TopOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight, child1->Height());
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child2 = frag->Children()[1];
EXPECT_EQ(kHeight + std::max(kMarginBottom, kMarginTop), child2->TopOffset());
// Verifies that a box's size includes its borders and padding, and that
// children are positioned inside the content box.
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <style>
// #div1 { width:100px; height:100px; }
// #div1 { border-style:solid; border-width:1px 2px 3px 4px; }
// #div1 { padding:5px 6px 7px 8px; }
// </style>
// <div id="div1">
// <div id="div2"></div>
// </div>
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, BorderAndPadding) {
const int kWidth = 100;
const int kHeight = 100;
const int kBorderTop = 1;
const int kBorderRight = 2;
const int kBorderBottom = 3;
const int kBorderLeft = 4;
const int kPaddingTop = 5;
const int kPaddingRight = 6;
const int kPaddingBottom = 7;
const int kPaddingLeft = 8;
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div1_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div1_style->setWidth(Length(kWidth, Fixed));
div1_style->setHeight(Length(kHeight, Fixed));
div1_style->setPaddingTop(Length(kPaddingTop, Fixed));
div1_style->setPaddingRight(Length(kPaddingRight, Fixed));
div1_style->setPaddingBottom(Length(kPaddingBottom, Fixed));
div1_style->setPaddingLeft(Length(kPaddingLeft, Fixed));
NGBox* div1 = new NGBox(div1_style.get());
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div2_style = ComputedStyle::create();
NGBox* div2 = new NGBox(div2_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(1000), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 1UL);
// div1
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child = frag->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(kBorderLeft + kPaddingLeft + kWidth + kPaddingRight + kBorderRight,
EXPECT_EQ(kBorderTop + kPaddingTop + kHeight + kPaddingBottom + kBorderBottom,
ASSERT_TRUE(child->Type() == NGPhysicalFragmentBase::FragmentBox);
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<const NGPhysicalFragment*>(child)->Children().size(),
// div2
child = static_cast<const NGPhysicalFragment*>(child)->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(kBorderTop + kPaddingTop, child->TopOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(kBorderLeft + kPaddingLeft, child->LeftOffset());
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, PercentageSize) {
const int kPaddingLeft = 10;
const int kWidth = 30;
style_->setWidth(Length(kWidth, Fixed));
style_->setPaddingLeft(Length(kPaddingLeft, Fixed));
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> first_style = ComputedStyle::create();
first_style->setWidth(Length(40, Percent));
NGBox* first_child = new NGBox(first_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(100), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, first_child);
EXPECT_EQ(frag->Width(), LayoutUnit(kWidth + kPaddingLeft));
EXPECT_EQ(frag->Type(), NGPhysicalFragmentBase::FragmentBox);
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 1UL);
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child = frag->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(child->Width(), LayoutUnit(12));
// A very simple auto margin case. We rely on the tests in ng_length_utils_test
// for the more complex cases; just make sure we handle auto at all here.
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, AutoMargin) {
const int kPaddingLeft = 10;
const int kWidth = 30;
style_->setWidth(Length(kWidth, Fixed));
style_->setPaddingLeft(Length(kPaddingLeft, Fixed));
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> first_style = ComputedStyle::create();
const int kChildWidth = 10;
first_style->setWidth(Length(kChildWidth, Fixed));
NGBox* first_child = new NGBox(first_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(100), NGSizeIndefinite));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, first_child);
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(kWidth + kPaddingLeft), frag->Width());
EXPECT_EQ(NGPhysicalFragmentBase::FragmentBox, frag->Type());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(kWidth + kPaddingLeft), frag->WidthOverflow());
ASSERT_EQ(1UL, frag->Children().size());
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child = frag->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(kChildWidth), child->Width());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(kPaddingLeft + 10), child->LeftOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(LayoutUnit(0), child->TopOffset());
// Verifies that 3 Left/Right float fragments are correctly positioned by the
// algorithm.
// Test case's HTML representation:
// <div id="parent" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;">
// <div style="float:left; width: 30px; height: 30px;
// margin-top: 10px;"/> <!-- DIV1 -->
// <div style="float:right; width: 50px; height: 50px;"/> <!-- DIV2 -->
// <div style="float:left; width: 120px; height: 120px;
// margin-left: 30px;"/> <!-- DIV3 -->
// </div>
// Expected:
// - Left float(DIV1) is positioned at the left.
// - Right float(DIV2) is positioned at the right.
// - Left float(DIV3) is positioned at the left below DIV2.
TEST_F(NGBlockLayoutAlgorithmTest, PositionFloatFragments) {
const int kDiv1TopMargin = 10;
const int kParentSize = 200;
const int kDiv1Size = 30;
const int kDiv2Size = 50;
const int kDiv3Size = kParentSize - kDiv1Size - kDiv2Size;
const int kDiv3LeftMargin = kDiv1Size;
style_->setHeight(Length(kParentSize, Fixed));
style_->setWidth(Length(kParentSize, Fixed));
// DIV1
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div1_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div1_style->setWidth(Length(kDiv1Size, Fixed));
div1_style->setHeight(Length(kDiv1Size, Fixed));
div1_style->setMarginTop(Length(kDiv1TopMargin, Fixed));
NGBox* div1 = new NGBox(div1_style.get());
// DIV2
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div2_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div2_style->setWidth(Length(kDiv2Size, Fixed));
div2_style->setHeight(Length(kDiv2Size, Fixed));
NGBox* div2 = new NGBox(div2_style.get());
// DIV3
RefPtr<ComputedStyle> div3_style = ComputedStyle::create();
div3_style->setWidth(Length(kDiv3Size, Fixed));
div3_style->setHeight(Length(kDiv3Size, Fixed));
div3_style->setMarginLeft(Length(kDiv3LeftMargin, Fixed));
NGBox* div3 = new NGBox(div3_style.get());
auto* space = ConstructConstraintSpace(
HorizontalTopBottom, LeftToRight,
NGPhysicalSize(LayoutUnit(kParentSize), LayoutUnit(kParentSize)));
NGPhysicalFragment* frag = RunBlockLayoutAlgorithm(space, div1);
ASSERT_EQ(frag->Children().size(), 3UL);
// DIV1
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child1 = frag->Children()[0];
EXPECT_EQ(kDiv1TopMargin, child1->TopOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(0, child1->LeftOffset());
// DIV2
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child2 = frag->Children()[1];
EXPECT_EQ(0, child2->TopOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(kParentSize - kDiv2Size, child2->LeftOffset());
// DIV3
const NGPhysicalFragmentBase* child3 = frag->Children()[2];
EXPECT_EQ(kDiv2Size, child3->TopOffset());
EXPECT_EQ(kDiv3LeftMargin, child3->LeftOffset());
} // namespace
} // namespace blink