blob: 9467d8066fc9a82012ea371962ee303849828c38 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebRemoteFrame_h
#define WebRemoteFrame_h
#include "public/platform/WebInsecureRequestPolicy.h"
#include "public/web/WebContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include "public/web/WebFrame.h"
#include "public/web/WebSandboxFlags.h"
namespace blink {
enum class WebTreeScopeType;
class WebFrameClient;
class WebRemoteFrameClient;
class WebString;
class WebRemoteFrame : public WebFrame {
BLINK_EXPORT static WebRemoteFrame* create(WebTreeScopeType,
WebFrame* opener = nullptr);
// Functions for the embedder replicate the frame tree between processes.
// TODO(dcheng): The embedder currently does not replicate local frames in
// insertion order, so the local child version takes a previous sibling to
// ensure that it is inserted into the correct location in the list of
// children.
virtual WebLocalFrame* createLocalChild(WebTreeScopeType,
const WebString& name,
const WebString& uniqueName,
WebFrame* previousSibling,
const WebFrameOwnerProperties&,
WebFrame* opener) = 0;
virtual WebRemoteFrame* createRemoteChild(WebTreeScopeType,
const WebString& name,
const WebString& uniqueName,
WebFrame* opener) = 0;
// Set security origin replicated from another process.
virtual void setReplicatedOrigin(const WebSecurityOrigin&) const = 0;
// Set sandbox flags replicated from another process.
virtual void setReplicatedSandboxFlags(WebSandboxFlags) const = 0;
// Set frame |name| and |uniqueName| replicated from another process.
virtual void setReplicatedName(const WebString& name,
const WebString& uniqueName) const = 0;
// Adds |header| to the set of replicated CSP headers.
virtual void addReplicatedContentSecurityPolicyHeader(
const WebString& headerValue,
WebContentSecurityPolicySource) const = 0;
// Resets replicated CSP headers to an empty set.
virtual void resetReplicatedContentSecurityPolicy() const = 0;
// Set frame enforcement of insecure request policy replicated from another
// process.
virtual void setReplicatedInsecureRequestPolicy(
WebInsecureRequestPolicy) const = 0;
// Set the frame to a unique origin that is potentially trustworthy,
// replicated from another process.
virtual void setReplicatedPotentiallyTrustworthyUniqueOrigin(bool) const = 0;
virtual void DispatchLoadEventForFrameOwner() const = 0;
virtual void didStartLoading() = 0;
virtual void didStopLoading() = 0;
// Returns true if this frame should be ignored during hittesting.
virtual bool isIgnoredForHitTest() const = 0;
// This is called in OOPIF scenarios when an element contained in this
// frame is about to enter fullscreen. This frame's owner
// corresponds to the HTMLFrameOwnerElement to be fullscreened. Calling
// this prepares FullscreenController to enter fullscreen for that frame
// owner.
virtual void willEnterFullscreen() = 0;
// Temporary method to allow embedders to get the script context of a
// remote frame. This should only be used by legacy code that has not yet
// migrated over to the new OOPI infrastructure.
virtual v8::Local<v8::Context> deprecatedMainWorldScriptContext() const = 0;
explicit WebRemoteFrame(WebTreeScopeType scope) : WebFrame(scope) {}
// Inherited from WebFrame, but intentionally hidden: it never makes sense
// to call these on a WebRemoteFrame.
bool isWebLocalFrame() const override = 0;
WebLocalFrame* toWebLocalFrame() override = 0;
bool isWebRemoteFrame() const override = 0;
WebRemoteFrame* toWebRemoteFrame() override = 0;
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebRemoteFrame_h