Correct multicol dirty rect for scrolled and flipped blocks writing mode.

Calling LayoutBox::location() to make a physical rectangle relative to the
multicol container instead of the flowthread isn't going to work if writing
mode is with flipped blocks direction (vertical-rl), because location() returns
a semi-logical offset. It would have worked with topLeftLocation(), though.
But since we'd still have issues with scrolling, make the dirty rectangle
relative to the multicol container right away on the PaintLayer side instead,
since layers know how they have been scrolled. This also happens to be in line
with the comment there, so now we're actually doing what we say that we're
doing. :)

This makes fast/repaint/paged-with-overflowing-block-rl.html pass.

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#416859}
7 files changed