blob: 8bc64a7b9e0b21d4570977eb7fab8be58a648952 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/comparisons.js"></script>
var EPSILON = 1e-6; // float epsilon
var testParams = [
input: new CSSRotation(new CSSUnitValue(0, 'deg')),
angle: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 1,
is2D: true,
cssText: "rotate(0deg)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
input: new CSSRotation(new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg')),
angle: 10,
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 1,
is2D: true,
cssText: "rotate(10deg)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([0.9848077, 0.1736481, -0.1736481, 0.9848077, 0, 0])
input: new CSSRotation(new CSSUnitValue(-21, 'deg')),
angle: -21,
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 1,
is2D: true,
cssText: "rotate(-21deg)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([0.9335804, -0.3583679, 0.3583679, 0.9335804, 0, 0])
input: new CSSRotation(new CSSUnitValue(3.2, 'deg')),
angle: 3.2,
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 1,
is2D: true,
cssText: "rotate(3.2deg)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([0.9984407, 0.0558215, -0.0558215, 0.9984407, 0, 0])
input: new CSSRotation(0, 0, 1, new CSSUnitValue(90, 'deg')),
angle: 90,
x: 0,
y: 0,
z: 1,
is2D: false,
cssText: "rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 90deg)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
input: new CSSRotation(2.7, -3, 4.4, new CSSUnitValue(0, 'deg')),
angle: 0,
x: 2.7,
y: -3,
z: 4.4,
is2D: false,
cssText: "rotate3d(2.7, -3, 4.4, 0deg)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
input: new CSSRotation(2, 3, 4, new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg')),
angle: 10,
x: 2,
y: 3,
z: 4,
is2D: false,
cssText: "rotate3d(2, 3, 4, 10deg)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([0.9869032, 0.1321258, -0.0925460, 0, -0.1258394,
0.9895225, 0.0707777, 0, 0.1009279, -0.0582048, 0.9931896, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
input: new CSSRotation(2, 3.7, -4, new CSSUnitValue(-1.2, 'deg')),
angle: -1.2,
x: 2,
y: 3.7,
z: -4,
is2D: false,
cssText: "rotate3d(2, 3.7, -4, -1.2deg)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([0.9998067, 0.01448049, 0.0132978, 0, -0.0143841,
0.9998698, -0.0073125, 0, -0.0134019, 0.0071198, 0.9998848, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
input: new CSSRotation(1, 0, 0, new CSSUnitValue(0.5, 'turn')),
angle: 0.5,
x: 1,
y: 0,
z: 0,
is2D: false,
cssText: "rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 0.5turn)",
asMatrix: new DOMMatrixReadOnly([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1.2246467991473532e-16, 0, 0,
-1.2246467991473532e-16, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
test(() => {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => { new CSSRotation(); });
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => { new CSSRotation(null); });
// Wrong number of arguments.
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSRotation(1, 2, new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'));
// Length instead of angle.
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSRotation(new CSSUnitValue(10, 'px'));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSRotation(1, 2, 3, new CSSUnitValue(10, 'px'));
}, "Invalid arguments to constructor should throw");
for (let params of testParams) {
test(() => {
assert_equals(params.input.angle.value, params.angle);
assert_equals(params.input.x, params.x);
assert_equals(params.input.y, params.y);
assert_equals(params.input.z, params.z);
}, "x, y, z and angle values are correct for " + params.cssText);
for (let params of testParams) {
test(() => {
assert_equals(params.input.is2D, params.is2D);
}, "is2D value is correct for " + params.cssText);
for (let params of testParams) {
test(() => {
assert_equals(params.input.toString(), params.cssText);
}, "toString value is correct for " + params.cssText);
test(() => {
let rotation = new CSSRotation(1, 2, 3, CSS.deg(10));
assert_equals(rotation.toString(), 'rotate3d(1, 2, 3, 10deg)');
rotation.is2D = true;
assert_equals(rotation.toString(), 'rotate(10deg)');
}, "x, y, and z components are not included in toString when is2D is true");
for (let params of testParams) {
let input = params.input;
test(() => {
var transformValue = new CSSTransformValue([input]);
var result = transformValue.toMatrix();
assert_matrix_approx_equals(result, params.asMatrix, EPSILON);
}, "toMatrix works for " + params.cssText + " in a CSSTransformValue");
test(() => {
// Obtained by doing the following in a console:
// $ = 'rotate3d(1, 2, 3, 10rad)';
// getComputedStyle($0).transform
let expected3DMatrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly(
[-0.707709, -0.173463, 0.684878, 0,
0.698912, -0.313623, 0.642778, 0,
0.103295, 0.933569, 0.343189, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1]);
let expected2DMatrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly(
[Math.cos(10), Math.sin(10), -Math.sin(10), Math.cos(10), 0, 0]);
let rotation = new CSSRotation(1, 2, 3, CSS.rad(10));
let transformValue = new CSSTransformValue([rotation]);
transformValue.toMatrix(), expected3DMatrix, EPSILON);
rotation.is2D = true;
transformValue.toMatrix(), expected2DMatrix, EPSILON);
}, "x, y, and z attributes have no effect on toMatrix if is2D is set to true");
for (let attribute of ["x", "y", "z"]) {
test(() => {
let rotation = new CSSRotation(1, 2, 3, new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'));
assert_equals(rotation.x, 1);
assert_equals(rotation.y, 2);
assert_equals(rotation.z, 3);
rotation[attribute] = 4;
assert_equals(rotation[attribute], 4);
}, "Setting " + attribute + " with valid values");
test(() => {
let rotation = new CSSRotation(new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'));
assert_equals(rotation.angle.value, 10);
assert_equals(rotation.angle.unit, 'deg');
rotation.angle = new CSSUnitValue(20, 'rad');
assert_equals(rotation.angle.value, 20);
assert_equals(rotation.angle.unit, 'rad');
}, "Setting angle with valid value");
test(() => {
let rotation = new CSSRotation(new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
rotation.angle = new CSSUnitValue(20, 'px');
}, "Setting angle with invalid value");