FrameLoader: ignore failing provisional loads entirely

This only applies to a small portion of provisional loads which
can still fail in the renderer (most of them fail in the browser
while loading the navigation request/response).

Since we regard these failed loads as cancellations, we do not
show any error page, and therefore there is no real side effect.
Currently, we are triggering notifications that load did start,
which are immediately followed by failure notifications. Instead,
we can skip all of that and ignore these loads entirely.

As a consequence, this patch eliminates provisional load failures
in the renderer entirely.

Bug: 855189
Change-Id: I88492e9348b4945e2e6def87f123888e9e87b2f8
Reviewed-by: Daniel Cheng <>
Commit-Queue: Dmitry Gozman <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#653809}
5 files changed