blob: de2122e241c00d0ff79929a7dda83fea564a6717 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('policy', function() {
* A hack to check if we are displaying the mobile version of this page by
* checking if the first column is hidden.
* @return {boolean} True if this is the mobile version.
const isMobilePage = function() {
return document.defaultView
.display == 'none';
* A box that shows the status of cloud policy for a device, machine or user.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLFieldSetElement}
const StatusBox = cr.ui.define(function() {
const node = $('status-box-template').cloneNode(true);
return node;
StatusBox.prototype = {
// Set up the prototype chain.
__proto__: HTMLFieldSetElement.prototype,
* Initialization function for the cr.ui framework.
decorate: function() {},
* Sets the text of a particular named label element in the status box
* and updates the visibility if needed.
* @param {string} labelName The name of the label element that is being
* updated.
* @param {string} labelValue The new text content for the label.
* @param {boolean=} needsToBeShown True if we want to show the label
* False otherwise.
setLabelAndShow_: function(labelName, labelValue, needsToBeShown = true) {
const labelElement = this.querySelector(labelName);
labelElement.textContent = labelValue || '';
if (needsToBeShown)
labelElement.parentElement.hidden = false;
* Populate the box with the given cloud policy status.
* @param {string} scope The policy scope, either "device", "machine", or
* "user".
* @param {Object} status Dictionary with information about the status.
initialize: function(scope, status) {
const notSpecifiedString = loadTimeData.getString('notSpecified');
if (scope == 'device') {
// For device policy, set the appropriate title and populate the topmost
// status item with the domain the device is enrolled into.
this.querySelector('.legend').textContent =
'.enterprise-enrollment-domain', status.enterpriseEnrollmentDomain);
'.enterprise-display-domain', status.enterpriseDisplayDomain);
// Populate the device naming information.
// Populate the asset identifier.
'.asset-id', status.assetId || notSpecifiedString);
// Populate the device location.
'.location', status.location || notSpecifiedString);
// Populate the directory API ID.
'.directory-api-id', status.directoryApiId || notSpecifiedString);
this.setLabelAndShow_('.client-id', status.clientId);
} else if (scope == 'machine') {
// For machine policy, set the appropriate title and populate
// machine enrollment status with the information that applies
// to this machine.
this.querySelector('.legend').textContent =
this.setLabelAndShow_('.machine-enrollment-device-id', status.deviceId);
'.machine-enrollment-token', status.enrollmentToken);
this.setLabelAndShow_('.machine-enrollment-name', status.machine);
this.setLabelAndShow_('.machine-enrollment-domain', status.domain);
} else {
// For user policy, set the appropriate title and populate the topmost
// status item with the username that policies apply to.
this.querySelector('.legend').textContent =
// Populate the topmost item with the username.
this.setLabelAndShow_('.username', status.username);
// Populate the user gaia id.
this.setLabelAndShow_('.gaia-id', status.gaiaId || notSpecifiedString);
this.setLabelAndShow_('.client-id', status.clientId);
'.time-since-last-refresh', status.timeSinceLastRefresh, false);
this.setLabelAndShow_('.refresh-interval', status.refreshInterval, false);
this.setLabelAndShow_('.status', status.status, false);
* A single policy's entry in the policy table.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLTableSectionElement}
const Policy = cr.ui.define(function() {
const node = $('policy-template').cloneNode(true);
return node;
Policy.prototype = {
// Set up the prototype chain.
__proto__: HTMLTableSectionElement.prototype,
* Initialization function for the cr.ui framework.
decorate: function() {
.addEventListener('click', this.toggleExpandedValue_.bind(this));
* Populate the table columns with information about the policy name, value
* and status.
* @param {string} name The policy name.
* @param {Object} value Dictionary with information about the policy value.
* @param {boolean} unknown Whether the policy name is not recognized.
initialize: function(name, value, unknown) { = name;
this.unset = !value;
// Populate the name column.
this.querySelector('.name-link').textContent = name;
this.querySelector('.name-link').href =
'' + name;
this.querySelector('.name-link').title =
loadTimeData.getStringF('policyLearnMore', name);
if (unknown) {
// Populate the remaining columns with policy scope, level and value if a
// value has been set. Otherwise, leave them blank.
if (value) {
this.querySelector('.scope').textContent = loadTimeData.getString(
value.scope == 'user' ? 'scopeUser' : 'scopeDevice');
this.querySelector('.level').textContent = loadTimeData.getString(
value.level == 'recommended' ? 'levelRecommended' :
this.querySelector('.source').textContent =
this.querySelector('.value').textContent = value.value;
this.querySelector('.expanded-value').textContent = value.value;
// Populate the status column.
let status;
if (!value) {
// If the policy value has not been set, show an error message.
status = loadTimeData.getString('unset');
} else if (unknown) {
// If the policy name is not recognized, show an error message.
status = loadTimeData.getString('unknown');
} else if (value.error) {
// If an error occurred while parsing the policy value, show the error
// message.
status = value.error;
} else {
// Otherwise, indicate that the policy value was parsed correctly.
status = loadTimeData.getString('ok');
this.querySelector('.status').textContent = status;
if (isMobilePage()) {
// The number of columns which are hidden by the css file for the mobile
// (Android) version of this page.
/** @const */ const HIDDEN_COLUMNS_IN_MOBILE_VERSION = 2;
const expandedValue = this.querySelector('.expanded-value');
* Get value width of the value container.
* @param {Object} valueContainer Container for the value.
* @private
getValueWidth_: function(valueContainer) {
return valueContainer.querySelector('.value').offsetWidth;
* Update the value width for the value container if necessary.
* @param {Object} valueContainer Container for the value.
* @private
updateValueWidth_: function(valueContainer) {
if (valueContainer.valueWidth == undefined) {
valueContainer.valueWidth = this.getValueWidth_(valueContainer);
* Check the table columns for overflow. Most columns are automatically
* elided when overflow occurs. The only action required is to add a tooltip
* that shows the complete content. The value column is an exception. If
* overflow occurs here, the contents is replaced with a link that toggles
* the visibility of an additional row containing the complete value.
checkOverflow: function() {
// Set a tooltip on all overflowed columns except the value column.
const divs = this.querySelectorAll('div.elide');
for (let i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
const div = divs[i];
div.title = div.offsetWidth < div.scrollWidth ? div.textContent : '';
// Cache the width of the value column's contents when it is first shown.
// This is required to be able to check whether the contents would still
// overflow the column once it has been hidden and replaced by a link.
const valueContainer = this.querySelector('.value-container');
// Determine whether the contents of the value column overflows. The
// visibility of the contents, replacement link and additional row
// containing the complete value that depend on this are handled by CSS.
if (valueContainer.offsetWidth <= valueContainer.valueWidth)
* Update the text of the link that toggles the visibility of an additional
* row containing the complete policy value, depending on the toggle state.
* @private
updateToggleExpandedValueText_: function(event) {
this.querySelector('.toggle-expanded-value').textContent =
this.classList.contains('show-overflowed-value') ?
'hideExpandedValue' :
* Toggle the visibility of an additional row containing the complete policy
* value.
* @private
toggleExpandedValue_: function() {
* A table of policies and their values.
* @constructor
* @extends {HTMLTableElement}
const PolicyTable = cr.ui.define('tbody');
PolicyTable.prototype = {
// Set up the prototype chain.
__proto__: HTMLTableElement.prototype,
* Initialization function for the cr.ui framework.
decorate: function() {
this.policies_ = {};
this.filterPattern_ = '';
window.addEventListener('resize', this.checkOverflow_.bind(this));
* Initialize the list of all known policies.
* @param {Object} names Dictionary containing all known policy names.
setPolicyNames: function(names) {
this.policies_ = names;
* Populate the table with the currently set policy values and any errors
* detected while parsing these.
* @param {Object} values Dictionary containing the current policy values.
setPolicyValues: function(values) {
// Remove all policies from the table.
const policies = this.getElementsByTagName('tbody');
while (policies.length > 0)
// First, add known policies whose value is currently set.
const unset = [];
for (const name in this.policies_) {
if (name in values)
this.setPolicyValue_(name, values[name], false);
// Second, add policies whose value is currently set but whose name is not
// recognized.
for (const name in values) {
if (!(name in this.policies_))
this.setPolicyValue_(name, values[name], true);
// Finally, add known policies whose value is not currently set.
for (let i = 0; i < unset.length; i++)
this.setPolicyValue_(unset[i], undefined, false);
// Filter the policies.
* Set the filter pattern. Only policies whose name contains |pattern| are
* shown in the policy table. The filter is case insensitive. It can be
* disabled by setting |pattern| to an empty string.
* @param {string} pattern The filter pattern.
setFilterPattern: function(pattern) {
this.filterPattern_ = pattern.toLowerCase();
* Filter policies. Only policies whose name contains the filter pattern are
* shown in the table. Furthermore, policies whose value is not currently
* set are only shown if the corresponding checkbox is checked.
filter: function() {
const showUnset = $('show-unset').checked;
const policies = this.getElementsByTagName('tbody');
for (let i = 0; i < policies.length; i++) {
const policy = policies[i];
policy.hidden = policy.unset && !showUnset || == -1;
if (this.querySelector('tbody:not([hidden])'))
setTimeout(this.checkOverflow_.bind(this), 0);
* Check the table columns for overflow.
* @private
checkOverflow_: function() {
const policies = this.getElementsByTagName('tbody');
for (let i = 0; i < policies.length; i++) {
if (!policies[i].hidden)
* Add a policy with the given |name| and |value| to the table.
* @param {string} name The policy name.
* @param {Object} value Dictionary with information about the policy value.
* @param {boolean} unknown Whether the policy name is not recoginzed.
* @private
setPolicyValue_: function(name, value, unknown) {
const policy = new Policy;
policy.initialize(name, value, unknown);
* A singelton object that handles communication between browser and WebUI.
* @constructor
function Page() {}
// Make Page a singleton.
* Provide a list of all known policies to the UI. Called by the browser on
* page load.
* @param {Object} names Dictionary containing all known policy names.
Page.setPolicyNames = function(names) {
const page = this.getInstance();
// Clear all policy tables.
page.mainSection.innerHTML = '';
page.policyTables = {};
let table;
// Create tables and set known policy names for Chrome and extensions.
if (names.hasOwnProperty('chromePolicyNames')) {
table = page.appendNewTable('chrome', 'Chrome policies', '');
if (names.hasOwnProperty('extensionPolicyNames')) {
for (const ext in names.extensionPolicyNames) {
table = page.appendNewTable(
'extension-' + ext, names.extensionPolicyNames[ext].name,
'ID: ' + ext);
* Provide a list of the currently set policy values and any errors detected
* while parsing these to the UI. Called by the browser on page load and
* whenever policy values change.
* @param {Object} values Dictionary containing the current policy values.
Page.setPolicyValues = function(values) {
const page = this.getInstance();
let table;
if (values.hasOwnProperty('chromePolicies')) {
table = page.policyTables['chrome'];
if (values.hasOwnProperty('extensionPolicies')) {
for (const extensionId in values.extensionPolicies) {
table = page.policyTables['extension-' + extensionId];
if (table)
* Provide the current cloud policy status to the UI. Called by the browser on
* page load if cloud policy is present and whenever the status changes.
* @param {Object} status Dictionary containing the current policy status.
Page.setStatus = function(status) {
* Notify the UI that a request to reload policy values has completed. Called
* by the browser after a request to reload policy has been sent by the UI.
Page.reloadPoliciesDone = function() {
Page.prototype = {
* Main initialization function. Called by the browser on page load.
initialize: function() {
this.mainSection = $('main-section');
this.policyTables = {};
// Place the initial focus on the filter input field.
const self = this;
$('filter').onsearch = function(event) {
for (policyTable in self.policyTables) {
$('reload-policies').onclick = function(event) {
this.disabled = true;
$('export-policies').onclick = function(event) {
$('show-unset').onchange = function() {
for (policyTable in self.policyTables) {
// Notify the browser that the page has loaded, causing it to send the
// list of all known policies, the current policy values and the cloud
// policy status.
* Creates a new policy table section, adds the section to the page,
* and returns the new table from that section.
* @param {string} id The key for storing the new table in policyTables.
* @param {string} label_title Title for this policy table.
* @param {string} label_content Description for the policy table.
* @return {Element} The newly created table.
appendNewTable: function(id, label_title, label_content) {
const newSection =
this.createPolicyTableSection(id, label_title, label_content);
if (id != 'chrome') {
return this.policyTables[id];
* Creates a new section containing a title, description and table of
* policies.
* @param {id} id The key for storing the new table in policyTables.
* @param {string} label_title Title for this policy table.
* @param {string} label_content Description for the policy table.
* @return {Element} The newly created section.
createPolicyTableSection: function(id, label_title, label_content) {
const section = document.createElement('section');
section.setAttribute('class', 'policy-table-section');
// Add title and description.
const title = window.document.createElement('h3');
title.textContent = label_title;
if (label_content) {
const description = window.document.createElement('div');
description.textContent = label_content;
// Add 'No Policies Set' element.
const noPolicies = window.document.createElement('div');
noPolicies.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('noPoliciesSet');
// Add table of policies.
const newTable = this.createPolicyTable();
this.policyTables[id] = newTable;
return section;
tableHeadings: ['Scope', 'Level', 'Source', 'Name', 'Value', 'Status'],
* Creates a new table for displaying policies.
* @return {Element} The newly created table.
createPolicyTable: function() {
const newTable = window.document.createElement('table');
const tableHead = window.document.createElement('thead');
const tableRow = window.document.createElement('tr');
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableHeadings.length; i++) {
const tableHeader = window.document.createElement('th');
this.tableHeadings[i].toLowerCase() + '-column');
tableHeader.textContent =
loadTimeData.getString('header' + this.tableHeadings[i]);
cr.ui.decorate(newTable, PolicyTable);
return newTable;
* Update the status section of the page to show the current cloud policy
* status.
* @param {Object} status Dictionary containing the current policy status.
setStatus: function(status) {
// Remove any existing status boxes.
const container = $('status-box-container');
while (container.firstChild)
// Hide the status section.
const section = $('status-section');
section.hidden = true;
// Add a status box for each scope that has a cloud policy status.
for (const scope in status) {
const box = new StatusBox;
box.initialize(scope, status[scope]);
// Show the status section.
section.hidden = false;
* Re-enable the reload policies button when the previous request to reload
* policies values has completed.
reloadPoliciesDone: function() {
$('reload-policies').disabled = false;
return {Page: Page, PolicyTable: PolicyTable, Policy: Policy};