blob: 9afa89be0c771407400fdc4fa66d31f4557b27a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
is: 'print-preview-advanced-settings-item',
behaviors: [SettingsBehavior],
properties: {
/** @type {!print_preview.VendorCapability} */
capability: Object,
/** @private {(number | string | boolean)} */
currentValue_: {
type: Object,
value: null,
observers: [
'updateFromSettings_(capability, settings.vendorItems.value)',
/** @private */
updateFromSettings_: function() {
const settings = this.getSetting('vendorItems').value;
// The settings may not have a property with the id if they were populated
// from sticky settings from a different destination or if the
// destination's capabilities changed since the sticky settings were
// generated.
if (!settings.hasOwnProperty(
const value = settings[];
if (this.isCapabilityTypeSelect_()) {
// Ignore a value that can't be selected.
if (this.hasOptionWithValue_(value))
this.currentValue_ = value;
} else {
this.currentValue_ = value;
this.$$('cr-input').value = this.currentValue_;
* @param {!print_preview.VendorCapability |
* !print_preview.VendorCapabilitySelectOption} item
* @return {string} The display name for the setting.
* @private
getDisplayName_: function(item) {
let displayName = item.display_name;
if (!displayName && item.display_name_localized)
displayName = getStringForCurrentLocale(item.display_name_localized);
return displayName || '';
* @return {boolean} Whether the capability represented by this item is
* of type select.
* @private
isCapabilityTypeSelect_: function() {
return this.capability.type == 'SELECT';
* @param {!print_preview.VendorCapabilitySelectOption} option The option
* for a select capability.
* @return {boolean} Whether the option is selected.
* @private
isOptionSelected_: function(option) {
return (this.currentValue_ !== null &&
option.value === this.currentValue_) ||
(this.currentValue_ == null && !!option.is_default);
* @return {string} The placeholder value for the capability's text input.
* @private
getCapabilityPlaceholder_: function() {
if (this.capability.type == 'TYPED_VALUE' &&
this.capability.typed_value_cap &&
this.capability.typed_value_cap.default != undefined) {
return this.capability.typed_value_cap.default.toString() || '';
if (this.capability.type == 'RANGE' && this.capability.range_cap &&
this.capability.range_cap.default != undefined)
return this.capability.range_cap.default.toString() || '';
return '';
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasOptionWithValue_: function(value) {
return !!this.capability.select_cap &&
!!this.capability.select_cap.option &&
this.capability.select_cap.option.some(option => option.value == value);
* @param {?RegExp} query The current search query.
* @return {boolean} Whether the item has a match for the query.
hasMatch: function(query) {
if (!query || this.getDisplayName_(this.capability).match(query))
return true;
if (!this.isCapabilityTypeSelect_())
return false;
for (const option of
/** @type {!Array<!print_preview.VendorCapabilitySelectOption>} */ (
this.capability.select_cap.option)) {
if (this.getDisplayName_(option).match(query))
return true;
return false;
* @param {!Event} e Event containing the new value.
* @private
onUserInput_: function(e) {
this.currentValue_ =;
* @return {(number | string | boolean)} The current value of the setting.
getCurrentValue: function() {
return this.currentValue_;
* Only used in tests.
* @param {(number | string | boolean)} value A value to set the setting to.
setCurrentValueForTest: function(value) {
this.currentValue_ = value;
* @param {?RegExp} query The current search query.
* @return {!print_preview.HighlightResults} The highlight wrappers and
* search bubbles that were created.
updateHighlighting: function(query) {
return print_preview.updateHighlights(this, query);