blob: 6c120184ce9b7af2daa8a0b6d588d89d9a059f62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview 'settings-payments-section' is the section containing saved
* credit cards for use in autofill and payments APIs.
* Interface for all callbacks to the payments autofill API.
* @interface
class PaymentsManager {
* Add an observer to the list of credit cards.
* @param {function(!Array<!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry>):void} listener
addCreditCardListChangedListener(listener) {}
* Remove an observer from the list of credit cards.
* @param {function(!Array<!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry>):void} listener
removeCreditCardListChangedListener(listener) {}
* Request the list of credit cards.
* @param {function(!Array<!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry>):void} callback
getCreditCardList(callback) {}
/** @param {string} guid The GUID of the credit card to remove. */
removeCreditCard(guid) {}
/** @param {string} guid The GUID to credit card to remove from the cache. */
clearCachedCreditCard(guid) {}
* Saves the given credit card.
* @param {!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry} creditCard
saveCreditCard(creditCard) {}
* Migrate the local credit cards.
migrateCreditCards() {}
* Logs that the server cards edit link was clicked.
logServerCardLinkClicked() {}
/** @typedef {chrome.autofillPrivate.CreditCardEntry} */
* Implementation that accesses the private API.
* @implements {PaymentsManager}
class PaymentsManagerImpl {
/** @override */
addCreditCardListChangedListener(listener) {
/** @override */
removeCreditCardListChangedListener(listener) {
/** @override */
getCreditCardList(callback) {
/** @override */
removeCreditCard(guid) {
/** @override */
clearCachedCreditCard(guid) {
/** @override */
saveCreditCard(creditCard) {
/** @override */
migrateCreditCards() {
/** @override */
logServerCardLinkClicked() {
(function() {
'use strict';
is: 'settings-payments-section',
behaviors: [
properties: {
* An array of saved credit cards.
* @type {!Array<!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry>}
creditCards: Array,
* The model for any credit card related action menus or dialogs.
* @private {?chrome.autofillPrivate.CreditCardEntry}
activeCreditCard: Object,
/** @private */
showCreditCardDialog_: Boolean,
/** @private */
migratableCreditCardsInfo_: String,
* The current sync status, supplied by SyncBrowserProxy.
* @type {?settings.SyncStatus}
syncStatus: Object,
* Whether migration local card on settings page is enabled.
* @private
migrationEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('migrationEnabled');
readOnly: true,
* Whether user has a Google Payments account.
* @private
hasGooglePaymentsAccount_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('hasGooglePaymentsAccount');
readOnly: true,
* Whether Autofill Upstream is enabled.
* @private
upstreamEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('upstreamEnabled');
readOnly: true,
* Whether the user has a secondary sync passphrase.
* @private
isUsingSecondaryPassphrase_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('isUsingSecondaryPassphrase');
readOnly: true,
* Whether the upload-to-google state is active.
* @private
uploadToGoogleActive_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('uploadToGoogleActive');
readOnly: true,
* Whether the domain of the user's email is allowed.
* @private
userEmailDomainAllowed_: {
type: Boolean,
value: function() {
return loadTimeData.getBoolean('userEmailDomainAllowed');
readOnly: true,
listeners: {
'save-credit-card': 'saveCreditCard_',
* The element to return focus to, when the currently active dialog is
* closed.
* @private {?HTMLElement}
activeDialogAnchor_: null,
* @type {PaymentsManager}
* @private
PaymentsManager_: null,
* @type {?function(!Array<!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry>)}
* @private
setCreditCardsListener_: null,
/** @private {?settings.SyncBrowserProxy} */
syncBrowserProxy_: null,
/** @override */
attached: function() {
// Create listener function.
/** @type {function(!Array<!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry>)} */
const setCreditCardsListener = list => {
this.creditCards = list;
// Remember the bound reference in order to detach.
this.setCreditCardsListener_ = setCreditCardsListener;
// Set the managers. These can be overridden by tests.
this.paymentsManager_ = PaymentsManagerImpl.getInstance();
// Request initial data.
// Listen for changes.
this.syncBrowserProxy_ = settings.SyncBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
'sync-status-changed', this.handleSyncStatus_.bind(this));
/** @override */
detached: function() {
/** @type {function(!Array<!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry>)} */ (
* Formats the expiration date so it's displayed as MM/YYYY.
* @param {!chrome.autofillPrivate.CreditCardEntry} item
* @return {string}
* @private
expiration_: function(item) {
return item.expirationMonth + '/' + item.expirationYear;
* Opens the credit card action menu.
* @param {!Event} e The polymer event.
* @private
onCreditCardMenuTap_: function(e) {
const menuEvent = /** @type {!{model: !{item: !Object}}} */ (e);
/* TODO(scottchen): drop the [dataHost][dataHost] once this bug is fixed: */
// TODO(dpapad): The [dataHost][dataHost] workaround is only necessary for
// Polymer 1. Remove once migration to Polymer 2 has completed.
const item = Polymer.DomIf ? menuEvent.model.item :
// Copy item so dialog won't update model on cancel.
this.activeCreditCard =
/** @type {!chrome.autofillPrivate.CreditCardEntry} */ (
Object.assign({}, item));
const dotsButton = /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (Polymer.dom(e).localTarget);
/** @type {!CrActionMenuElement} */ (this.$.creditCardSharedMenu)
this.activeDialogAnchor_ = dotsButton;
* Handles tapping on the "Add credit card" button.
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onAddCreditCardTap_: function(e) {
const date = new Date(); // Default to current month/year.
const expirationMonth = date.getMonth() + 1; // Months are 0 based.
this.activeCreditCard = {
expirationMonth: expirationMonth.toString(),
expirationYear: date.getFullYear().toString(),
this.showCreditCardDialog_ = true;
this.activeDialogAnchor_ = this.$.addCreditCard;
/** @private */
onCreditCardDialogClose_: function() {
this.showCreditCardDialog_ = false;
this.activeDialogAnchor_ = null;
this.activeCreditCard = null;
* Handles tapping on the "Edit" credit card button.
* @param {!Event} e The polymer event.
* @private
onMenuEditCreditCardTap_: function(e) {
if (this.activeCreditCard.metadata.isLocal)
this.showCreditCardDialog_ = true;
/** @private */
onRemoteEditCreditCardTap_: function() {
* Handles tapping on the "Remove" credit card button.
* @private
onMenuRemoveCreditCardTap_: function() {
/** @type {string} */ (this.activeCreditCard.guid));
this.activeCreditCard = null;
* Handles tapping on the "Clear copy" button for cached credit cards.
* @private
onMenuClearCreditCardTap_: function() {
/** @type {string} */ (this.activeCreditCard.guid));
this.activeCreditCard = null;
* Handles clicking on the "Migrate" button for migrate local credit cards.
* @private
onMigrateCreditCardsClick_: function() {
* The 3-dot menu should not be shown if the card is entirely remote.
* @param {!chrome.autofillPrivate.AutofillMetadata} metadata
* @return {boolean}
* @private
showDots_: function(metadata) {
return !!(metadata.isLocal || metadata.isCached);
* Returns true if the list exists and has items.
* @param {Array<Object>} list
* @return {boolean}
* @private
hasSome_: function(list) {
return !!(list && list.length);
* Listens for the save-credit-card event, and calls the private API.
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
saveCreditCard_: function(event) {
* Handler for when the sync state is pushed from the browser.
* @param {?settings.SyncStatus} syncStatus
* @private
handleSyncStatus_: function(syncStatus) {
this.syncStatus = syncStatus;
* @param {!settings.SyncStatus} syncStatus
* @param {!Array<!PaymentsManager.CreditCardEntry>} creditCards
* @param {boolean} creditCardEnabled
* @return {boolean} Whether to show the migration button. True iff at least
* one valid local card, enable migration, signed-in & synced and credit card
* pref enabled.
* @private
checkIfMigratable_: function(syncStatus, creditCards, creditCardEnabled) {
if (syncStatus == undefined)
return false;
// If user not enable migration experimental flag, return false.
if (!this.migrationEnabled_)
return false;
// If user does not have Google Payments Account, return false.
if (!this.hasGooglePaymentsAccount_)
return false;
// If the Autofill Upstream feature is not enabled, return false.
if (!this.upstreamEnabled_)
return false;
// Don't offer upload if user has a secondary passphrase. Users who have
// enabled a passphrase have chosen to not make their sync information
// accessible to Google. Since upload makes credit card data available
// to other Google systems, disable it for passphrase users.
if (this.isUsingSecondaryPassphrase_)
return false;
// If upload-to-Google state is not active, card cannot be saved to Google
// Payments. Return false.
if (!this.uploadToGoogleActive_)
return false;
// The domain of the user's email address is not allowed, return false.
if (!this.userEmailDomainAllowed_)
return false;
// If credit card enabled pref is false, return false.
if (!creditCardEnabled)
return false;
// If user not signed-in and synced, return false.
if (!syncStatus.signedIn || !syncStatus.syncSystemEnabled)
return false;
const numberOfMigratableCreditCard =
creditCards.filter(card => card.metadata.isMigratable).length;
// Check whether exist at least one local valid card for migration.
if (numberOfMigratableCreditCard == 0)
return false;
// Update the display text depends on the number of migratable credit cards.
this.migratableCreditCardsInfo_ = numberOfMigratableCreditCard == 1 ?
this.i18n('migratableCardsInfoSingle') :
return true;