Attempt to de-flake PartitionAllocTest.ZeroFill on small devices.

The test allocates a random but potentially very large amount of memory, and in
some cases that can cause flaking (OOM, timeouts). This CL reduces the number of
random-size allocations, putting a lower ceiling on the memory use. Let's see if
that's enough to de-flake the test while still keeping it sufficiently
stressful. If necessary, we could possibly reduce the ceiling further, but let's
start here.

Bug: 966169
Change-Id: If5e632271f0c4b7117a666e96bf1873c233f5958
Reviewed-by: Kentaro Hara <>
Commit-Queue: Chris Palmer <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#664559}
1 file changed