Revert of Snap RWHVA and resize the legacy window on Windows whenever the ancestor window's bounds change. (patchset #12 id:220001 of

Reason for revert:
Speculative, possibly caused lots of browsert_tests redness on a bot that runs browser_tests with an official build (and a different compiler, but all the redness we fixed on official builds so far were caused by the builds being official, not because of the compiler): (see

Original issue's description:
> Snap RWHVA and resize the legacy window on Windows whenever the ancestor window's bounds change.
> The bookmark bar is hidden through the fast resize code path where in the Renderer is informed about
> the actual size minus the bookmar bar before the bookmark bar is hidden. To ensure that the RWHVA is snapped
> to pixel boundaries and the legacy window is resized we observe bounds changed events on the parent of the WCVA
> window which is the NativeViewHost clipping window. Reason for doing this is the layer for the window hosted by WCVA
> verifies if the stored bounds is the same as the one coming in and ignores the change if yes.
> For more context and a general discussion of the reason why this bug happens please visit this link
> BUG=469857, 468669
> Committed:
> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#324743},,,
BUG=469857, 468669

Review URL:

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#324804}
3 files changed