blob: 830f99084ac075efd4d0e1979b704156e0db8ae1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
suite('<app-management-dom-switch>', function() {
let domSwitch;
let domBind;
setup(async function() {
const template = `
<template is="dom-bind">
<app-management-dom-switch id="switch">
<div id='child1' route-id='1'>[[property.x]]</div>
<div id='child2' route-id='2'>[[property.y]]</div>
document.body.innerHTML = template;
domSwitch = document.getElementById('switch');
// TODO(dpapad): Remove conditional when Polymer 2 migration has completed.
domBind = document.querySelector(
Polymer.DomBind ? 'dom-bind' : 'template[is=\'dom-bind\']');
test('children are attached/detached when the route changes', function() {
// No children are attached initially.
// When a child is selected, it is attached to the DOM.
domSwitch.route = '1';
// When another child is selected, it is attached and the previous child
// is detached.
domSwitch.route = '2';
test('binding to properties and paths works', function() {
// Bindings update when a parent property is changed. = {x: 1, y: 2};
domSwitch.route = '1';
let child = document.getElementById('child1');
assertEquals('1', child.textContent);
domSwitch.route = '2';
child = document.getElementById('child2');
assertEquals('2', child.textContent);
// Bindings update when a path of a parent property is changed.
domBind.set('property.x', 3);
domBind.set('property.y', 4);
assertEquals('4', child.textContent);
domSwitch.route = '1';
child = document.getElementById('child1');
assertEquals('3', child.textContent);