blob: 91c18e1834c74b6760cef8beebb958af0f1a918e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ios/chrome/browser/autofill/form_input_accessory_view_delegate.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/web_state_list/web_state_list_observer_bridge.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/web_state_observer_bridge.h"
@class ChromeCoordinator;
@protocol FormInputAccessoryConsumer;
@protocol FormInputAccessoryViewProvider;
@class JsSuggestionManager;
@class ManualFillAccessoryViewController;
class WebStateList;
namespace web {
class WebState;
// This class contains all the logic to get and provide keyboard input accessory
// views to its consumer. As well as telling the consumer when the default
// accessory view shoeuld be restored to the system default.
@interface FormInputAccessoryMediator : NSObject
// The manual fill accessory view controller to add at the end of the
// suggestions.
@property(nonatomic, weak)
ManualFillAccessoryViewController* manualFillAccessoryViewController;
// Returns a mediator observing the passed `WebStateList` and associated with
// the passed consumer. `webSateList` can be nullptr and `consumer` can be nil.
- (instancetype)initWithConsumer:(id<FormInputAccessoryConsumer>)consumer
// Unavailable, use initWithConsumer:webStateList: instead.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
// Disables suggestions updates and asks the consumer to remove the current
// ones.
- (void)disableSuggestions;
// Enables suggestions updates and sends the current ones, if any, to the
// consumer.
- (void)enableSuggestions;
// Methods to allow injection in tests.
@interface FormInputAccessoryMediator (Tests)
// The WebState this instance is observing. Can be null.
- (void)injectWebState:(web::WebState*)webState;
// The JS manager for interacting with the underlying form.
- (void)injectSuggestionManager:(JsSuggestionManager*)JSSuggestionManager;
// The objects that can provide a custom input accessory view while filling
// forms.
- (void)injectProviders:(NSArray<id<FormInputAccessoryViewProvider>>*)providers;