blob: 267f2fc42b00f5df02773946c76498461cc7d949 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file provides methods used to fill forms in JavaScript.
* @typedef {{
* name: string,
* value: string,
* form_control_type: string,
* autocomplete_attributes: string,
* max_length: number,
* is_autofilled: boolean,
* is_checkable: boolean,
* is_focusable: boolean,
* should_autocomplete: boolean,
* role: number,
* option_contents: Array<string>,
* option_values: Array<string>
* }}
var AutofillFormFieldData;
* @typedef {{
* name: string,
* origin: string,
* action: string,
* fields: Array<AutofillFormFieldData>
* }}
var AutofillFormData;
* Namespace for this file. It depends on |__gCrWeb| having already been
* injected. String 'fill' is used in |__gCrWeb['fill']| as it needs to be
* accessed in Objective-C code.
__gCrWeb.fill = {};
// Store fill namespace object in a global __gCrWeb object referenced by a
// string, so it does not get renamed by closure compiler during the
// minification.
__gCrWeb['fill'] = __gCrWeb.fill;
/* Beginning of anonymous object. */
(function() {
* The maximum length allowed for form data.
* This variable is from AutofillTable::kMaxDataLength in
* chromium/src/components/autofill/core/browser/webdata/autofill_table.h
* @const {number}
__gCrWeb.fill.MAX_DATA_LENGTH = 1024;
* The maximum number of form fields we are willing to parse, due to
* computational costs. Several examples of forms with lots of fields that are
* not relevant to Autofill: (1) the Netflix queue; (2) the Amazon wishlist;
* (3) router configuration pages; and (4) other configuration pages, e.g. for
* Google code project settings.
* This variable is |kMaxParseableFields| from
* chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h
* @const {number}
__gCrWeb.fill.MAX_PARSEABLE_FIELDS = 200;
* A bit field mask to extract data from WebFormControlElement for
* extracting none value.
* This variable is from enum ExtractMask in
* chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h
* @const {number}
__gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_NONE = 0;
* A bit field mask to extract data from WebFormControlElement for
* extracting value from WebFormControlElement.
* This variable is from enum ExtractMask in
* chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h
* @const {number}
__gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_VALUE = 1 << 0;
* A bit field mask to extract data from WebFormControlElement for
* extracting option text from WebFormSelectElement. Only valid when
* EXTRACT_MASK_VALUE is set. This is used for form submission where human
* readable value is captured.
* This variable is from enum ExtractMask in
* chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h
* @const {number}
__gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_OPTION_TEXT = 1 << 1;
* A bit field mask to extract data from WebFormControlElement for
* extracting options from WebFormControlElement.
* This variable is from enum ExtractMask in
* chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h
* @const {number}
__gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_OPTIONS = 1 << 2;
* A value for the "presentation" role.
* This variable is from enum RoleAttribute in
* chromium/src/components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h
* @const {number}
* Returns true if an element can be autocompleted.
* This method aims to provide the same logic as method
* bool autoComplete() const
* in chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/
* WebFormElement.cpp.
* @param {Element} element An element to check if it can be autocompleted.
* @return {boolean} true if element can be autocompleted.
__gCrWeb.fill.autoComplete = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return false;
if (__gCrWeb.common.getLowerCaseAttribute(element, 'autocomplete') == 'off') {
return false;
if (__gCrWeb.common.getLowerCaseAttribute(element.form, 'autocomplete') ==
'off') {
return false;
return true;
* Sets the value of a data-bound input using AngularJS.
* The method first set the value using the val() method. Then, if input is
* bound to a model value, it sets the model value.
* Documentation of relevant modules of AngularJS can be found at
* @param {string} value The value the input element will be set.
* @param {Element} input The input element of which the value is set.
function setInputElementAngularValue_(value, input) {
if (!input || !window['angular']) {
var angular_element =
window['angular'].element && window['angular'].element(input);
if (!angular_element) {
var angular_model = &&'ngModel');
var angular_scope = angular_element.scope();
if (!angular_model || !angular_scope) {
function(parse) {
var setter = parse(angular_model);
setter.assign(angular_scope, value);
* Sets the value of an input, dispatches the events on the changed element and
* call |callback| if it is defined.
* It is based on the logic in
* void setValue(const WebString&, bool sendChangeEvent = false)
* in chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/src/
* WebInputElement.cpp, which calls
* void setValue(const String& value, TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior)
* or
* void setChecked(bool nowChecked, TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior)
* in chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/HTMLInputElement.cpp.
* @param {string} value The value the input element will be set.
* @param {Element} input The input element of which the value is set.
* @param {function()=} callback Callback function with a boolean
* argument that indicates if the input element's value was changed.
__gCrWeb.fill.setInputElementValue = function(
value, input, callback = undefined) {
if (!input) return;
var activeElement = document.activeElement;
if (input != activeElement) {
activeElement, value, 'blur', true, false);
input, value, 'focus', true, false);
setInputElementValue_(value, input);
if (callback) callback();
if (input != activeElement) {
__gCrWeb.fill.createAndDispatchHTMLEvent(input, value, 'blur', true, false);
activeElement, value, 'focus', true, false);
* Internal function to set the element value.
* @param {string} value The value the input element will be set.
* @param {Element} input The input element of which the value is set.
function setInputElementValue_(value, input) {
var propertyName = (input.type === 'checkbox' || input.type === 'radio') ?
'checked' :
if (input.type !== 'select-one' && input.type !== 'checkbox' &&
input.type !== 'radio') {
// In HTMLInputElement.cpp there is a check on canSetValue(value), which
// returns false only for file input. As file input is not relevant for
// autofill and this method is only used for autofill for now, there is no
// such check in this implementation.
value = __gCrWeb.fill.sanitizeValueForInputElement(value, input);
// Return early if the value hasn't changed.
if (input[propertyName] == value) return;
// When the user inputs a value in an HTMLInput field, the property setter is
// not called. The different frameworks often call it explicitly when
// receiving the input event.
// This is probably due to the sync between the HTML object and the DOM
// object.
// The sequence of event is: User input -> input event -> setter.
// When the property is set programmatically (input.value = 'foo'), the setter
// is called immediately (then probably called again on the input event)
// JS input -> setter.
// The only way to emulate the user behavior is to override the property
// The getter will return the new value to emulate the fact the the HTML
// value was updated without calling the setter.
// The setter simply forwards the set to the older property descriptor.
// Once the setter has been called, just forward get and set calls.
var oldPropertyDescriptor = /** @type {!Object} */ (
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(input, propertyName));
var overrideProperty =
oldPropertyDescriptor && oldPropertyDescriptor.configurable;
var setterCalled = false;
if (overrideProperty) {
var newProperty = {
get: function() {
if (setterCalled && oldPropertyDescriptor.get) {
// Simulate the fact that the HTML value has been set but not yet the
// property.
return value + '';
configurable: true
if (oldPropertyDescriptor.set) {
newProperty.set = function(e) {
setterCalled = true;, value);
Object.defineProperty(input, propertyName, newProperty);
} else {
setterCalled = true;
input[propertyName] = value;
if (window['angular']) {
// The page uses the AngularJS framework. Update the angular value before
// sending events.
setInputElementAngularValue_(value, input);
__gCrWeb.fill.notifyElementValueChanged(input, value);
if (overrideProperty) {
Object.defineProperty(input, propertyName, oldPropertyDescriptor);
if (!setterCalled && input[propertyName] != value) {
// The setter was never called. This may be intentional (the framework
// ignored the input event) or not (the event did not conform to what
// framework expected). The whole function will likely fail, but try to
// set the value directly as a last try.
input[propertyName] = value;
* Returns a sanitized value of proposedValue for a given input element type.
* The logic is based on
* String sanitizeValue(const String&) const
* in chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/InputType.h
* @param {string} proposedValue The proposed value.
* @param {Element} element The element for which the proposedValue is to be
* sanitized.
* @return {string} The sanitized value.
__gCrWeb.fill.sanitizeValueForInputElement = function(proposedValue, element) {
if (!proposedValue) {
return '';
// Method HTMLInputElement::sanitizeValue() calls InputType::sanitizeValue()
// (chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/InputType.cpp) for
// non-null proposedValue. InputType::sanitizeValue() returns the original
// proposedValue by default and it is overridden in classes
// BaseDateAndTimeInputType, ColorInputType, RangeInputType and
// TextFieldInputType (all are in
// chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/). Currently only
// TextFieldInputType is relevant and sanitizeValue() for other types of
// input elements has not been implemented.
if (__gCrWeb.common.isTextField(element)) {
return __gCrWeb.fill.sanitizeValueForTextFieldInputType(
proposedValue, element);
return proposedValue;
* Returns a sanitized value for a text field.
* The logic is based on |String sanitizeValue(const String&)|
* in chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/TextFieldInputType.h
* Note this method is overridden in EmailInputType and NumberInputType.
* @param {string} proposedValue The proposed value.
* @param {Element} element The element for which the proposedValue is to be
* sanitized.
* @return {string} The sanitized value.
__gCrWeb.fill.sanitizeValueForTextFieldInputType = function(
proposedValue, element) {
var textFieldElementType = element.type;
if (textFieldElementType === 'email') {
return __gCrWeb.fill.sanitizeValueForEmailInputType(proposedValue, element);
} else if (textFieldElementType === 'number') {
return __gCrWeb.fill.sanitizeValueForNumberInputType(proposedValue);
var valueWithLineBreakRemoved = proposedValue.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '');
// TODO(chenyu): Should we also implement numCharactersInGraphemeClusters()
// in chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/platform/text/
// TextBreakIterator.cpp and call it here when computing newLength?
// Different from the implementation in TextFieldInputType.h, where a limit
// on the text length is considered due to
//, no such limit is
// considered here for now.
var newLength = valueWithLineBreakRemoved.length;
// This logic is from method String limitLength() in TextFieldInputType.h
for (var i = 0; i < newLength; ++i) {
var current = valueWithLineBreakRemoved[i];
if (current < ' ' && current != '\t') {
newLength = i;
return valueWithLineBreakRemoved.substring(0, newLength);
* Returns the sanitized value for an email input.
* The logic is based on
* String EmailInputType::sanitizeValue(const String& proposedValue) const
* in chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/EmailInputType.cpp
* @param {string} proposedValue The proposed value.
* @param {Element} element The element for which the proposedValue is to be
* sanitized.
* @return {string} The sanitized value.
__gCrWeb.fill.sanitizeValueForEmailInputType = function(
proposedValue, element) {
var valueWithLineBreakRemoved = proposedValue.replace(/(\r\n|\n\r)/gm, '');
if (!element.multiple) {
return __gCrWeb.common.trim(proposedValue);
var addresses = valueWithLineBreakRemoved.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; ++i) {
addresses[i] = __gCrWeb.common.trim(addresses[i]);
return addresses.join(',');
* Returns the sanitized value of a proposed value for a number input.
* The logic is based on
* String NumberInputType::sanitizeValue(const String& proposedValue)
* const
* in chromium/src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/html/NumberInputType.cpp
* Note in this implementation method Number() is used in the place of method
* parseToDoubleForNumberType() called in NumberInputType.cpp.
* @param {string} proposedValue The proposed value.
* @return {string} The sanitized value.
__gCrWeb.fill.sanitizeValueForNumberInputType = function(proposedValue) {
var sanitizedValue = Number(proposedValue);
if (isNaN(sanitizedValue)) {
return '';
return sanitizedValue.toString();
* Trims any whitespace from the start and end of a string.
* Used in preference to String.prototype.trim as this can be overridden by
* sites.
* @param {string} str The string to be trimmed.
* @return {string} The string after trimming.
* Creates and sends notification that element has changed.
* Send events that 'mimic' the user typing in a field.
* 'input' event is often use in case of a text field, and 'change'event is
* more often used in case of selects.
* @param {Element} element The element that changed.
__gCrWeb.fill.notifyElementValueChanged = function(element, value) {
element, value, 'keydown', true, false);
element, value, 'keypress', true, false);
element, value, 'input', true, false);
element, value, 'keyup', true, false);
element, value, 'change', true, false);
* Creates and dispatches an HTML event.
* @param {Element} element The element for which an event is created.
* @param {string} type The type of the event.
* @param {boolean} bubbles A boolean indicating whether the event should
* bubble up through the event chain or not.
* @param {boolean} cancelable A boolean indicating whether the event can be
* canceled.
__gCrWeb.fill.createAndDispatchHTMLEvent = function(
element, value, type, bubbles, cancelable) {
var event =
new Event(type, {bubbles: bubbles, cancelable: cancelable, data: value});
if (type == 'input') {
event.inputType = 'insertText';
* Returns a canonical action for |formElement|. It works the same as upstream
* function GetCanonicalActionForForm.
* @param {HTMLFormElement} formElement
* @return {string} Canonical action.
__gCrWeb.fill.getCanonicalActionForForm = function(formElement) {
var rawAction = formElement.getAttribute('action') || '';
var absoluteUrl =
__gCrWeb.common.absoluteURL(formElement.ownerDocument, rawAction);
return __gCrWeb.common.removeQueryAndReferenceFromURL(absoluteUrl);
* Extracts fields from |controlElements| with |extractMask| to |formFields|.
* The extracted fields are also placed in |elementArray|.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool ExtractFieldsFromControlElements(
* const WebVector<WebFormControlElement>& control_elements,
* const FieldValueAndPropertiesMaskMap* field_value_and_properties_map,
* ExtractMask extract_mask,
* std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FormFieldData>>* form_fields,
* std::vector<bool>* fields_extracted,
* std::map<WebFormControlElement, FormFieldData*>* element_map)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* TODO(thestig): Make |element_map| a Map when Chrome makes iOS 8 and Safari 8
* part of the minimal requirements.
* @param {Array<FormControlElement>} controlElements The control elements that
* will be processed.
* @param {number} extractMask Mask controls what data is extracted from
* controlElements.
* @param {Array<AutofillFormFieldData>} formFields The extracted form fields.
* @param {Array<boolean>} fieldsExtracted Indicates whether the fields were
* extracted.
* @param {Array<?AutofillFormFieldData>} elementArray The extracted form
* fields or null if a particular control has no corresponding field.
* @return {boolean} Whether there are fields and not too many fields in the
* form.
function extractFieldsFromControlElements_(
controlElements, extractMask, formFields, fieldsExtracted, elementArray) {
for (var i = 0; i < controlElements.length; ++i) {
fieldsExtracted[i] = false;
elementArray[i] = null;
/** @type {FormControlElement} */
var controlElement = controlElements[i];
if (!__gCrWeb.fill.isAutofillableElement(controlElement)) {
// Create a new AutofillFormFieldData, fill it out and map it to the
// field's name.
var formField = new __gCrWeb['common'].JSONSafeObject;
controlElement, extractMask, formField);
elementArray[i] = formField;
fieldsExtracted[i] = true;
// To avoid overly expensive computation, we impose a maximum number of
// allowable fields.
if (formFields.length > __gCrWeb.fill.MAX_PARSEABLE_FIELDS) {
return false;
return formFields.length > 0;
* Check if the node is visible.
* @param {Node} node The node to be processed.
* @return {boolean} Whether the node is visible or not.
function isVisibleNode_(node) {
if (!node) return false;
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(/** @type {Element} */ (node));
if (style.visibility == 'hidden' || style.display == 'none') return false;
// Verify all ancestors are focusable.
return !node.parentNode || isVisibleNode_(node.parentNode);
* For each label element, get the corresponding form control element, use the
* form control element along with |controlElements| and |elementArray| to find
* the previously created AutofillFormFieldData and set the
* AutofillFormFieldData's label to the label.firstChild().nodeValue() of the
* label element.
* It is based on the logic in
* void MatchLabelsAndFields(
* const WebElementCollection& labels,
* std::map<WebFormControlElement, FormFieldData*>* element_map);
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* This differs in that it takes a formElement field, instead of calling
* field_element.isFormControlElement().
* This also uses (|controlElements|, |elementArray|) because there is no
* guaranteeded Map support on iOS yet.
* @param {NodeList} labels The labels to match.
* @param {HTMLFormElement} formElement The form element being processed.
* @param {Array<FormControlElement>} controlElements The control elements that
* were processed.
* @param {Array<?AutofillFormFieldData>} elementArray The extracted fields.
function matchLabelsAndFields_(
labels, formElement, controlElements, elementArray) {
for (var index = 0; index < labels.length; ++index) {
var label = labels[index];
var fieldElement = label.control;
var fieldData = null;
if (!fieldElement) {
// Sometimes site authors will incorrectly specify the corresponding
// field element's name rather than its id, so we compensate here.
var elementName = label.htmlFor;
if (!elementName) continue;
// Look through the list for elements with this name. There can actually
// be more than one. In this case, the label may not be particularly
// useful, so just discard it.
for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementArray.length;
++elementIndex) {
var currentFieldData = elementArray[elementIndex];
if (currentFieldData && currentFieldData['name'] === elementName) {
if (fieldData !== null) {
fieldData = null;
} else {
fieldData = currentFieldData;
} else if (
fieldElement.form != formElement || fieldElement.type === 'hidden') {
} else {
// Typical case: look up |fieldData| in |elementArray|.
for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < elementArray.length;
++elementIndex) {
if (controlElements[elementIndex] === fieldElement) {
fieldData = elementArray[elementIndex];
if (!fieldData) continue;
if (!('label' in fieldData)) {
fieldData['label'] = '';
var labelText = __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(label);
// Concatenate labels because some sites might have multiple label
// candidates.
if (fieldData['label'].length > 0 && labelText.length > 0) {
fieldData['label'] += ' ';
fieldData['label'] += labelText;
* Common function shared by webFormElementToFormData() and
* unownedFormElementsAndFieldSetsToFormData(). Either pass in:
* 1) |formElement|, |formControlElement| and an empty |fieldsets|.
* or
* 2) a non-empty |fieldsets|.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool FormOrFieldsetsToFormData(
* const blink::WebFormElement* form_element,
* const blink::WebFormControlElement* form_control_element,
* const std::vector<blink::WebElement>& fieldsets,
* const WebVector<WebFormControlElement>& control_elements,
* ExtractMask extract_mask,
* FormData* form,
* FormFieldData* field)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {HTMLFormElement} formElement The form element that will be processed.
* @param {FormControlElement} formControlElement A control element in
* formElment, the FormField of which will be returned in field.
* @param {Array<Element>} fieldsets The fieldsets to look through if
* formElement and formControlElement are not specified.
* @param {Array<FormControlElement>} controlElements The control elements that
* will be processed.
* @param {number} extractMask Mask controls what data is extracted from
* formElement.
* @param {Object} form Form to fill in the AutofillFormData
* information of formElement.
* @param {?AutofillFormFieldData} field Field to fill in the form field
* information of formControlElement.
* @return {boolean} Whether there are fields and not too many fields in the
* form.
__gCrWeb.fill.formOrFieldsetsToFormData = function(
formElement, formControlElement, fieldsets, controlElements, extractMask,
form, field) {
// This should be a map from a control element to the AutofillFormFieldData.
// However, without Map support, it's just an Array of AutofillFormFieldData.
var elementArray = [];
// The extracted FormFields.
var formFields = [];
// A vector of bools that indicate whether each element in |controlElements|
// meets the requirements and thus will be in the resulting |form|.
var fieldsExtracted = [];
if (!extractFieldsFromControlElements_(
controlElements, extractMask, formFields, fieldsExtracted,
elementArray)) {
return false;
if (formElement) {
// Loop through the label elements inside the form element. For each label
// element, get the corresponding form control element, use the form control
// element along with |controlElements| and |elementArray| to find the
// previously created AutofillFormFieldData and set the
// AutofillFormFieldData's label.
var labels = formElement.getElementsByTagName('label');
matchLabelsAndFields_(labels, formElement, controlElements, elementArray);
} else {
// Same as the if block, but for all the labels in fieldset
for (var i = 0; i < fieldsets.length; ++i) {
var labels = fieldsets[i].getElementsByTagName('label');
matchLabelsAndFields_(labels, formElement, controlElements, elementArray);
// Loop through the form control elements, extracting the label text from
// the DOM. We use the |fieldsExtracted| vector to make sure we assign the
// extracted label to the correct field, as it's possible |form_fields| will
// not contain all of the elements in |control_elements|.
for (var i = 0, fieldIdx = 0;
i < controlElements.length && fieldIdx < formFields.length; ++i) {
// This field didn't meet the requirements, so don't try to find a label
// for it.
if (!fieldsExtracted[i]) continue;
var controlElement = controlElements[i];
var currentField = formFields[fieldIdx];
if (!currentField['label']) {
currentField['label'] =
if (currentField['label'].length > __gCrWeb.fill.MAX_DATA_LENGTH) {
currentField['label'] =
currentField['label'].substr(0, __gCrWeb.fill.MAX_DATA_LENGTH);
if (controlElement === formControlElement) field = formFields[fieldIdx];
form['fields'] = formFields;
// Protect against custom implementation of Array.toJSON in host pages.
form['fields'].toJSON = null;
return true;
* Fills |form| with the form data object corresponding to the
* |formElement|. If |field| is non-NULL, also fills |field| with the
* FormField object corresponding to the |formControlElement|.
* |extract_mask| controls what data is extracted.
* Returns true if |form| is filled out. Returns false if there are no
* fields or too many fields in the |form|.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool WebFormElementToFormData(
* const blink::WebFormElement& form_element,
* const blink::WebFormControlElement& form_control_element,
* ExtractMask extract_mask,
* FormData* form,
* FormFieldData* field)
* in
* chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {HTMLFrameElement|Window} frame The window or frame where the
* formElement is in.
* @param {HTMLFormElement} formElement The form element that will be processed.
* @param {FormControlElement} formControlElement A control element in
* formElment, the FormField of which will be returned in field.
* @param {number} extractMask Mask controls what data is extracted from
* formElement.
* @param {Object} form Form to fill in the AutofillFormData
* information of formElement.
* @param {?AutofillFormFieldData} field Field to fill in the form field
* information of formControlElement.
* @return {boolean} Whether there are fields and not too many fields in the
* form.
__gCrWeb.fill.webFormElementToFormData = function(
frame, formElement, formControlElement, extractMask, form, field) {
if (!frame) {
return false;
form['name'] = __gCrWeb.form.getFormIdentifier(formElement);
form['origin'] =
form['action'] = __gCrWeb.fill.getCanonicalActionForForm(formElement);
// The raw name and id attributes, which may be empty.
form['name_attribute'] = formElement.getAttribute('name') || '';
form['id_attribute'] = formElement.getAttribute('id') || '';
// Note different from version of this method, which
// computes |form.action| using document.completeURL(form_element.action())
// and falls back to formElement.action() if the computed action is invalid,
// here the action returned by |__gCrWeb.common.absoluteURL| is always
// valid, which is computed by creating a <a> element, and we don't check if
// the action is valid.
var controlElements = __gCrWeb.form.getFormControlElements(formElement);
return __gCrWeb.fill.formOrFieldsetsToFormData(
formElement, formControlElement, [] /* fieldsets */, controlElements,
extractMask, form, field);
* Returns is the tag of an |element| is tag.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool HasTagName(const WebNode& node, const blink::WebString& tag)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {Node} node Node to examine.
* @param {string} tag Tag name.
* @return {boolean} Whether the tag of node is tag.
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName = function(node, tag) {
return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
/** @type {Element} */ (node).tagName === tag.toUpperCase();
* Checks if an element is autofillable.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool IsAutofillableElement(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {boolean} Whether element is one of the element types that can be
* autofilled.
__gCrWeb.fill.isAutofillableElement = function(element) {
return __gCrWeb.fill.isAutofillableInputElement(element) ||
__gCrWeb.fill.isSelectElement(element) ||
* Trims whitespace from the start of the input string.
* Simplified version of string_util::TrimWhitespace.
* @param {string} input String to trim.
* @return {string} The |input| string without leading whitespace.
__gCrWeb.fill.trimWhitespaceLeading = function(input) {
return input.replace(/^\s+/gm, '');
* Trims whitespace from the end of the input string.
* Simplified version of string_util::TrimWhitespace.
* @param {string} input String to trim.
* @return {string} The |input| string without trailing whitespace.
__gCrWeb.fill.trimWhitespaceTrailing = function(input) {
return input.replace(/\s+$/gm, '');
* Appends |suffix| to |prefix| so that any intermediary whitespace is collapsed
* to a single space. If |force_whitespace| is true, then the resulting string
* is guaranteed to have a space between |prefix| and |suffix|. Otherwise, the
* result includes a space only if |prefix| has trailing whitespace or |suffix|
* has leading whitespace.
* A few examples:
* CombineAndCollapseWhitespace('foo', 'bar', false) -> 'foobar'
* CombineAndCollapseWhitespace('foo', 'bar', true) -> 'foo bar'
* CombineAndCollapseWhitespace('foo ', 'bar', false) -> 'foo bar'
* CombineAndCollapseWhitespace('foo', ' bar', false) -> 'foo bar'
* CombineAndCollapseWhitespace('foo', ' bar', true) -> 'foo bar'
* CombineAndCollapseWhitespace('foo ', ' bar', false) -> 'foo bar'
* CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(' foo', 'bar ', false) -> ' foobar '
* CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(' foo', 'bar ', true) -> ' foo bar '
* It is based on the logic in
* const string16 CombineAndCollapseWhitespace(const string16& prefix,
* const string16& suffix,
* bool force_whitespace)
* @param {string} prefix The prefix string in the string combination.
* @param {string} suffix The suffix string in the string combination.
* @param {boolean} forceWhitespace A boolean indicating if whitespace should
* be added as separator in the combination.
* @return {string} The combined string.
__gCrWeb.fill.combineAndCollapseWhitespace = function(
prefix, suffix, forceWhitespace) {
var prefixTrimmed = __gCrWeb.fill.trimWhitespaceTrailing(prefix);
var prefixTrailingWhitespace = prefixTrimmed != prefix;
var suffixTrimmed = __gCrWeb.fill.trimWhitespaceLeading(suffix);
var suffixLeadingWhitespace = suffixTrimmed != suffix;
if (prefixTrailingWhitespace || suffixLeadingWhitespace || forceWhitespace) {
return prefixTrimmed + ' ' + suffixTrimmed;
} else {
return prefixTrimmed + suffixTrimmed;
* This is a helper function for the findChildText() function (see below).
* Search depth is limited with the |depth| parameter.
* Based on form_autofill_util::FindChildTextInner().
* @param {Node} node The node to fetch the text content from.
* @param {number} depth The maximum depth to descend on the DOM.
* @param {Array<Node>} divsToSkip List of <div> tags to ignore if encountered.
* @return {string} The discovered and adapted string.
__gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextInner = function(node, depth, divsToSkip) {
if (depth <= 0 || !node) {
return '';
// Skip over comments.
if (node.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
return __gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextInner(
node.nextSibling, depth - 1, divsToSkip);
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return '';
// Ignore elements known not to contain inferable labels.
if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (node.tagName === 'OPTION' || node.tagName === 'SCRIPT' ||
node.tagName === 'NOSCRIPT') {
return '';
if (__gCrWeb.form.isFormControlElement(/** @type {Element} */ (node))) {
var input = /** @type {FormControlElement} */ (node);
if (__gCrWeb.fill.isAutofillableElement(input)) {
return '';
if (node.tagName === 'DIV') {
for (var i = 0; i < divsToSkip.length; ++i) {
if (node === divsToSkip[i]) {
return '';
// Extract the text exactly at this node.
var nodeText = __gCrWeb.fill.nodeValue(node);
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && !nodeText) {
// In the C++ version, this text node would have been stripped completely.
// Just pass the buck.
return __gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextInner(
node.nextSibling, depth, divsToSkip);
// Recursively compute the children's text.
// Preserve inter-element whitespace separation.
var childText =
__gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextInner(node.firstChild, depth - 1, divsToSkip);
var addSpace = node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && !nodeText;
// Emulate apparently incorrect Chromium behavior tracked in
addSpace = false;
nodeText =
__gCrWeb.fill.combineAndCollapseWhitespace(nodeText, childText, addSpace);
// Recursively compute the siblings' text.
// Again, preserve inter-element whitespace separation.
var siblingText =
__gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextInner(node.nextSibling, depth - 1, divsToSkip);
addSpace = node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && !nodeText;
// Emulate apparently incorrect Chromium behavior tracked in
addSpace = false;
nodeText = __gCrWeb.fill.combineAndCollapseWhitespace(
nodeText, siblingText, addSpace);
return nodeText;
* Same as findChildText() below, but with a list of div nodes to skip.
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 FindChildTextWithIgnoreList(
* const WebNode& node,
* const std::set<WebNode>& divs_to_skip)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {Node} node A node of which the child text will be return.
* @param {Array<Node>} divsToSkip List of <div> tags to ignore if encountered.
* @return {string} The child text.
__gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextWithIgnoreList = function(node, divsToSkip) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) return __gCrWeb.fill.nodeValue(node);
var child = node.firstChild;
var kChildSearchDepth = 10;
var nodeText =
__gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextInner(child, kChildSearchDepth, divsToSkip);
nodeText = nodeText.trim();
return nodeText;
* Returns the aggregated values of the descendants of |element| that are
* non-empty text nodes.
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 FindChildText(const WebNode& node)
* chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/,
* which is a faster alternative to |innerText()| for performance critical
* operations.
* @param {Node} node A node of which the child text will be return.
* @return {string} The child text.
__gCrWeb.fill.findChildText = function(node) {
return __gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextWithIgnoreList(node, []);
* Shared function for InferLabelFromPrevious() and InferLabelFromNext().
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromSibling(const WebFormControlElement& element,
* bool forward)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @param {boolean} forward whether to search for the next or previous element.
* @return {string} The label of element or an empty string if there is no
* sibling or no label.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromSibling = function(element, forward) {
var inferredLabel = '';
var sibling = element;
if (!sibling) {
return '';
while (true) {
if (forward) {
sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
} else {
sibling = sibling.previousSibling;
if (!sibling) {
// Skip over comments.
var nodeType = sibling.nodeType;
if (nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
// Otherwise, only consider normal HTML elements and their contents.
if (nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE && nodeType != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// A label might be split across multiple "lightweight" nodes.
// Coalesce any text contained in multiple consecutive
// (a) plain text nodes or
// (b) inline HTML elements that are essentially equivalent to text nodes.
if (nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || __gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(sibling, 'b') ||
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(sibling, 'strong') ||
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(sibling, 'span') ||
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(sibling, 'font')) {
var value = __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(sibling);
// A text node's value will be empty if it is for a line break.
var addSpace = nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && value.length === 0;
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.combineAndCollapseWhitespace(
value, inferredLabel, addSpace);
// If we have identified a partial label and have reached a non-lightweight
// element, consider the label to be complete.
var trimmedLabel = inferredLabel.trim();
if (trimmedLabel.length > 0) {
// <img> and <br> tags often appear between the input element and its
// label text, so skip over them.
if (__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(sibling, 'img') ||
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(sibling, 'br')) {
// We only expect <p> and <label> tags to contain the full label text.
if (__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(sibling, 'p') ||
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(sibling, 'label')) {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(sibling);
return inferredLabel.trim();
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* a previous sibling of |element|,
* e.g. Some Text <input ...>
* or Some <span>Text</span> <input ...>
* or <p>Some Text</p><input ...>
* or <label>Some Text</label> <input ...>
* or Some Text <img><input ...>
* or <b>Some Text</b><br/> <input ...>.
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromPrevious(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromPrevious = function(element) {
return __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromSibling(element, false);
* Same as InferLabelFromPrevious(), but in the other direction.
* Useful for cases like: <span><input type="checkbox">Label For Checkbox</span>
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromNext(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromNext = function(element) {
return __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromSibling(element, true);
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* the placeholder attribute.
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromPlaceholder(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromPlaceholder = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return '';
return element.placeholder || element.getAttribute('placeholder') || '';
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* the aria-label attribute.
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromAriaLabel(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromAriaLabel = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return '';
return element.getAttribute('aria-label') || '';
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* the value attribute when it is present and user has not typed in (if
* element's value attribute is same as the element's value).
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromValueAttr(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.InferLabelFromValueAttr = function(element) {
if (!element || !element.value || !element.hasAttribute('value') ||
element.value != element.getAttribute('value')) {
return '';
return element.value;
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that tests if an inferred label is valid
* or not. A valid label is a label that does not only contains special
* characters.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool IsLabelValid(base::StringPiece16 inferred_label,
* const std::vector<base::char16>& stop_words)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* The list of characters that are considered special is hard-coded in a regexp.
* @param {string} label An element to examine.
* @return {boolean} Whether the label contains not special characters.
__gCrWeb.fill.IsLabelValid = function(label) {
return[^ *:()\u2013-]/) >= 0;
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* enclosing list item, e.g.
* <li>Some Text<input ...><input ...><input ...></li>
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromListItem(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromListItem = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return '';
var parentNode = element.parentNode;
while (parentNode && parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
!__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(parentNode, 'li')) {
parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
if (parentNode && __gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(parentNode, 'li'))
return __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(parentNode);
return '';
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* surrounding table structure,
* e.g. <tr><td>Some Text</td><td><input ...></td></tr>
* or <tr><th>Some Text</th><td><input ...></td></tr>
* or <tr><td><b>Some Text</b></td><td><b><input ...></b></td></tr>
* or <tr><th><b>Some Text</b></th><td><b><input ...></b></td></tr>
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromTableColumn(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromTableColumn = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return '';
var parentNode = element.parentNode;
while (parentNode && parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
!__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(parentNode, 'td')) {
parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
if (!parentNode) {
return '';
// Check all previous siblings, skipping non-element nodes, until we find a
// non-empty text block.
var inferredLabel = '';
var previous = parentNode.previousSibling;
while (inferredLabel.length === 0 && previous) {
if (__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(previous, 'td') ||
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(previous, 'th')) {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(previous);
previous = previous.previousSibling;
return inferredLabel;
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* surrounding table structure,
* e.g. <tr><td>Some Text</td></tr><tr><td><input ...></td></tr>
* If there are multiple cells and the row with the input matches up with the
* previous row, then look for a specific cell within the previous row.
* e.g. <tr><td>Input 1 label</td><td>Input 2 label</td></tr>
* <tr><td><input name="input 1"></td><td><input name="input2"></td></tr>
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromTableRow(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromTableRow = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return '';
var cell = element.parentNode;
while (cell) {
if (cell.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(cell, 'td')) {
cell = cell.parentNode;
// Not in a cell - bail out.
if (!cell) {
return '';
// Count the cell holding |element|.
var cellCount = cell.colSpan;
var cellPosition = 0;
var cellPositionEnd = cellCount - 1;
// Count cells to the left to figure out |element|'s cell's position.
var cellIterator = cell.previousSibling;
while (cellIterator) {
if (cellIterator.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(cellIterator, 'td')) {
cellPosition += cellIterator.colSpan;
cellIterator = cellIterator.previousSibling;
// Count cells to the right.
cellIterator = cell.nextSibling;
while (cellIterator) {
if (cellIterator.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(cellIterator, 'td')) {
cellCount += cellIterator.colSpan;
cellIterator = cellIterator.nextSibling;
// Combine left + right.
cellCount += cellPosition;
cellPositionEnd += cellPosition;
// Find the current row.
var parentNode = element.parentNode;
while (parentNode && parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
!__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(parentNode, 'tr')) {
parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
if (!parentNode) {
return '';
// Now find the previous row.
var rowIt = parentNode.previousSibling;
while (rowIt) {
if (rowIt.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(parentNode, 'tr')) {
rowIt = rowIt.previousSibling;
// If there exists a previous row, check its cells and size. If they align
// with the current row, infer the label from the cell above.
if (rowIt) {
var matchingCell = null;
var prevRowCount = 0;
var prevRowIt = rowIt.firstChild;
while (prevRowIt) {
if (prevRowIt.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(prevRowIt, 'td') ||
__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(prevRowIt, 'th')) {
var span = prevRowIt.colSpan;
var prevRowCountEnd = prevRowCount + span - 1;
if (prevRowCount === cellPosition &&
prevRowCountEnd === cellPositionEnd) {
matchingCell = prevRowIt;
prevRowCount += span;
prevRowIt = prevRowIt.nextSibling;
if (cellCount === prevRowCount && matchingCell) {
var inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(matchingCell);
if (inferredLabel.length > 0) {
return inferredLabel;
// If there is no previous row, or if the previous row and current row do not
// align, check all previous siblings, skipping non-element nodes, until we
// find a non-empty text block.
var inferredLabel = '';
var previous = parentNode.previousSibling;
while (inferredLabel.length === 0 && previous) {
if (__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(previous, 'tr')) {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(previous);
previous = previous.previousSibling;
return inferredLabel;
* Returns true if |node| is an element and it is a container type that
* inferLabelForElement() can traverse.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool IsTraversableContainerElement(const WebNode& node);
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {!Node} node The node to be examined.
* @return {boolean} Whether it can be traversed.
__gCrWeb.fill.isTraversableContainerElement = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return false;
var tagName = /** @type {Element} */ (node).tagName;
return (
tagName === 'DD' || tagName === 'DIV' || tagName === 'FIELDSET' ||
tagName === 'LI' || tagName === 'TD' || tagName === 'TABLE');
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* an enclosing label.
* e.g. <label>Some Text<span><input ...></span></label>
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromEnclosingLabel(
* const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromEnclosingLabel = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return '';
var node = element.parentNode;
while (node && !__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(node, 'label')) {
node = node.parentNode;
if (node) {
return __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(node);
return '';
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* a surrounding div table,
* e.g. <div>Some Text<span><input ...></span></div>
* e.g. <div>Some Text</div><div><input ...></div>
* Because this is already traversing the <div> structure, if it finds a <label>
* sibling along the way, infer from that <label>.
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromDivTable(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromDivTable = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return '';
var node = element.parentNode;
var lookingForParent = true;
var divsToSkip = [];
// Search the sibling and parent <div>s until we find a candidate label.
var inferredLabel = '';
while (inferredLabel.length === 0 && node) {
if (__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(node, 'div')) {
if (lookingForParent) {
inferredLabel =
__gCrWeb.fill.findChildTextWithIgnoreList(node, divsToSkip);
} else {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(node);
// Avoid sibling DIVs that contain autofillable fields.
if (!lookingForParent && inferredLabel.length > 0) {
var resultElement = node.querySelector('input, select, textarea');
if (resultElement) {
inferredLabel = '';
var addDiv = true;
for (var i = 0; i < divsToSkip.length; ++i) {
if (node === divsToSkip[i]) {
addDiv = false;
if (addDiv) {
lookingForParent = false;
} else if (!lookingForParent && __gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(node, 'label')) {
if (!node.control) {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(node);
} else if (
lookingForParent && __gCrWeb.fill.isTraversableContainerElement(node)) {
// If the element is in a non-div container, its label most likely is too.
if (!node.previousSibling) {
// If there are no more siblings, continue walking up the tree.
lookingForParent = true;
if (lookingForParent) {
node = node.parentNode;
} else {
node = node.previousSibling;
return inferredLabel;
* Helper for |InferLabelForElement()| that infers a label, if possible, from
* a surrounding definition list,
* e.g. <dl><dt>Some Text</dt><dd><input ...></dd></dl>
* e.g. <dl><dt><b>Some Text</b></dt><dd><b><input ...></b></dd></dl>
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelFromDefinitionList(
* const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The label of element.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromDefinitionList = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return '';
var parentNode = element.parentNode;
while (parentNode && parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
!__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(parentNode, 'dd')) {
parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
if (!parentNode || !__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(parentNode, 'dd')) {
return '';
// Skip by any intervening text nodes.
var previous = parentNode.previousSibling;
while (previous && previous.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
previous = previous.previousSibling;
if (!previous || !__gCrWeb.fill.hasTagName(previous, 'dt')) return '';
return __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(previous);
* Returns the element type for all ancestor nodes in CAPS, starting with the
* parent node.
* It is based on the logic in
* std::vector<std::string> AncestorTagNames(
* const WebFormControlElement& element);
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {Array} The element types for all ancestors.
__gCrWeb.fill.ancestorTagNames = function(element) {
var tagNames = [];
var parentNode = element.parentNode;
while (parentNode) {
if (parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
return tagNames;
* Infers corresponding label for |element| from surrounding context in the DOM,
* e.g. the contents of the preceding <p> tag or text element.
* It is based on the logic in
* string16 InferLabelForElement(const WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The inferred label of element, or '' if none could be found.
__gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelForElement = function(element) {
var inferredLabel;
if (__gCrWeb.fill.isCheckableElement(element)) {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromNext(element);
if (__gCrWeb.fill.IsLabelValid(inferredLabel)) {
return inferredLabel;
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromPrevious(element);
if (__gCrWeb.fill.IsLabelValid(inferredLabel)) {
return inferredLabel;
// If we didn't find a label, check for the placeholder case.
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromPlaceholder(element);
if (__gCrWeb.fill.IsLabelValid(inferredLabel)) {
return inferredLabel;
// If we didn't find a placeholder, check for the aria-label case.
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromAriaLabel(element);
if (__gCrWeb.fill.IsLabelValid(inferredLabel)) {
return inferredLabel;
// For all other searches that involve traversing up the tree, the search
// order is based on which tag is the closest ancestor to |element|.
var tagNames = __gCrWeb.fill.ancestorTagNames(element);
var seenTagNames = {};
for (var index = 0; index < tagNames.length; ++index) {
var tagName = tagNames[index];
if (tagName in seenTagNames) {
seenTagNames[tagName] = true;
if (tagName === 'LABEL') {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromEnclosingLabel(element);
} else if (tagName === 'DIV') {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromDivTable(element);
} else if (tagName === 'TD') {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromTableColumn(element);
if (!__gCrWeb.fill.IsLabelValid(inferredLabel))
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromTableRow(element);
} else if (tagName === 'DD') {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromDefinitionList(element);
} else if (tagName === 'LI') {
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.inferLabelFromListItem(element);
} else if (tagName === 'FIELDSET') {
if (__gCrWeb.fill.IsLabelValid(inferredLabel)) {
return inferredLabel;
// If we didn't find a label, check for the value attribute case.
inferredLabel = __gCrWeb.fill.InferLabelFromValueAttr(element);
if (__gCrWeb.fill.IsLabelValid(inferredLabel)) {
return inferredLabel;
return '';
* Fills |field| data with the values of the <option> elements present in
* |selectElement|.
* It is based on the logic in
* void GetOptionStringsFromElement(const WebSelectElement& select_element,
* std::vector<string16>* option_values,
* std::vector<string16>* option_contents)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/
* @param {Element} selectElement A select element from which option data are
* extracted.
* @param {Object} field A field that will contain the extracted option
* information.
__gCrWeb.fill.getOptionStringsFromElement = function(selectElement, field) {
field['option_values'] = [];
// Protect against custom implementation of Array.toJSON in host pages.
field['option_values'].toJSON = null;
field['option_contents'] = [];
field['option_contents'].toJSON = null;
var options = selectElement.options;
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
var option = options[i];
* Returns true if |element| is a text input element.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool IsTextInput(const blink::WebInputElement* element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h.
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {boolean} Whether element is a text input field.
__gCrWeb.fill.isTextInput = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return false;
return __gCrWeb.common.isTextField(element);
* Returns true if |element| is a 'select' element.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool IsSelectElement(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h.
* @param {FormControlElement|HTMLOptionElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {boolean} Whether element is a 'select' element.
__gCrWeb.fill.isSelectElement = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return false;
return element.type === 'select-one';
* Returns true if |element| is a 'textarea' element.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool IsTextAreaElement(const blink::WebFormControlElement& element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h.
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {boolean} Whether element is a 'textarea' element.
__gCrWeb.fill.isTextAreaElement = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return false;
return element.type === 'textarea';
* Returns true if |element| is a checkbox or a radio button element.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool IsCheckableElement(const blink::WebInputElement* element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h.
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {boolean} Whether element is a checkbox or a radio button.
__gCrWeb.fill.isCheckableElement = function(element) {
if (!element) {
return false;
return element.type === 'checkbox' || element.type === 'radio';
* Returns true if |element| is one of the input element types that can be
* autofilled. {Text, Radiobutton, Checkbox}.
* It is based on the logic in
* bool IsAutofillableInputElement(const blink::WebInputElement* element)
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h.
* @param {FormControlElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {boolean} Whether element is one of the input element types that
* can be autofilled.
__gCrWeb.fill.isAutofillableInputElement = function(element) {
return __gCrWeb.fill.isTextInput(element) ||
* Returns the nodeValue in a way similar to the C++ version of node.nodeValue,
* used in src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h.
* Newlines and tabs are stripped.
* @param {Node} node A node to examine.
* @return {string} The text contained in |element|.
__gCrWeb.fill.nodeValue = function(node) {
return (node.nodeValue || '').replace(/[\n\t]/gm, '');
* Returns the value in a way similar to the C++ version of node.value,
* used in src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h.
* Newlines and tabs are stripped.
* Note: this method tries to match the behavior of Blink for the select
* element. On Blink, a select element with a first option that is disabled and
* not explicitly selected will automatically select the second element.
* On WebKit, the disabled element is enabled until user interacts with it.
* As the result of this method will be used by code written for Blink, match
* the behavior on it.
* @param {FormControlElement|HTMLOptionElement} element An element to examine.
* @return {string} The value for |element|.
__gCrWeb.fill.value = function(element) {
var value = element.value;
if (__gCrWeb.fill.isSelectElement(element)) {
if (element.options.length > 0 && element.selectedIndex == 0 &&
element.options[0].disabled &&
!element.options[0].hasAttribute('selected')) {
for (var i = 0; i < element.options.length; i++) {
if (!element.options[i].disabled ||
element.options[i].hasAttribute('selected')) {
value = element.options[i].value;
return (value || '').replace(/[\n\t]/gm, '');
* Fills out a FormField object from a given form control element.
* It is based on the logic in
* void WebFormControlElementToFormField(
* const blink::WebFormControlElement& element,
* ExtractMask extract_mask,
* FormFieldData* field);
* in chromium/src/components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h.
* @param {FormControlElement} element The element to be processed.
* @param {number} extractMask A bit field mask to extract data from |element|.
* See the document on variable __gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_NONE,
* @param {AutofillFormFieldData} field Field to fill in the element
* information.
__gCrWeb.fill.webFormControlElementToFormField = function(
element, extractMask, field) {
if (!field || !element) {
// The label is not officially part of a form control element; however, the
// labels for all form control elements are scraped from the DOM and set in
// form data.
field['identifier'] = __gCrWeb.form.getFieldIdentifier(element);
field['name'] = __gCrWeb.form.getFieldName(element);
// The raw name and id attributes, which may be empty.
field['name_attribute'] = element.getAttribute('name') || '';
field['id_attribute'] = element.getAttribute('id') || '';
field['form_control_type'] = element.type;
var autocomplete_attribute = element.getAttribute('autocomplete');
if (autocomplete_attribute) {
field['autocomplete_attribute'] = autocomplete_attribute;
if (field['autocomplete_attribute'] != null &&
field['autocomplete_attribute'].length > __gCrWeb.fill.MAX_DATA_LENGTH) {
// Discard overly long attribute values to avoid DOS-ing the browser
// process. However, send over a default string to indicate that the
// attribute was present.
field['autocomplete_attribute'] = 'x-max-data-length-exceeded';
var role_attribute = element.getAttribute('role');
if (role_attribute && role_attribute.toLowerCase() == 'presentation') {
field['role'] = __gCrWeb.fill.ROLE_ATTRIBUTE_PRESENTATION;
field['aria_label'] = __gCrWeb.fill.getAriaLabel(element);
field['aria_description'] = __gCrWeb.fill.getAriaDescription(element);
if (!__gCrWeb.fill.isAutofillableElement(element)) {
if (__gCrWeb.fill.isAutofillableInputElement(element) ||
__gCrWeb.fill.isTextAreaElement(element) ||
__gCrWeb.fill.isSelectElement(element)) {
field['is_autofilled'] = element['isAutofilled'];
field['should_autocomplete'] = __gCrWeb.fill.autoComplete(element);
field['is_focusable'] = !element.disabled && !element.readOnly &&
element.tabIndex >= 0 && isVisibleNode_(element);
if (__gCrWeb.fill.isAutofillableInputElement(element)) {
if (__gCrWeb.fill.isTextInput(element)) {
field['max_length'] = element.maxLength;
if (field['max_length'] == -1) {
// Take default value as defined by W3C.
field['max_length'] = 524288;
field['is_checkable'] = __gCrWeb.fill.isCheckableElement(element);
} else if (__gCrWeb.fill.isTextAreaElement(element)) {
// Nothing more to do in this case.
} else if (extractMask & __gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_OPTIONS) {
__gCrWeb.fill.getOptionStringsFromElement(element, field);
if (!(extractMask & __gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_VALUE)) {
var value = __gCrWeb.fill.value(element);
if (__gCrWeb.fill.isSelectElement(element) &&
(extractMask & __gCrWeb.fill.EXTRACT_MASK_OPTION_TEXT)) {
// Convert the |select_element| value to text if requested.
var options = element.options;
for (var index = 0; index < options.length; ++index) {
var optionElement = options[index];
if (__gCrWeb.fill.value(optionElement) === value) {
value = optionElement.text;
// There is a constraint on the maximum data length in method
// WebFormControlElementToFormField() in form_autofill_util.h in order to
// prevent a malicious site from DOS'ing the browser:,
// which isn't really meaningful here, but we need to follow the same logic to
// get the same form signature wherever possible (to get the benefits of the
// existing crowdsourced field detection corpus).
if (value.length > __gCrWeb.fill.MAX_DATA_LENGTH) {
value = value.substr(0, __gCrWeb.fill.MAX_DATA_LENGTH);
field['value'] = value;
* Returns a serialized version of |form| to send to the host on form
* submission.
* The result string is similar to the result of calling |extractForms| filtered
* on |form| (that is why a list is returned).
* @param {FormElement} form The form to serialize.
* @return {string} a JSON encoded version of |form|
__gCrWeb.fill.autofillSubmissionData = function(form) {
var formData = new __gCrWeb['common'].JSONSafeObject;
var extractMask =
window, form, null, extractMask, formData, null);
return __gCrWeb.stringify([formData]);
* Returns the coalesced child text of the elements who's ids are found in
* the |attribute| of |element|.
* For example, given this document...
* <div id="billing">Billing</div>
* <div>
* <div id="name">Name</div>
* <input id="field1" type="text" aria-labelledby="billing name"/>
* </div>
* <div>
* <div id="address">Address</div>
* <input id="field2" type="text" aria-labelledby="billing address"/>
* </div>
* The coalesced text by the id_list found in the aria-labelledby attribute
* of the field1 input element would be "Billing Name" and for field2 it would
* be "Billing Address".
function coalesceTextByIdList(element, attribute) {
if (!element) {
return '';
var ids = element.getAttribute(attribute);
if (!ids) {
return '';
return ids.trim()
.map(function(i) { return document.getElementById(i); })
.filter(function(e) { return e !== null; })
.map(function (n) { return __gCrWeb.fill.findChildText(n); })
.filter(function (s) { return s.length > 0; })
.join(' ')
* Returns the coalesced text referenced by the aria-labelledby attribute
* or the value of the aria-label attribute, with priority given to the
* aria-labelledby text.
__gCrWeb.fill.getAriaLabel = function(element) {
var label = coalesceTextByIdList(element, 'aria-labelledby');
if (!label) {
label = element.getAttribute('aria-label') || '';
return label.trim();
* Returns the coalesced text referenced by the aria-describedby attribute.
__gCrWeb.fill.getAriaDescription = function(element) {
return coalesceTextByIdList(element, 'aria-describedby');
}()); // End of anonymous object