blob: c6deaa245d3ea887ccd67286d3e915984ed58591 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
body, html {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
body {
margin: 0px;
#container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
#parent {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
.spacer {
width: 2000px;
height: 2000px;
#rootspacer {
width: 1000px;
height: 1000px;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
z-index: -1;
<div id="parent">
<div id="container">
<div class="spacer">
<span id="spanner">TEST</span>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div id="rootspacer"></div>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
var parentScroller = document.querySelector('#parent');
var container = document.querySelector('#container');
var spanner = document.querySelector('#spanner');
test(function() {
assert_false(typeof document.rootScroller === 'undefined');
}, 'setRootScroller API enabled');
test(function() {
// Setting the container object should succeed.
assert_equals(document.rootScroller, null);
document.rootScroller = container;
assert_equals(document.rootScroller, container);
document.rootScroller = null;
assert_equals(document.rootScroller, null);
}, 'Setter and getter on a valid element works');
test(function() {
// Trying to set the <span> should succeed even though it's not a valid
// scroller.
document.rootScroller = spanner;
assert_equals(document.rootScroller, spanner);
}, 'Can set a non-scrolling element as the rootScroller');
test(function() {
// Scroll the container <div> past the end. The scrolls should not chain
// past the rootScroller to the parentScroller element.
document.rootScroller = container;
if (typeof eventSender !== 'undefined') {
eventSender.gestureScrollBegin(500, 500);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollEnd(0, 0);
eventSender.gestureScrollBegin(500, 500);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollEnd(0, 0);
eventSender.gestureScrollBegin(500, 500);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollEnd(0, 0);
eventSender.gestureScrollBegin(500, 500);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
assert_equals(container.scrollTop, 2000 - 600);
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 2000 - 800);
// The container is now fully scrolled. Normally, further scroll
// events would chain up to the parent element but, because the
// container is the root scroller, we shouldn't chain up past it.
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollEnd(0, 0);
eventSender.gestureScrollBegin(500, 500);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollEnd(0, 0);
assert_equals(container.scrollTop, 2000 - 600);
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 2000 - 800);
assert_equals(parentScroller.scrollTop, 0);
assert_equals(parentScroller.scrollLeft, 0);
}, "Scrolls don't chain past root scroller element");
test(function() {
document.rootScroller = container;
container.scrollTop = 999;
container.scrollLeft = 998;
// Window.scrollX and scrollY should reflect the scroll offset of the
// rootScroller
assert_equals(container.scrollTop, 999);
assert_equals(container.scrollLeft, 998);
// TODO(bokan): These need to be fixed since landing inert-visual-viewport.
// assert_equals(window.scrollY, container.scrollTop, "ScrollY");
// assert_equals(window.scrollX, container.scrollLeft, "ScrollX");
// assert_equals(document.scrollingElement.scrollTop, container.scrollTop, "scrollingElement.scrollTop");
// assert_equals(document.scrollingElement.scrollLeft, container.scrollLeft, "scrollingElement.scrollLeft");
}, "document.scrollingElement and window scroll API reflect rootScroller offsets");
test(function() {
// Making the current rootScroller an invalid scroller (by making it not
// fill the viewport) should fallback to the default element, the
// documentElement, but the rootScroller property should remain the same.
document.rootScroller = container; = "95%";
assert_equals(document.rootScroller, container);
// Reset parentScroller's offsets, make container fully scrolled.
parentScroller.scrollTop = 0;
parentScroller.scrollLeft = 0;
container.scrollTop = 10000;
container.scrollLeft = 10000;
// Now scrolling over the container should scroll the scrollingElement
// since the rootElement is invalid (doesn't fill the viewport).
if (typeof eventSender !== 'undefined') {
eventSender.gestureScrollBegin(500, 500);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollEnd(0, 0);
eventSender.gestureScrollBegin(500, 500);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollEnd(0, 0);
eventSender.gestureScrollBegin(500, 500);
eventSender.gestureScrollUpdate(-300, -300);
eventSender.gestureScrollEnd(0, 0);
assert_equals(parentScroller.scrollTop, 900);
assert_equals(parentScroller.scrollLeft, 900);
}, "Setting an invalid rootScroller should reset to using the documentElement.");