blob: 2b73c6722376819ab1b24189285f15805b36d732 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/chrome/browser/metrics/tab_usage_recorder.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/chrome_url_constants.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/metrics/previous_session_info.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab.h"
#import "ios/web/public/navigation_item.h"
#import "ios/web/public/navigation_manager.h"
#import "ios/web/public/web_state/web_state.h"
#import "ios/web/web_state/ui/crw_web_controller.h"
const char kTabUsageHistogramPrefix[] = "Tab";
// The histogram recording the state of the tab the user switches to.
const char kSelectedTabHistogramName[] =
// The histogram to record the number of page loads before an evicted tab is
// selected.
const char kPageLoadsBeforeEvictedTabSelected[] =
// Records the time it takes for an evicted tab to reload.
const char kEvictedTabReloadTime[] = "Tab.RestoreTime";
// Records success vs failure of an evicted tab's reload.
const char kEvictedTabReloadSuccessRate[] = "Tab.RestoreResult";
// Records whether or not the user switched tabs before an evicted tab finished
// reloading.
const char kDidUserWaitForEvictedTabReload[] = "Tab.RestoreUserPersistence";
// The name of the histogram that records time intervals between tab restores.
const char kTimeBetweenRestores[] = "Tabs.TimeBetweenRestores";
// The name of the histogram that records time intervals since the last restore.
const char kTimeAfterLastRestore[] = "Tabs.TimeAfterLastRestore";
// Name of histogram to record whether a memory warning had been recently
// received when a renderer termination occurred.
const char kRendererTerminationSawMemoryWarning[] =
// Name of histogram to record the number of alive renderers when a renderer
// termination is received.
const char kRendererTerminationAliveRenderers[] =
// Name of histogram to record the number of renderers that were alive shortly
// before a renderer termination. This metric is being recorded in case the OS
// kills renderers in batches.
const char kRendererTerminationRecentlyAliveRenderers[] =
// The recently alive renderer count metric counts all renderers that were alive
// x seconds before a renderer termination. |kSecondsBeforeRendererTermination|
// specifies x.
const int kSecondsBeforeRendererTermination = 2;
TabUsageRecorder::TabUsageRecorder(id<TabUsageRecorderDelegate> delegate)
: page_loads_(0), evicted_tab_(NULL), recorder_delegate_(delegate) {
restore_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
TabUsageRecorder::~TabUsageRecorder() {}
void TabUsageRecorder::InitialRestoredTabs(Tab* active_tab, NSArray* tabs) {
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
// Debugging check to ensure this is called at most once per run.
// Specifically, this function is called in either of two cases:
// 1. For a normal (not post-crash launch), during the tab model's creation.
// It assumes that the tab model will not be deleted and recreated during the
// application's lifecycle even if the app is backgrounded/foregrounded.
// 2. For a post-crash launch, when the session is restored. In that case,
// the tab model will not have been created with existing tabs, so this
// function will not have been called during its creation.
static bool kColdStartTabsRecorded = false;
static dispatch_once_t once = 0;
dispatch_once(&once, ^{
DCHECK(kColdStartTabsRecorded == false);
kColdStartTabsRecorded = true;
// Do not set eviction reason on active tab since it will be reloaded without
// being processed as a switch to the foreground tab.
for (Tab* tab in tabs) {
if (tab != active_tab) {
base::WeakNSObject<Tab> weak_tab(tab);
evicted_tabs_[weak_tab] = EVICTED_DUE_TO_COLD_START;
void TabUsageRecorder::TabCreatedForSelection(Tab* tab) {
tab_created_selected_ = tab;
void TabUsageRecorder::SetDelegate(id<TabUsageRecorderDelegate> delegate) {
void TabUsageRecorder::RecordTabSwitched(Tab* old_tab, Tab* new_tab) {
// If a tab was created to be selected, and is selected shortly thereafter,
// it should not add its state to the "kSelectedTabHistogramName" metric.
// |tab_created_selected_| is reset at the first tab switch seen after it was
// created, regardless of whether or not it was the tab selected.
bool was_just_created = new_tab == tab_created_selected_;
tab_created_selected_ = NULL;
// Disregard reselecting the same tab, but only if the mode has not changed
// since the last time this tab was selected. I.e. going to incognito and
// back to normal mode is an event we want to track, but simply going into
// stack view and back out, without changing modes, isn't.
if (new_tab == old_tab && new_tab != mode_switch_tab_)
mode_switch_tab_ = NULL;
// Disregard opening a new tab with no previous tab.
if (!old_tab)
// Before knowledge of the previous tab, |old_tab|, is lost, see if it is a
// previously-evicted tab still reloading. If it is, record that the
// user did not wait for the evicted tab to finish reloading.
if (old_tab == evicted_tab_ && old_tab != new_tab &&
evicted_tab_reload_start_time_ != base::TimeTicks()) {
if (ShouldIgnoreTab(new_tab) || was_just_created)
// Should never happen. Keeping the check to ensure that the prerender logic
// is never overlooked, should behavior at the tab_model level change.
DCHECK(![new_tab isPrerenderTab]);
TabStateWhenSelected tab_state = ExtractTabState(new_tab);
if (tab_state != IN_MEMORY) {
// Keep track of the current 'evicted' tab.
evicted_tab_ = new_tab;
evicted_tab_state_ = tab_state;
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS(kPageLoadsBeforeEvictedTabSelected, page_loads_);
UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kSelectedTabHistogramName, tab_state,
void TabUsageRecorder::RecordPrimaryTabModelChange(BOOL primary_tab_model,
Tab* active_tab) {
if (primary_tab_model) {
// User just came back to this tab model, so record a tab selection even
// though the current tab was reselected.
if (mode_switch_tab_ == active_tab)
RecordTabSwitched(active_tab, active_tab);
} else {
// Keep track of the selected tab when this tab model is moved to
// background. This way when the tab model is moved to the foreground, and
// the current tab reselected, it is handled as a tab selection rather than
// a no-op.
mode_switch_tab_ = active_tab;
void TabUsageRecorder::RecordPageLoadStart(Tab* tab) {
if (!ShouldIgnoreTab(tab)) {
if (![[tab webController] isViewAlive]) {
// On the iPad, there is no notification that a tab is being re-selected
// after changing modes. This catches the case where the pre-incognito
// selected tab is selected again when leaving incognito mode.
if (mode_switch_tab_ == tab)
RecordTabSwitched(tab, tab);
if (evicted_tab_ == tab)
} else {
// If there is a currently-evicted tab reloading, make sure it is recorded
// that the user did not wait for it to load.
if (evicted_tab_ && evicted_tab_reload_start_time_ != base::TimeTicks()) {
void TabUsageRecorder::RecordPageLoadDone(Tab* tab, bool success) {
if (!tab)
if (tab == evicted_tab_) {
if (success) {
base::TimeTicks::Now() - evicted_tab_reload_start_time_);
void TabUsageRecorder::RecordReload(Tab* tab) {
if (!ShouldIgnoreTab(tab)) {
void TabUsageRecorder::RendererTerminated(Tab* terminated_tab, bool visible) {
if (!visible) {
base::WeakNSObject<Tab> weak_tab(terminated_tab);
evicted_tabs_[weak_tab] = EVICTED_DUE_TO_RENDERER_TERMINATION;
base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
// Log if a memory warning was seen recently.
NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
BOOL saw_memory_warning =
[defaults boolForKey:previous_session_info_constants::
// Log number of live tabs after the renderer termination. This count does not
// include |terminated_tab_|.
NSUInteger live_tabs_count = [recorder_delegate_ liveTabsCount];
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100(kRendererTerminationAliveRenderers, live_tabs_count);
// Clear |termination_timestamps_| of timestamps older than
// |kSecondsBeforeRendererTermination| ago.
base::TimeDelta seconds_before =
base::TimeTicks timestamp_boundary = now - seconds_before;
while (termination_timestamps_.front() < timestamp_boundary) {
// Log number of recently alive tabs, where recently alive is defined to mean
// alive within the past |kSecondsBeforeRendererTermination|.
NSUInteger recently_live_tabs_count =
live_tabs_count + termination_timestamps_.size();
void TabUsageRecorder::AppDidEnterBackground() {
base::TimeTicks time_now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
LOCAL_HISTOGRAM_TIMES(kTimeAfterLastRestore, time_now - restore_start_time_);
if (evicted_tab_ && evicted_tab_reload_start_time_ != base::TimeTicks()) {
void TabUsageRecorder::AppWillEnterForeground() {
restore_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
void TabUsageRecorder::ResetPageLoads() {
page_loads_ = 0;
int TabUsageRecorder::EvictedTabsMapSize() {
return evicted_tabs_.size();
void TabUsageRecorder::ResetAll() {
void TabUsageRecorder::ResetEvictedTab() {
evicted_tab_ = NULL;
evicted_tab_state_ = IN_MEMORY;
evicted_tab_reload_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
bool TabUsageRecorder::ShouldIgnoreTab(Tab* tab) {
// Do not count chrome:// urls to avoid data noise. For example, if they were
// counted, every new tab created would add noise to the page load count.
web::NavigationItem* pending_item =
if (pending_item)
return pending_item->GetURL().SchemeIs(kChromeUIScheme);
return tab.lastCommittedURL.SchemeIs(kChromeUIScheme);
bool TabUsageRecorder::TabAlreadyEvicted(Tab* tab) {
base::WeakNSObject<Tab> weak_tab(tab);
auto tab_item = evicted_tabs_.find(weak_tab);
return tab_item != evicted_tabs_.end();
TabUsageRecorder::TabStateWhenSelected TabUsageRecorder::ExtractTabState(
Tab* tab) {
if ([[tab webController] isViewAlive])
return IN_MEMORY;
base::WeakNSObject<Tab> weak_tab(tab);
auto tab_item = evicted_tabs_.find(weak_tab);
if (tab_item != evicted_tabs_.end()) {
TabStateWhenSelected tabState = tab_item->second;
return tabState;
return EVICTED;
void TabUsageRecorder::RecordRestoreStartTime() {
base::TimeTicks time_now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
// Record the time delta since the last eviction reload was seen.
LOCAL_HISTOGRAM_TIMES(kTimeBetweenRestores, time_now - restore_start_time_);
restore_start_time_ = time_now;
evicted_tab_reload_start_time_ = time_now;
void TabUsageRecorder::ClearDeletedTabs() {
base::WeakNSObject<Tab> empty_tab(nil);
auto tab_item = evicted_tabs_.find(empty_tab);
while (tab_item != evicted_tabs_.end()) {
tab_item = evicted_tabs_.find(empty_tab);