blob: 5aca2f66201311ac572b7c1bc36152739bd24921 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding_set.h"
#include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom.h"
namespace network {
class ResourceRequestBody;
// A helper class to ease testing code that uses URLLoader interface. A test
// would pass this factory instead of the production factory to code, and
// would prime it with response data for arbitrary URLs.
class TestURLLoaderFactory : public mojom::URLLoaderFactory {
struct PendingRequest {
PendingRequest(PendingRequest&& other);
PendingRequest& operator=(PendingRequest&& other);
GURL url;
int load_flags;
mojom::URLLoaderClientPtr client;
scoped_refptr<ResourceRequestBody> request_body;
~TestURLLoaderFactory() override;
using Redirects =
std::vector<std::pair<net::RedirectInfo, ResourceResponseHead>>;
// Adds a response to be served. There is one unique response per URL, and if
// this method is called multiple times for the same URL the last response
// data is used.
// This can be called before or after a request is made. If it's called after,
// then pending requests will be "woken up".
void AddResponse(const GURL& url,
const ResourceResponseHead& head,
const std::string& content,
const URLLoaderCompletionStatus& status,
const Redirects& redirects = Redirects());
// Simpler version of above for the common case of success or error page.
void AddResponse(const std::string& url,
const std::string& content,
net::HttpStatusCode status = net::HTTP_OK);
// Returns true if there is a request for a given URL with a living client
// that did not produce a response yet. If |load_flags_out| is non-null,
// it will reports load flags used for the request
// WARNING: This does RunUntilIdle() first.
bool IsPending(const std::string& url, int* load_flags_out = nullptr);
// Returns the total # of pending requests.
// WARNING: This does RunUntilIdle() first.
int NumPending();
// Clear all the responses that were previously set.
void ClearResponses();
using Interceptor = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const ResourceRequest&)>;
void SetInterceptor(const Interceptor& interceptor);
// Returns a mutable list of pending requests, for consumers that need direct
// access. It's recommended that consumers use AddResponse() rather than
// servicing requests themselves, whenever possible.
std::vector<PendingRequest>* pending_requests() { return &pending_requests_; }
// Sends a response for |request| that can be retrieved from
// pending_requests(). Prefer using AddResponse.
static void SimulateResponse(PendingRequest request,
std::string content,
int net_error = net::OK);
// mojom::URLLoaderFactory implementation.
void CreateLoaderAndStart(mojom::URLLoaderRequest request,
int32_t routing_id,
int32_t request_id,
uint32_t options,
const ResourceRequest& url_request,
mojom::URLLoaderClientPtr client,
const net::MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag&
traffic_annotation) override;
void Clone(mojom::URLLoaderFactoryRequest request) override;
bool CreateLoaderAndStartInternal(const GURL& url,
mojom::URLLoaderClient* client);
static void SimulateResponseImpl(mojom::URLLoaderClient* client,
Redirects redirects,
ResourceResponseHead head,
std::string content,
URLLoaderCompletionStatus status);
struct Response {
Response(const Response&);
GURL url;
Redirects redirects;
ResourceResponseHead head;
std::string content;
URLLoaderCompletionStatus status;
std::map<GURL, Response> responses_;
std::vector<PendingRequest> pending_requests_;
Interceptor interceptor_;
mojo::BindingSet<network::mojom::URLLoaderFactory> bindings_;
} // namespace network