blob: b015634a3307ebcda762789e1e84245bd8b16db7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
// Creates a blank button in fallback style, for the given |action| and
// |target|.
UIButton* CreateButtonWithSelectorAndTarget(SEL action, id target);
// Creates horizontal constraints for given |button| based on given |width| on
// both sides.
void HorizontalConstraintsMarginForButtonWithWidth(UIButton* button,
CGFloat width);
// Sets vertical constraints on firstBaselineAnchor for the button or label rows
// in |views| inside |container| starting at its topAnchor. Returns the applied
// constrainst to allow caller to deactivate them later.
NSArray<NSLayoutConstraint*>* VerticalConstraintsSpacingForViewsInContainer(
NSArray<UIView*>* views,
UIView* container);
// Sets constraints for the given |views|, so as to lay them out horizontally,
// parallel to the given |guide| view, and applying the given constant |shift|
// to the whole row. Returns the applied constraints to allow caller to
// deactivate them later.
NSArray<NSLayoutConstraint*>* HorizontalConstraintsForViewsOnGuideWithShift(
NSArray<UIView*>* views,
UIView* guide,
CGFloat shift);
// Sets all baseline anchors for the gievn |views| to match the one on |onView|.
// Returns the applied constrainst to allow caller to deactivate them later.
NSArray<NSLayoutConstraint*>* SyncBaselinesForViewsOnView(
NSArray<UIView*>* views,
UIView* onView);
// Creates a blank label with autoresize mask off and adjustable font size.
UILabel* CreateLabel();