blob: 34c45b7989507815c90fae9a280cce44ab101fe4 [file] [log] [blame]
{% from 'macros.tmpl' import license, print_if %}
#ifndef ComputedStyleBase_h
#define ComputedStyleBase_h
#include "core/ComputedStyleBaseConstants.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
{% for path in include_paths %}
#include "{{path}}"
{% endfor %}
{# Each field template has macros that we can call to generate specific
aspects of the field (e.g. getters, setters).
{% import 'fields/keyword.tmpl' as keyword %}
{% import 'fields/flag.tmpl' as flag %}
{% import 'fields/monotonic_flag.tmpl' as monotonic_flag %}
{% set field_templates = { 'keyword': keyword, 'flag': flag, 'monotonic_flag': monotonic_flag } %}
namespace blink {
// The generated portion of ComputedStyle. For more info, see the header comment
// in ComputedStyle.h.
class CORE_EXPORT ComputedStyleBase {
ALWAYS_INLINE ComputedStyleBase() :
{% for field in fields %}
{{}}(static_cast<unsigned>({{field.default_value}})){{print_if(not loop.last, ',')}}
{% endfor %}
~ComputedStyleBase() {}
ALWAYS_INLINE ComputedStyleBase(const ComputedStyleBase& o) :
{% for field in fields %}
{{}}(o.{{}}){{print_if(not loop.last, ',')}}
{% endfor %}
inline bool inheritedEqual(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return (
{% for field in fields if field.is_property and field.is_inherited %}
{{}} == o.{{}}{{print_if(not loop.last, ' &&')}}
{% endfor %}
inline bool independentInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return (
{% for field in fields if field.is_property and field.is_inherited and field.is_independent %}
{{}} == o.{{}}{{print_if(not loop.last, ' &&')}}
{% endfor %}
inline bool nonIndependentInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return (
{% for field in fields if field.is_property and field.is_inherited and not field.is_independent %}
{{}} == o.{{}}{{print_if(not loop.last, ' &&')}}
{% endfor %}
inline bool nonInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyleBase& o) const {
return (
{% for field in fields if field.is_property and not field.is_inherited %}
{{}} == o.{{}}{{print_if(not loop.last, ' &&')}}
{% endfor %}
enum IsAtShadowBoundary {
void inheritFrom(const ComputedStyleBase& inheritParent,
IsAtShadowBoundary isAtShadowBoundary = NotAtShadowBoundary);
void copyNonInheritedFromCached(const ComputedStyleBase& other);
// Copies the values of any independent inherited properties from the parent
// style that are marked as inherited by this style.
void propagateIndependentInheritedProperties(
const ComputedStyleBase& parentStyle);
// Fields.
// TODO(sashab): Remove initialFoo() static methods and update callers to
// use resetFoo(), which can be more efficient.
{% for field in fields %}
// {{field.property_name}}
{% endfor %}
// Storage.
{% for field in fields %}
unsigned {{}} : {{field.size}}; // {{field.type_name}}
{% endfor %}
} // namespace blink
#endif // ComputedStyleBase_h