blob: ec281af2e25a7027632c1f319a3d609713d1031c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_manager.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_state_impl.h"
#include "content/common/accessibility_messages.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_role_properties.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_text_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
namespace content {
// static
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::Create() {
return new BrowserAccessibility();
: manager_(nullptr), node_(nullptr) {}
BrowserAccessibility::~BrowserAccessibility() {
void BrowserAccessibility::Init(BrowserAccessibilityManager* manager,
ui::AXNode* node) {
manager_ = manager;
node_ = node;
bool BrowserAccessibility::PlatformIsLeaf() const {
if (InternalChildCount() == 0)
return true;
// These types of objects may have children that we use as internal
// implementation details, but we want to expose them as leaves to platform
// accessibility APIs because screen readers might be confused if they find
// any children.
// Note that if a combo box, search box or text field are not native, they
// might present a menu of choices using aria-owns which should not be hidden
// from tree.
if (IsNativeTextControl() || IsTextOnlyObject())
return true;
// Roles whose children are only presentational according to the ARIA and
// HTML5 Specs should be hidden from screen readers.
// (Note that whilst ARIA buttons can have only presentational children, HTML5
// buttons are allowed to have content.)
switch (GetRole()) {
case ui::AX_ROLE_IMAGE:
case ui::AX_ROLE_METER:
case ui::AX_ROLE_SLIDER:
return true;
return false;
uint32_t BrowserAccessibility::PlatformChildCount() const {
if (HasIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_CHILD_TREE_ID)) {
BrowserAccessibilityManager* child_manager =
if (child_manager && child_manager->GetRoot()->PlatformGetParent() == this)
return 1;
return 0;
return PlatformIsLeaf() ? 0 : InternalChildCount();
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsNative() const {
return false;
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsDescendantOf(
const BrowserAccessibility* ancestor) const {
if (!ancestor)
return false;
if (this == ancestor)
return true;
if (PlatformGetParent())
return PlatformGetParent()->IsDescendantOf(ancestor);
return false;
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsDocument() const {
return GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA ||
GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_WEB_AREA;
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsTextOnlyObject() const {
return GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_STATIC_TEXT ||
GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LINE_BREAK ||
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsLineBreakObject() const {
return GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LINE_BREAK ||
(IsTextOnlyObject() && PlatformGetParent() &&
PlatformGetParent()->GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_LINE_BREAK);
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::PlatformGetChild(
uint32_t child_index) const {
BrowserAccessibility* result = nullptr;
if (child_index == 0 && HasIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_CHILD_TREE_ID)) {
BrowserAccessibilityManager* child_manager =
if (child_manager && child_manager->GetRoot()->PlatformGetParent() == this)
result = child_manager->GetRoot();
} else {
result = InternalGetChild(child_index);
return result;
bool BrowserAccessibility::PlatformIsChildOfLeaf() const {
BrowserAccessibility* ancestor = InternalGetParent();
while (ancestor) {
if (ancestor->PlatformIsLeaf())
return true;
ancestor = ancestor->InternalGetParent();
return false;
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::GetClosestPlatformObject() const {
BrowserAccessibility* platform_object =
while (platform_object && platform_object->PlatformIsChildOfLeaf())
platform_object = platform_object->InternalGetParent();
return platform_object;
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::GetPreviousSibling() const {
if (PlatformGetParent() && GetIndexInParent() > 0)
return PlatformGetParent()->InternalGetChild(GetIndexInParent() - 1);
return nullptr;
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::GetNextSibling() const {
if (PlatformGetParent() && GetIndexInParent() >= 0 &&
GetIndexInParent() <
static_cast<int>(PlatformGetParent()->InternalChildCount() - 1)) {
return PlatformGetParent()->InternalGetChild(GetIndexInParent() + 1);
return nullptr;
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsPreviousSiblingOnSameLine() const {
const BrowserAccessibility* previous_sibling = GetPreviousSibling();
if (!previous_sibling)
return false;
// Line linkage information might not be provided on non-leaf objects.
const BrowserAccessibility* leaf_object = PlatformDeepestFirstChild();
if (!leaf_object)
leaf_object = this;
int32_t previous_on_line_id;
if (leaf_object->GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_PREVIOUS_ON_LINE_ID,
&previous_on_line_id)) {
const BrowserAccessibility* previous_on_line =
// In the case of a static text sibling, the object designated to be the
// previous object on this line might be one of its children, i.e. the last
// inline text box.
return previous_on_line &&
return false;
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsNextSiblingOnSameLine() const {
const BrowserAccessibility* next_sibling = GetNextSibling();
if (!next_sibling)
return false;
// Line linkage information might not be provided on non-leaf objects.
const BrowserAccessibility* leaf_object = PlatformDeepestLastChild();
if (!leaf_object)
leaf_object = this;
int32_t next_on_line_id;
if (leaf_object->GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NEXT_ON_LINE_ID,
&next_on_line_id)) {
const BrowserAccessibility* next_on_line =
// In the case of a static text sibling, the object designated to be the
// next object on this line might be one of its children, i.e. the first
// inline text box.
return next_on_line && next_on_line->IsDescendantOf(next_sibling);
return false;
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::PlatformDeepestFirstChild() const {
if (!PlatformChildCount())
return nullptr;
BrowserAccessibility* deepest_child = PlatformGetChild(0);
while (deepest_child->PlatformChildCount())
deepest_child = deepest_child->PlatformGetChild(0);
return deepest_child;
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::PlatformDeepestLastChild() const {
if (!PlatformChildCount())
return nullptr;
BrowserAccessibility* deepest_child =
PlatformGetChild(PlatformChildCount() - 1);
while (deepest_child->PlatformChildCount()) {
deepest_child = deepest_child->PlatformGetChild(
deepest_child->PlatformChildCount() - 1);
return deepest_child;
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::InternalDeepestFirstChild() const {
if (!InternalChildCount())
return nullptr;
BrowserAccessibility* deepest_child = InternalGetChild(0);
while (deepest_child->InternalChildCount())
deepest_child = deepest_child->InternalGetChild(0);
return deepest_child;
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::InternalDeepestLastChild() const {
if (!InternalChildCount())
return nullptr;
BrowserAccessibility* deepest_child =
InternalGetChild(InternalChildCount() - 1);
while (deepest_child->InternalChildCount()) {
deepest_child = deepest_child->InternalGetChild(
deepest_child->InternalChildCount() - 1);
return deepest_child;
uint32_t BrowserAccessibility::InternalChildCount() const {
if (!node_ || !manager_)
return 0;
return static_cast<uint32_t>(node_->child_count());
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::InternalGetChild(
uint32_t child_index) const {
if (!node_ || !manager_ || child_index >= InternalChildCount())
return nullptr;
auto* child_node = node_->ChildAtIndex(child_index);
return manager_->GetFromAXNode(child_node);
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::PlatformGetParent() const {
if (!instance_active())
return nullptr;
ui::AXNode* parent = node_->parent();
if (parent)
return manager_->GetFromAXNode(parent);
return manager_->GetParentNodeFromParentTree();
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::InternalGetParent() const {
if (!node_ || !manager_)
return nullptr;
ui::AXNode* parent = node_->parent();
if (parent)
return manager_->GetFromAXNode(parent);
return nullptr;
int32_t BrowserAccessibility::GetId() const {
return node_ ? node_->id() : -1;
gfx::RectF BrowserAccessibility::GetLocation() const {
return GetData().location;
ui::AXRole BrowserAccessibility::GetRole() const {
return GetData().role;
int32_t BrowserAccessibility::GetState() const {
return GetData().state;
const BrowserAccessibility::HtmlAttributes&
BrowserAccessibility::GetHtmlAttributes() const {
return GetData().html_attributes;
gfx::Rect BrowserAccessibility::GetFrameBoundsRect() const {
return RelativeToAbsoluteBounds(gfx::RectF(), true);
gfx::Rect BrowserAccessibility::GetPageBoundsRect() const {
return RelativeToAbsoluteBounds(gfx::RectF(), false);
gfx::Rect BrowserAccessibility::GetPageBoundsForRange(int start, int len)
const {
DCHECK_GE(start, 0);
DCHECK_GE(len, 0);
// Standard text fields such as textarea have an embedded div inside them that
// holds all the text.
// TODO(nektar): This is fragile! Replace with code that flattens tree.
if (IsSimpleTextControl() && InternalChildCount() == 1)
return InternalGetChild(0)->GetPageBoundsForRange(start, len);
if (GetRole() != ui::AX_ROLE_STATIC_TEXT) {
gfx::Rect bounds;
for (size_t i = 0; i < InternalChildCount() && len > 0; ++i) {
BrowserAccessibility* child = InternalGetChild(i);
// Child objects are of length one, since they are represented by a single
// embedded object character. The exception is text-only objects.
int child_length_in_parent = 1;
if (child->IsTextOnlyObject())
child_length_in_parent = static_cast<int>(child->GetText().size());
if (start < child_length_in_parent) {
gfx::Rect child_rect;
if (child->IsTextOnlyObject()) {
child_rect = child->GetPageBoundsForRange(start, len);
} else {
child_rect = child->GetPageBoundsForRange(
0, static_cast<int>(child->GetText().size()));
len -= (child_length_in_parent - start);
if (start > child_length_in_parent)
start -= child_length_in_parent;
start = 0;
return bounds;
int end = start + len;
int child_start = 0;
int child_end = 0;
gfx::Rect bounds;
for (size_t i = 0; i < InternalChildCount() && child_end < start + len; ++i) {
BrowserAccessibility* child = InternalGetChild(i);
if (child->GetRole() != ui::AX_ROLE_INLINE_TEXT_BOX) {
DLOG(WARNING) << "BrowserAccessibility objects with role STATIC_TEXT " <<
"should have children of role INLINE_TEXT_BOX.";
int child_length = static_cast<int>(child->GetText().size());
child_start = child_end;
child_end += child_length;
if (child_end < start)
int overlap_start = std::max(start, child_start);
int overlap_end = std::min(end, child_end);
int local_start = overlap_start - child_start;
int local_end = overlap_end - child_start;
// |local_end| and |local_start| may equal |child_length| when the caret is
// at the end of a text field.
DCHECK_GE(local_start, 0);
DCHECK_LE(local_start, child_length);
DCHECK_GE(local_end, 0);
DCHECK_LE(local_end, child_length);
const std::vector<int32_t>& character_offsets =
int character_offsets_length = static_cast<int>(character_offsets.size());
if (character_offsets_length < child_length) {
// Blink might not return pixel offsets for all characters.
// Clamp the character range to be within the number of provided pixels.
local_start = std::min(local_start, character_offsets_length);
local_end = std::min(local_end, character_offsets_length);
int start_pixel_offset =
local_start > 0 ? character_offsets[local_start - 1] : 0;
int end_pixel_offset =
local_end > 0 ? character_offsets[local_end - 1] : 0;
gfx::Rect child_rect = child->GetPageBoundsRect();
auto text_direction = static_cast<ui::AXTextDirection>(
gfx::Rect child_overlap_rect;
switch (text_direction) {
int left = child_rect.x() + start_pixel_offset;
int right = child_rect.x() + end_pixel_offset;
child_overlap_rect = gfx::Rect(left, child_rect.y(),
right - left, child_rect.height());
int right = child_rect.right() - start_pixel_offset;
int left = child_rect.right() - end_pixel_offset;
child_overlap_rect = gfx::Rect(left, child_rect.y(),
right - left, child_rect.height());
int top = child_rect.y() + start_pixel_offset;
int bottom = child_rect.y() + end_pixel_offset;
child_overlap_rect = gfx::Rect(child_rect.x(), top,
child_rect.width(), bottom - top);
int bottom = child_rect.bottom() - start_pixel_offset;
int top = child_rect.bottom() - end_pixel_offset;
child_overlap_rect = gfx::Rect(child_rect.x(), top,
child_rect.width(), bottom - top);
if (bounds.width() == 0 && bounds.height() == 0)
bounds = child_overlap_rect;
return bounds;
gfx::Rect BrowserAccessibility::GetScreenBoundsForRange(int start, int len)
const {
gfx::Rect bounds = GetPageBoundsForRange(start, len);
// Adjust the bounds by the top left corner of the containing view's bounds
// in screen coordinates.
return bounds;
base::string16 BrowserAccessibility::GetValue() const {
base::string16 value = GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_VALUE);
// Some screen readers like Jaws and older versions of VoiceOver require a
// value to be set in text fields with rich content, even though the same
// information is available on the children.
if (value.empty() &&
(IsSimpleTextControl() || IsRichTextControl()) &&
value = GetInnerText();
return value;
BrowserAccessibility* BrowserAccessibility::ApproximateHitTest(
const gfx::Point& point) {
// The best result found that's a child of this object.
BrowserAccessibility* child_result = NULL;
// The best result that's an indirect descendant like grandchild, etc.
BrowserAccessibility* descendant_result = NULL;
// Walk the children recursively looking for the BrowserAccessibility that
// most tightly encloses the specified point. Walk backwards so that in
// the absence of any other information, we assume the object that occurs
// later in the tree is on top of one that comes before it.
for (int i = static_cast<int>(PlatformChildCount()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
BrowserAccessibility* child = PlatformGetChild(i);
// Skip table columns because cells are only contained in rows,
// not columns.
if (child->GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_COLUMN)
if (child->GetScreenBoundsRect().Contains(point)) {
BrowserAccessibility* result = child->ApproximateHitTest(point);
if (result == child && !child_result)
child_result = result;
if (result != child && !descendant_result)
descendant_result = result;
if (child_result && descendant_result)
// Explanation of logic: it's possible that this point overlaps more than
// one child of this object. If so, as a heuristic we prefer if the point
// overlaps a descendant of one of the two children and not the other.
// As an example, suppose you have two rows of buttons - the buttons don't
// overlap, but the rows do. Without this heuristic, we'd greedily only
// consider one of the containers.
if (descendant_result)
return descendant_result;
if (child_result)
return child_result;
return this;
void BrowserAccessibility::Destroy() {
// Allow the object to fire a TextRemoved notification.
node_ = NULL;
manager_ = NULL;
void BrowserAccessibility::NativeReleaseReference() {
delete this;
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasBoolAttribute(
ui::AXBoolAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().HasBoolAttribute(attribute);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetBoolAttribute(
ui::AXBoolAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().GetBoolAttribute(attribute);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetBoolAttribute(
ui::AXBoolAttribute attribute, bool* value) const {
return GetData().GetBoolAttribute(attribute, value);
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasFloatAttribute(
ui::AXFloatAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().HasFloatAttribute(attribute);
float BrowserAccessibility::GetFloatAttribute(
ui::AXFloatAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().GetFloatAttribute(attribute);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetFloatAttribute(
ui::AXFloatAttribute attribute, float* value) const {
return GetData().GetFloatAttribute(attribute, value);
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasInheritedStringAttribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute) const {
if (!instance_active())
return false;
if (GetData().HasStringAttribute(attribute))
return true;
return PlatformGetParent() &&
const std::string& BrowserAccessibility::GetInheritedStringAttribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute) const {
if (!instance_active())
return base::EmptyString();
const BrowserAccessibility* current_object = this;
do {
if (current_object->GetData().HasStringAttribute(attribute))
return current_object->GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute);
current_object = current_object->PlatformGetParent();
} while (current_object);
return base::EmptyString();
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetInheritedStringAttribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute,
std::string* value) const {
if (!instance_active()) {
*value = std::string();
return false;
if (GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute, value))
return true;
return PlatformGetParent() &&
PlatformGetParent()->GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute, value);
base::string16 BrowserAccessibility::GetInheritedString16Attribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute) const {
if (!instance_active())
return base::string16();
const BrowserAccessibility* current_object = this;
do {
if (current_object->GetData().HasStringAttribute(attribute))
return current_object->GetData().GetString16Attribute(attribute);
current_object = current_object->PlatformGetParent();
} while (current_object);
return base::string16();
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetInheritedString16Attribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute,
base::string16* value) const {
if (!instance_active()) {
*value = base::string16();
return false;
if (GetData().GetString16Attribute(attribute, value))
return true;
return PlatformGetParent() &&
PlatformGetParent()->GetData().GetString16Attribute(attribute, value);
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasIntAttribute(
ui::AXIntAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().HasIntAttribute(attribute);
int BrowserAccessibility::GetIntAttribute(ui::AXIntAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().GetIntAttribute(attribute);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetIntAttribute(
ui::AXIntAttribute attribute, int* value) const {
return GetData().GetIntAttribute(attribute, value);
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasStringAttribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().HasStringAttribute(attribute);
const std::string& BrowserAccessibility::GetStringAttribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetStringAttribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute, std::string* value) const {
return GetData().GetStringAttribute(attribute, value);
base::string16 BrowserAccessibility::GetString16Attribute(
ui::AXStringAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().GetString16Attribute(attribute);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetString16Attribute(ui::AXStringAttribute attribute,
base::string16* value) const {
return GetData().GetString16Attribute(attribute, value);
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasIntListAttribute(
ui::AXIntListAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().HasIntListAttribute(attribute);
const std::vector<int32_t>& BrowserAccessibility::GetIntListAttribute(
ui::AXIntListAttribute attribute) const {
return GetData().GetIntListAttribute(attribute);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetIntListAttribute(
ui::AXIntListAttribute attribute,
std::vector<int32_t>* value) const {
return GetData().GetIntListAttribute(attribute, value);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetHtmlAttribute(
const char* html_attr, std::string* value) const {
return GetData().GetHtmlAttribute(html_attr, value);
bool BrowserAccessibility::GetHtmlAttribute(
const char* html_attr, base::string16* value) const {
return GetData().GetHtmlAttribute(html_attr, value);
base::string16 BrowserAccessibility::GetText() const {
return GetInnerText();
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasState(ui::AXState state_enum) const {
return GetData().HasState(state_enum);
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasAction(ui::AXAction action_enum) const {
return GetData().HasAction(action_enum);
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasCaret() const {
if (IsSimpleTextControl() && HasIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_TEXT_SEL_START) &&
HasIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_TEXT_SEL_END)) {
return true;
// The caret is always at the focus of the selection.
int32_t focus_id = manager()->GetTreeData().sel_focus_object_id;
BrowserAccessibility* focus_object = manager()->GetFromID(focus_id);
if (!focus_object)
return false;
return focus_object->IsDescendantOf(this);
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsWebAreaForPresentationalIframe() const {
if (GetRole() != ui::AX_ROLE_WEB_AREA &&
GetRole() != ui::AX_ROLE_ROOT_WEB_AREA) {
return false;
BrowserAccessibility* parent = PlatformGetParent();
if (!parent)
return false;
return parent->GetRole() == ui::AX_ROLE_IFRAME_PRESENTATIONAL;
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsClickable() const {
return ui::IsRoleClickable(GetRole());
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsNativeTextControl() const {
const std::string& html_tag = GetStringAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_HTML_TAG);
if (html_tag == "input") {
std::string input_type;
if (!GetHtmlAttribute("type", &input_type))
return true;
return input_type.empty() || input_type == "email" ||
input_type == "password" || input_type == "search" ||
input_type == "tel" || input_type == "text" || input_type == "url" ||
input_type == "number";
return html_tag == "textarea";
// In general we should use ui::IsEditField() instead if we want to check for
// something that has a caret and the user can edit.
// TODO(aleventhal) this name is confusing because it returns true for combobox,
// and we should take a look at why a combobox is considered a text control. The
// ARIA spec says a combobox would contain (but not be) a text field. It looks
// like a mistake may have been made in that comboboxes have been considered a
// kind of textbox. Find an appropriate name for this function, and consider
// returning false for comboboxes it doesn't break existing websites.
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsSimpleTextControl() const {
// Time fields, color wells and spinner buttons might also use text fields as
// constituent parts, but they are not considered text fields as a whole.
switch (GetRole()) {
return true;
return !HasState(ui::AX_STATE_RICHLY_EDITABLE);
return false;
// Indicates if this object is at the root of a rich edit text control.
bool BrowserAccessibility::IsRichTextControl() const {
return HasState(ui::AX_STATE_RICHLY_EDITABLE) &&
(!PlatformGetParent() ||
bool BrowserAccessibility::HasExplicitlyEmptyName() const {
return GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NAME_FROM) ==
std::string BrowserAccessibility::ComputeAccessibleNameFromDescendants() const {
std::string name;
for (size_t i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); ++i) {
BrowserAccessibility* child = InternalGetChild(i);
std::string child_name;
if (child->GetStringAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NAME, &child_name)) {
if (!name.empty())
name += " ";
name += child_name;
} else if (!child->HasState(ui::AX_STATE_FOCUSABLE)) {
child_name = child->ComputeAccessibleNameFromDescendants();
if (!child_name.empty()) {
if (!name.empty())
name += " ";
name += child_name;
return name;
std::vector<int> BrowserAccessibility::GetLineStartOffsets() const {
if (!instance_active())
return std::vector<int>();
return node()->GetOrComputeLineStartOffsets();
BrowserAccessibility::CreatePositionAt(int offset,
ui::AXTextAffinity affinity) const {
return AXPlatformPosition::CreateTextPosition(manager_->ax_tree_id(), GetId(),
offset, affinity);
base::string16 BrowserAccessibility::GetInnerText() const {
if (IsTextOnlyObject())
return GetString16Attribute(ui::AX_ATTR_NAME);
base::string16 text;
for (size_t i = 0; i < InternalChildCount(); ++i)
text += InternalGetChild(i)->GetInnerText();
return text;
gfx::Rect BrowserAccessibility::RelativeToAbsoluteBounds(
gfx::RectF bounds,
bool frame_only) const {
const BrowserAccessibility* node = this;
while (node) {
bounds =
node->manager()->ax_tree()->RelativeToTreeBounds(node->node(), bounds);
// On some platforms we need to unapply root scroll offsets.
const BrowserAccessibility* root = node->manager()->GetRoot();
if (!node->manager()->UseRootScrollOffsetsWhenComputingBounds() &&
!root->PlatformGetParent()) {
int sx = 0;
int sy = 0;
if (root->GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X, &sx) &&
root->GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_Y, &sy)) {
bounds.Offset(sx, sy);
if (frame_only)
node = root->PlatformGetParent();
return gfx::ToEnclosingRect(bounds);
gfx::NativeViewAccessible BrowserAccessibility::GetNativeViewAccessible() {
// TODO(703369) On Windows, where we have started to migrate to an
// AXPlatformNode implementation, the BrowserAccessibilityWin subclass has
// overridden this method. On all other platforms, this method should not be
// called yet. In the future, when all subclasses have moved over to be
// implemented by AXPlatformNode, we may make this method completely virtual.
return nullptr;
// AXPlatformNodeDelegate.
const ui::AXNodeData& BrowserAccessibility::GetData() const {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(ui::AXNodeData, empty_data, ());
if (node_)
return node_->data();
return empty_data;
const ui::AXTreeData& BrowserAccessibility::GetTreeData() const {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(ui::AXTreeData, empty_data, ());
if (manager())
return manager()->GetTreeData();
return empty_data;
gfx::NativeWindow BrowserAccessibility::GetTopLevelWidget() {
return nullptr;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible BrowserAccessibility::GetParent() {
auto* parent = PlatformGetParent();
if (!parent)
return nullptr;
return parent->GetNativeViewAccessible();
int BrowserAccessibility::GetChildCount() {
return PlatformChildCount();
gfx::NativeViewAccessible BrowserAccessibility::ChildAtIndex(int index) {
auto* child = PlatformGetChild(index);
if (!child)
return nullptr;
return child->GetNativeViewAccessible();
gfx::Rect BrowserAccessibility::GetScreenBoundsRect() const {
gfx::Rect bounds = GetPageBoundsRect();
// Adjust the bounds by the top left corner of the containing view's bounds
// in screen coordinates.
return bounds;
gfx::NativeViewAccessible BrowserAccessibility::HitTestSync(int x, int y) {
auto* accessible = manager_->CachingAsyncHitTest(gfx::Point(x, y));
if (!accessible)
return nullptr;
return accessible->GetNativeViewAccessible();
gfx::NativeViewAccessible BrowserAccessibility::GetFocus() {
auto* focused = manager()->GetFocus();
if (!focused)
return nullptr;
return focused->GetNativeViewAccessible();
ui::AXPlatformNode* BrowserAccessibility::GetFromNodeID(int32_t id) {
// Not all BrowserAccessibility subclasses can return an AXPlatformNode yet.
// So, here we just return nullptr.
return nullptr;
int BrowserAccessibility::GetIndexInParent() const {
return node_ ? node_->index_in_parent() : -1;
BrowserAccessibility::GetTargetForNativeAccessibilityEvent() {
BrowserAccessibilityDelegate* root_delegate =
if (!root_delegate)
return gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget;
return root_delegate->AccessibilityGetAcceleratedWidget();
bool BrowserAccessibility::AccessibilityPerformAction(
const ui::AXActionData& data) {
if (data.action == ui::AX_ACTION_DO_DEFAULT) {
return true;
if (data.action == ui::AX_ACTION_FOCUS) {
return true;
return false;
bool BrowserAccessibility::ShouldIgnoreHoveredStateForTesting() {
BrowserAccessibilityStateImpl* accessibility_state =
return accessibility_state->disable_hot_tracking_for_testing();
} // namespace content