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<title>CSSUnparsedValue tests</title>
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'use strict';
const gValidTestArgs = [
{ args: [], desc: 'no arguments' },
{ args: [''], desc: 'an empty string' },
{ args: [new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--foo')], desc: 'a CSSVariableReferenceValue' },
args: ['foo', 'bar', new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--A'), 'baz', new CSSVariableReferenceValue('--B')],
desc: 'mix of strings and CSSVariableReferenceValues'
for (const {args, desc} of gValidTestArgs) {
test(() => {
const result = new CSSUnparsedValue(...args);
assert_array_equals(result, args);
}, 'CSSUnparsedValue can be constructed from ' + desc);