blob: 08810cfba7a87c6d4f941d7b3444a3034880896c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Namespace for test related things.
var test = test || {};
* Extract the information of the given element.
* @param {Element} element Element to be extracted.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {Array<string>=} opt_styleNames List of CSS property name to be
* obtained. NOTE: Causes element style re-calculation.
* @return {{attributes:Object<string>, text:string,
* styles:(Object<string>|undefined), hidden:boolean}} Element
* information that contains contentText, attribute names and
* values, hidden attribute, and style names and values.
function extractElementInfo(element, contentWindow, opt_styleNames) {
const attributes = {};
for (let i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) {
attributes[element.attributes[i].nodeName] =
const result = {
attributes: attributes,
text: element.textContent,
value: element.value,
// The hidden attribute is not in the element.attributes even if
// element.hasAttribute('hidden') is true.
hidden: !!element.hidden,
hasShadowRoot: !!element.shadowRoot
const styleNames = opt_styleNames || [];
if (!styleNames.length)
return result;
const styles = {};
const size = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const computedStyles = contentWindow.getComputedStyle(element);
for (let i = 0; i < styleNames.length; i++) {
styles[styleNames[i]] = computedStyles[styleNames[i]];
result.styles = styles;
// These attributes are set when element is img or canvas.
result.imageWidth = Number(element.width);
result.imageHeight = Number(element.height);
// These attributes are set in any element.
result.renderedWidth = size.width;
result.renderedHeight = size.height;
return result;
* Namespace for test utility functions.
* Public functions in the test.util.sync and the test.util.async namespaces are
* published to test cases and can be called by using callRemoteTestUtil. The
* arguments are serialized as JSON internally. If application ID is passed to
* callRemoteTestUtil, the content window of the application is added as the
* first argument. The functions in the test.util.async namespace are passed the
* callback function as the last argument.
test.util = {};
* Namespace for synchronous utility functions.
test.util.sync = {};
* Namespace for asynchronous utility functions.
test.util.async = {};
* List of extension ID of the testing extension.
* @type {Array<string>}
* @const
'oobinhbdbiehknkpbpejbbpdbkdjmoco', // File Manager test extension.
'ejhcmmdhhpdhhgmifplfmjobgegbibkn', // Gallery test extension.
'ljoplibgfehghmibaoaepfagnmbbfiga', // Video Player test extension.
'ddabbgbggambiildohfagdkliahiecfl', // Audio Player test extension.
* Obtains window information.
* @return {Object<{innerWidth:number, innerHeight:number}>} Map window
* ID and window information.
test.util.sync.getWindows = function() {
var windows = {};
for (var id in window.appWindows) {
var windowWrapper = window.appWindows[id];
windows[id] = {
outerWidth: windowWrapper.contentWindow.outerWidth,
outerHeight: windowWrapper.contentWindow.outerHeight
for (var id in window.background.dialogs) {
windows[id] = {
outerWidth: window.background.dialogs[id].outerWidth,
outerHeight: window.background.dialogs[id].outerHeight
return windows;
* Closes the specified window.
* @param {string} appId AppId of window to be closed.
* @return {boolean} Result: True if success, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.closeWindow = function(appId) {
if (appId in window.appWindows &&
window.appWindows[appId].contentWindow) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets total Javascript error count from background page and each app window.
* @return {number} Error count.
test.util.sync.getErrorCount = function() {
var totalCount = window.JSErrorCount;
for (var appId in window.appWindows) {
var contentWindow = window.appWindows[appId].contentWindow;
if (contentWindow.JSErrorCount)
totalCount += contentWindow.JSErrorCount;
return totalCount;
* Resizes the window to the specified dimensions.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {number} width Window width.
* @param {number} height Window height.
* @return {boolean} True for success.
test.util.sync.resizeWindow = function(contentWindow, width, height) {
window.appWindows[contentWindow.appID].resizeTo(width, height);
return true;
* Maximizes the window.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @return {boolean} True for success.
test.util.sync.maximizeWindow = function(contentWindow) {
return true;
* Restores the window state (maximized/minimized/etc...).
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @return {boolean} True for success.
test.util.sync.restoreWindow = function(contentWindow) {
return true;
* Returns whether the window is miximized or not.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @return {boolean} True if the window is maximized now.
test.util.sync.isWindowMaximized = function(contentWindow) {
return window.appWindows[contentWindow.appID].isMaximized();
* Queries all elements.
* @param {!Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {Array<string>=} opt_styleNames List of CSS property name to be
* obtained.
* @return {!Array<{attributes:Object<string>, text:string,
* styles:Object<string>, hidden:boolean}>} Element
* information that contains contentText, attribute names and
* values, hidden attribute, and style names and values.
test.util.sync.queryAllElements = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, opt_styleNames) {
return test.util.sync.deepQueryAllElements(
contentWindow, [targetQuery], opt_styleNames);
* Queries elements inside shadow DOM.
* @param {!Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {!Array<string>} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* |targetQuery[0]| specifies the first element(s). |targetQuery[1]| specifies
* elements inside the shadow DOM of the first element, and so on.
* @param {Array<string>=} opt_styleNames List of CSS property name to be
* obtained.
* @return {!Array<{attributes:Object<string>, text:string,
* styles:Object<string>, hidden:boolean}>} Element
* information that contains contentText, attribute names and
* values, hidden attribute, and style names and values.
test.util.sync.deepQueryAllElements = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, opt_styleNames) {
if (!contentWindow.document)
return [];
var elems =
test.util.sync.deepQuerySelectorAll_(contentWindow.document, targetQuery);
return {
return extractElementInfo(element, contentWindow, opt_styleNames);
* Selects elements below |root|, possibly following shadow DOM subtree.
* @param {(!HTMLElement|!Document)} root Element to search from.
* @param {!Array<string>} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* |targetQuery[0]| specifies the first element(s). |targetQuery[1]| specifies
* elements inside the shadow DOM of the first element, and so on.
* @return {!Array<!HTMLElement>} Matched elements.
* @private
test.util.sync.deepQuerySelectorAll_ = function(root, targetQuery) {
var elems =[0]));
var remaining = targetQuery.slice(1);
if (remaining.length === 0)
return elems;
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
if (elems[i].shadowRoot) {
res = res.concat(
test.util.sync.deepQuerySelectorAll_(elems[i].shadowRoot, remaining));
return res;
* Executes a script in the context of the first <webview> element contained in
* the window, including shadow DOM subtrees if given, and returns the script
* result via the callback.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {!Array<string>} targetQuery Query for the <webview> element.
* |targetQuery[0]| specifies the first element. |targetQuery[1]| specifies
* an element inside the shadow DOM of the first element, etc. The last
* targetQuery item must return the <webview> element.
* @param {string} script Javascript code to be executed within the <webview>.
* @param {function(*)} callback Callback function to be called with the
* result of the |script|.
test.util.async.deepExecuteScriptInWebView = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, script, callback) {
const webviews =
test.util.sync.deepQuerySelectorAll_(contentWindow.document, targetQuery);
if (!webviews || webviews.length !== 1)
throw new Error('<webview> not found: [' + targetQuery.join(',') + ']');
const webview = /** @type {WebView} */ (webviews[0]);
webview.executeScript({code: script}, callback);
* Gets the information of the active element.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {Array<string>=} opt_styleNames List of CSS property name to be
* obtained.
* @return {?{attributes:Object<string>, text:string,
* styles:(Object<string>|undefined), hidden:boolean}} Element
* information that contains contentText, attribute names and
* values, hidden attribute, and style names and values. If there is no
* active element, returns null.
test.util.sync.getActiveElement = function(contentWindow, opt_styleNames) {
if (!contentWindow.document || !contentWindow.document.activeElement)
return null;
return extractElementInfo(
contentWindow.document.activeElement, contentWindow, opt_styleNames);
* Assigns the text to the input element.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} query Query for the input element.
* @param {string} text Text to be assigned.
test.util.sync.inputText = function(contentWindow, query, text) {
var input = contentWindow.document.querySelector(query);
input.value = text;
* Sends an event to the element specified by |targetQuery| or active element.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {?string|Array<string>} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* If this value is null, an event is dispatched to active element of the
* document.
* If targetQuery is an array, |targetQuery[0]| specifies the first
* element(s), |targetQuery[1]| specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of
* the first element, and so on.
* @param {!Event} event Event to be sent.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.sendEvent = function(contentWindow, targetQuery, event) {
if (!contentWindow.document)
return false;
let target;
if (targetQuery === null) {
target = contentWindow.document.activeElement;
} else if (typeof targetQuery === 'string') {
target = contentWindow.document.querySelector(targetQuery);
} else if (Array.isArray(targetQuery)) {
let elems = test.util.sync.deepQuerySelectorAll_(
contentWindow.document, targetQuery);
if (elems.length > 0)
target = elems[0];
if (!target)
return false;
return true;
* Sends an fake event having the specified type to the target query.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @param {string} eventType Type of event.
* @param {Object=} opt_additionalProperties Object contaning additional
* properties.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeEvent = function(contentWindow,
opt_additionalProperties) {
var event = new Event(eventType,
/** @type {!EventInit} */ (opt_additionalProperties || {}));
if (opt_additionalProperties) {
for (var name in opt_additionalProperties) {
event[name] = opt_additionalProperties[name];
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, event);
* Sends a fake key event to the element specified by |targetQuery| or active
* element with the given |key| and optional |ctrl,shift,alt| modifier.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {?string} targetQuery Query to specify the element. If this value is
* null, key event is dispatched to active element of the document.
* @param {string} key DOM UI Events key value.
* @param {boolean} ctrl Whether CTRL should be pressed, or not.
* @param {boolean} shift whether SHIFT should be pressed, or not.
* @param {boolean} alt whether ALT should be pressed, or not.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeKeyDown = function(
contentWindow, targetQuery, key, ctrl, shift, alt) {
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
bubbles: true,
composed: true, // Allow the event to bubble past shadow DOM root.
key: key,
ctrlKey: ctrl,
shiftKey: shift,
altKey: alt
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, event);
* Simulates a fake mouse click (left button, single click) on the element
* specified by |targetQuery|. If the element has the click method, just calls
* it. Otherwise, this sends 'mouseover', 'mousedown', 'mouseup' and 'click'
* events in turns.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string|Array<string>} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* If targetQuery is an array, |targetQuery[0]| specifies the first
* element(s), |targetQuery[1]| specifies elements inside the shadow DOM of
* the first element, and so on.
* @return {boolean} True if the all events are sent to the target, false
* otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseClick = function(contentWindow, targetQuery) {
const props = {
bubbles: true,
detail: 1,
composed: true, // Allow the event to bubble past shadow DOM root.
const mouseOverEvent = new MouseEvent('mouseover', props);
const resultMouseOver =
test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, mouseOverEvent);
const mouseDownEvent = new MouseEvent('mousedown', props);
const resultMouseDown =
test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, mouseDownEvent);
const mouseUpEvent = new MouseEvent('mouseup', props);
const resultMouseUp =
test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, mouseUpEvent);
const clickEvent = new MouseEvent('click', props);
const resultClick =
test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, clickEvent);
return resultMouseOver && resultMouseDown && resultMouseUp && resultClick;
* Simulates a fake mouse click (right button, single click) on the element
* specified by |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false
* otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseRightClick = function(contentWindow, targetQuery) {
const mouseDownEvent =
new MouseEvent('mousedown', {bubbles: true, button: 2, composed: true});
if (!test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, mouseDownEvent)) {
return false;
const contextMenuEvent =
new MouseEvent('contextmenu', {bubbles: true, composed: true});
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, contextMenuEvent);
* Simulates a fake touch event (touch start, touch end) on the element
* specified by |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false
* otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeTouchClick = function(contentWindow, targetQuery) {
const touchStartEvent = new TouchEvent('touchstart');
if (!test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, touchStartEvent)) {
return false;
const mouseDownEvent =
new MouseEvent('mousedown', {bubbles: true, button: 2, composed: true});
if (!test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, mouseDownEvent)) {
return false;
const touchEndEvent = new TouchEvent('touchend');
if (!test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, touchEndEvent)) {
return false;
const contextMenuEvent =
new MouseEvent('contextmenu', {bubbles: true, composed: true});
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, contextMenuEvent);
* Simulates a fake double click event (left button) to the element specified by
* |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseDoubleClick = function(contentWindow, targetQuery) {
// Double click is always preceded with a single click.
if (!test.util.sync.fakeMouseClick(contentWindow, targetQuery)) {
return false;
// Send the second click event, but with detail equal to 2 (number of clicks)
// in a row.
let event =
new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true, detail: 2, composed: true});
if (!test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, event)) {
return false;
// Send the double click event.
event = new MouseEvent('dblclick', {bubbles: true, composed: true});
if (!test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, event)) {
return false;
return true;
* Sends a fake mouse down event to the element specified by |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseDown = function(contentWindow, targetQuery) {
const event = new MouseEvent('mousedown', {bubbles: true, composed: true});
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, event);
* Sends a fake mouse up event to the element specified by |targetQuery|.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @return {boolean} True if the event is sent to the target, false otherwise.
test.util.sync.fakeMouseUp = function(contentWindow, targetQuery) {
const event = new MouseEvent('mouseup', {bubbles: true, composed: true});
return test.util.sync.sendEvent(contentWindow, targetQuery, event);
* Focuses to the element specified by |targetQuery|. This method does not
* provide any guarantee whether the element is actually focused or not.
* @param {Window} contentWindow Window to be tested.
* @param {string} targetQuery Query to specify the element.
* @return {boolean} True if focus method of the element has been called, false
* otherwise.
test.util.sync.focus = function(contentWindow, targetQuery) {
var target = contentWindow.document &&
if (!target)
return false;
return true;
* Obtains the list of notification ID.
* @param {function(Object<boolean>)} callback Callback function with
* results returned by the script.
test.util.async.getNotificationIDs = function(callback) {
* Opens the file URL. It emulates the interaction that Launcher search does
* from a search result, it triggers the background page's event listener that
* listens to evens from launcher_search_provider API.
* @param {string} fileURL File URL to open by Files app background dialog.
* @suppress {accessControls|missingProperties} Closure disallow calling private
* launcherSearch_, but here we just want to emulate the behaviour, so we don't
* need to make this attribute public. Also the interface
* "FileBrowserBackground" doesn't define the attributes "launcherSearch_" so we
* need to suppress missingProperties.
test.util.sync.launcherSearchOpenResult = function(fileURL) {
* Gets file entries just under the volume.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @param {Array<string>} names File name list.
* @param {function(*)} callback Callback function with results returned by the
* script.
test.util.async.getFilesUnderVolume = function(volumeType, names, callback) {
var displayRootPromise =
volumeManagerFactory.getInstance().then(function(volumeManager) {
var volumeInfo = volumeManager.getCurrentProfileVolumeInfo(volumeType);
return volumeInfo.resolveDisplayRoot();
var retrievePromise = displayRootPromise.then(function(displayRoot) {
var filesPromise = {
return new Promise(
displayRoot.getFile.bind(displayRoot, name, {}));
return Promise.all(filesPromise).then(function(aa) {
return util.entriesToURLs(aa);
}).catch(function() {
return [];
* Unmounts the specified volume.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @param {function(boolean)} callback Function receives true on success.
test.util.async.unmount = function(volumeType, callback) {
volumeManagerFactory.getInstance().then((volumeManager) => {
const volumeInfo = volumeManager.getCurrentProfileVolumeInfo(volumeType);
if (volumeInfo) {
volumeInfo, callback.bind(null, true), callback.bind(null, false));
* Registers message listener, which runs test utility functions.
test.util.registerRemoteTestUtils = function() {
// Return true for asynchronous functions and false for synchronous.
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
// Check the sender.
if (! ||
test.util.TESTING_EXTENSION_IDS.indexOf( === -1) {
// Silently return. Don't return false; that short-circuits the
// propagation of messages, and there are now other listeners that want to
// handle external messages.
// Set a global flag that we are in tests, so other components are aware
// of it.
window.IN_TEST = true;
// Check the function name.
if (!request.func || request.func[request.func.length - 1] == '_') {
request.func = '';
// Prepare arguments.
if (!('args' in request))
throw new Error('Invalid request.');
var args = request.args.slice(); // shallow copy
if (request.appId) {
if (window.appWindows[request.appId]) {
} else if (window.background.dialogs[request.appId]) {
} else {
console.error('Specified window not found: ' + request.appId);
return false;
// Call the test utility function and respond the result.
if (test.util.async[request.func]) {
args[test.util.async[request.func].length - 1] = function() {
console.debug('Received the result of ' + request.func);
sendResponse.apply(null, arguments);
console.debug('Waiting for the result of ' + request.func);
test.util.async[request.func].apply(null, args);
return true;
} else if (test.util.sync[request.func]) {
sendResponse(test.util.sync[request.func].apply(null, args));
return false;
} else {
console.error('Invalid function name.');
return false;
* Returns the MetadataStats collected in MetadataModel, it will be serialized
* as a plain object when sending to test extension.
* @suppress {missingProperties} metadataStats is only defined for foreground
* Window so it isn't visible in the background. Here it will return as JSON
* object to test extension.
test.util.sync.getMetadataStats = function(contentWindow) {
return contentWindow.fileManager.metadataModel.getStats();
* Returns true when FileManager has finished loading, by checking the attribute
* "loaded" on its root element.
test.util.sync.isFileManagerLoaded = function(contentWindow) {
if (contentWindow && contentWindow.fileManager &&
return contentWindow.fileManager.ui.element.hasAttribute('loaded');
return false;
* Reports to the given |callback| the number of volumes available in
* VolumeManager in the background page.
* @param {function(number)} callback Callback function to be called with the
* number of volumes.
test.util.async.getVolumesCount = function(callback) {
return volumeManagerFactory.getInstance().then((volumeManager) => {