blob: e3bc235618da4199f8a1e245f588be2b83f8dc0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "services/ws/focus_handler.h"
#include "services/ws/ids.h"
#include "services/ws/public/mojom/window_tree.mojom.h"
#include "ui/aura/client/capture_client_observer.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
namespace ui {
class Event;
namespace ws {
class ClientChangeTracker;
class ClientRoot;
class Embedding;
class FocusHandler;
class PointerWatcher;
class ServerWindow;
class TopmostWindowObserver;
class WindowService;
// WindowTree manages a client connected to the Window Service. WindowTree
// provides the implementation of mojom::WindowTree that the client talks
// to. WindowTree implements the mojom::WindowTree interface on top of aura.
// That is, changes to the aura Window hierarchy are mirrored to the
// mojom::WindowTreeClient interface. Similarly, changes from the client by
// way of the mojom::WindowTree interface modify the underlying aura
// Windows.
// WindowTree is created in two distinct ways:
// . when the client is embedded in a specific aura::Window, by way of
// WindowTree::Embed(). Use InitForEmbed(). This configuration has only a
// single ClientRoot.
// . by way of a WindowTreeFactory. In this mode the client has no initial
// roots. To create a root the client requests a top-level window. Use
// InitFromFactory() for this. In this configuration there is a ClientRoot
// per top-level.
// Typically instances of WindowTree are owned by a WindowTreeBinding that is
// created via WindowTreeFactory, but that is not necessary (in particular tests
// often do not use WindowTreeBinding).
: public mojom::WindowTree,
public aura::WindowObserver,
public aura::client::CaptureClientObserver {
WindowTree(WindowService* window_service,
ClientSpecificId client_id,
mojom::WindowTreeClient* client,
const std::string& client_name);
~WindowTree() override;
// See class description for details on Init variants.
void InitForEmbed(aura::Window* root, mojom::WindowTreePtr window_tree_ptr);
void InitFromFactory();
ClientSpecificId client_id() const { return client_id_; }
// Notifies the client than an event has been received.
void SendEventToClient(aura::Window* window, const ui::Event& event);
// Notifies the client that an event matching a pointer watcher has been
// received.
void SendPointerWatcherEventToClient(int64_t display_id,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> event);
// Returns true if |window| was created by the client calling
// NewTopLevelWindow().
bool IsTopLevel(aura::Window* window);
// Asks the client to close |window|. |window| must be a top-level window.
void RequestClose(ServerWindow* window);
// Called when an Embedding is destroyed. This is only called for Embeddings
// that do not own the WindowTree (see Embedding for more details on when this
// happens).
void OnEmbeddingDestroyed(Embedding* embedding);
// Sends the topmost window information to the client. There can be multiple
// windows, as described for OnTopmostWindowChanged() in window_tree.mojom.
void SendTopmostWindows(const std::vector<aura::Window*>& topmosts);
WindowService* window_service() { return window_service_; }
// Returns the ClientWindowId for the window the client previously supplied
// to ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient(). If the client did not call
// ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient() with |embed_token|, an invalid
// ClientWindowId is returned.
ClientWindowId RemoveScheduledEmbedUsingExistingClient(
const base::UnguessableToken& embed_token);
// Completes a previous call to ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient().
void CompleteScheduleEmbedForExistingClient(
aura::Window* window,
const ClientWindowId& id,
const base::UnguessableToken& token);
const std::string& client_name() const { return client_name_; }
// Returns true if at a compositor frame sink has been created for at least
// one of the roots.
bool HasAtLeastOneRootWithCompositorFrameSink();
ClientWindowId ClientWindowIdForWindow(aura::Window* window);
friend class ClientRoot;
// TODO(sky): WindowTree should be refactored such that it is not
// necessary to friend this.
friend class FocusHandler;
friend class WindowTreeTestHelper;
struct InFlightEvent;
using ClientRoots = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClientRoot>>;
enum class ConnectionType {
// This client is the result of an embedding, InitForEmbed() was called.
// This client is not the result of an embedding. More specifically
// InitFromFactory() was called. Generally this means the client first
// connected to mojom::WindowTreeFactory and then called
// mojom::WindowTreeFactory::CreateWindowTree().
enum class DeleteClientRootReason {
// The window is being destroyed.
// Another client is being embedded in the window.
// The embedded client explicitly asked to be unembedded.
// Called when the ClientRoot is deleted from the WindowTree destructor.
// Creates a new ClientRoot. The returned ClientRoot is owned by this.
// |is_top_level| is true if this is called from
// WindowTree::NewTopLevelWindow().
ClientRoot* CreateClientRoot(aura::Window* window, bool is_top_level);
void DeleteClientRoot(ClientRoot* client_root, DeleteClientRootReason reason);
void DeleteClientRootWithRoot(aura::Window* window);
aura::Window* GetWindowByClientId(const ClientWindowId& id);
aura::Window* GetWindowByTransportId(Id transport_window_id);
// Returns true if |this| created |window|.
bool IsClientCreatedWindow(aura::Window* window);
bool IsClientRootWindow(aura::Window* window);
// Returns the window which is corresponded with the root window for the
// specified |window| in the client.
aura::Window* GetClientRootWindowFor(aura::Window* window);
ClientRoots::iterator FindClientRootWithRoot(aura::Window* window);
// Returns true if |window| has been exposed to this client. A client
// typically only sees a limited set of windows that may exist. The set of
// windows exposed to the client are referred to as the known windows.
bool IsWindowKnown(aura::Window* window) const;
bool IsWindowRootOfAnotherClient(aura::Window* window) const;
// Called when one of the windows known to the client loses capture.
// |lost_capture| is the window that had capture.
void OnCaptureLost(aura::Window* lost_capture);
// Callback from WindowServiceDelegate::RunWindowMoveLoop(). |change_id| is
// the id at the time the move-loop was initiated. |result| is the result of
// the move loop (true for success).
void OnPerformWindowMoveDone(uint32_t change_id, bool result);
// Scheduled from PerformDragDrop to run drag loop with mojo stack unwinded.
void DoPerformDragDrop(
uint32_t change_id,
Id source_window_id,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
const base::flat_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& drag_data,
const gfx::ImageSkia& drag_image,
const gfx::Vector2d& drag_image_offset,
uint32_t drag_operation,
ui::mojom::PointerKind source);
// Callback from WindowServiceDelegate::RunDragLoop(). |change_id| is
// the id at the time the drag loop was initiated. |result| is the result of
// the drag (the final drag operation performed, or DRAG_NONE when the drag
// fails or gets canceled).
void OnPerformDragDropDone(uint32_t change_id, int drag_result);
// Called for windows created by the client (including top-levels).
aura::Window* AddClientCreatedWindow(
const ClientWindowId& id,
bool is_top_level,
std::unique_ptr<aura::Window> window_ptr);
// Adds/removes a Window from the set of windows known to the client. This
// also adds or removes any observers that may need to be installed.
void AddWindowToKnownWindows(aura::Window* window, const ClientWindowId& id);
// |delete_if_owned| indicates if |window| should be deleted if this client
// created it. |delete_if_owned| is false only if the window was externally
// deleted.
void RemoveWindowFromKnownWindows(aura::Window* window, bool delete_if_owned);
// Unregisters |window| and all its descendants. This stops at windows created
// by this client, adding to |created_windows|.
void RemoveWindowFromKnownWindowsRecursive(
aura::Window* window,
std::vector<aura::Window*>* created_windows);
// Returns true if |id| may be used for a new Window. Clients have certain
// restrictions placed on what ids they may use (and that an id isn't
// reused).
bool IsValidIdForNewWindow(const ClientWindowId& id) const;
// Returns the id to send to the client for a ClientWindowId. Windows that
// were created by this client always have the high bits set to 0 (because
// the client doesn't know its own id).
Id ClientWindowIdToTransportId(const ClientWindowId& client_window_id) const;
Id TransportIdForWindow(aura::Window* window) const;
// Returns the ClientWindowId from a transport id. Uses |client_id_| as the
// ClientWindowId::client_id part if invalid. This function does a straight
// mapping, there may not be a window with the returned id.
ClientWindowId MakeClientWindowId(Id transport_window_id) const;
// Returns true if the local-surface id for |window| is assigned by this
// client. A return value of false means the LocalSurfaceId is assigned by
// either another client, or by the WindowService itself.
bool IsLocalSurfaceIdAssignedByClient(aura::Window* window);
std::vector<mojom::WindowDataPtr> WindowsToWindowDatas(
const std::vector<aura::Window*>& windows);
mojom::WindowDataPtr WindowToWindowData(aura::Window* window);
// Returns the WindowTreeClient previously scheduled for an embed with the
// given |token| from ScheduleEmbed(). If this client is the result of an
// Embed() and ScheduleEmbed() was not called on this client, then this
// recurses to WindowTrees that embedded this tree. |visited_trees| contains
// the WindowTrees that have already been visited. Recursing enables an
// ancestor to call ScheduleEmbed() and the ancestor to communicate the
// token with the client.
mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr GetAndRemoveScheduledEmbedWindowTreeClient(
const base::UnguessableToken& token,
std::set<WindowTree*>* visited_trees);
// Methods with the name Impl() mirror those of mojom::WindowTree. The
// return value indicates whether they succeeded or not. Generally failure
// means the operation was not allowed.
bool NewWindowImpl(
const ClientWindowId& client_window_id,
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& properties);
bool DeleteWindowImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
bool SetCaptureImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
bool ReleaseCaptureImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
bool AddWindowImpl(const ClientWindowId& parent_id,
const ClientWindowId& child_id);
bool RemoveWindowFromParentImpl(const ClientWindowId& client_window_id);
bool AddTransientWindowImpl(const ClientWindowId& parent_window_id,
const ClientWindowId& transient_window_id);
bool RemoveTransientWindowFromParentImpl(const ClientWindowId& transient_id);
bool SetModalTypeImpl(const ClientWindowId& client_window_id,
ui::ModalType type);
bool SetWindowVisibilityImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id, bool visible);
bool SetWindowPropertyImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id,
const std::string& name,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& value);
bool EmbedImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id,
mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr window_tree_client_ptr,
mojom::WindowTreeClient* window_tree_client,
uint32_t flags);
bool SetWindowOpacityImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id, float opacity);
bool SetWindowBoundsImpl(
const ClientWindowId& window_id,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
const base::Optional<viz::LocalSurfaceId>& local_surface_id);
bool ReorderWindowImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id,
const ClientWindowId& relative_window_id,
mojom::OrderDirection direction);
std::vector<aura::Window*> GetWindowTreeImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
bool SetFocusImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
bool SetCursorImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id, ui::CursorData cursor);
bool StackAboveImpl(const ClientWindowId& above_window_id,
const ClientWindowId& below_window_id);
bool StackAtTopImpl(const ClientWindowId& window_id);
void GetWindowTreeRecursive(aura::Window* window,
std::vector<aura::Window*>* windows);
// Called when the client associated with an Embedding created by this object
// disconnects. This deletes |embedding|, which deletes the embedded client.
void OnEmbeddedClientConnectionLost(Embedding* embedding);
// aura::WindowObserver:
void OnWindowDestroyed(aura::Window* window) override;
// aura::client::CaptureClientObserver:
void OnCaptureChanged(aura::Window* lost_capture,
aura::Window* gained_capture) override;
// mojom::WindowTree:
void NewWindow(
uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
const base::Optional<base::flat_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>>&
transport_properties) override;
void NewTopLevelWindow(
uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
const base::flat_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& properties)
void DeleteWindow(uint32_t change_id, Id transport_window_id) override;
void SetCapture(uint32_t change_id, Id transport_window_id) override;
void ReleaseCapture(uint32_t change_id, Id transport_window_id) override;
void StartPointerWatcher(bool want_moves) override;
void StopPointerWatcher() override;
void SetWindowBounds(
uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
const gfx::Rect& bounds,
const base::Optional<viz::LocalSurfaceId>& local_surface_id) override;
void SetWindowTransform(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
const gfx::Transform& transform) override;
void SetClientArea(Id transport_window_id,
const gfx::Insets& insets,
const base::Optional<std::vector<gfx::Rect>>&
additional_client_areas) override;
void SetHitTestMask(Id transport_window_id,
const base::Optional<gfx::Rect>& mask) override;
void SetCanAcceptDrops(Id window_id, bool accepts_drops) override;
void SetWindowVisibility(uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
bool visible) override;
void SetWindowProperty(
uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
const std::string& name,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& value) override;
void SetWindowOpacity(uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
float opacity) override;
void AttachCompositorFrameSink(
Id transport_window_id,
viz::mojom::CompositorFrameSinkRequest compositor_frame_sink,
viz::mojom::CompositorFrameSinkClientPtr client) override;
void AddWindow(uint32_t change_id, Id parent_id, Id child_id) override;
void RemoveWindowFromParent(uint32_t change_id, Id window_id) override;
void AddTransientWindow(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
Id transient_window_id) override;
void RemoveTransientWindowFromParent(uint32_t change_id,
Id transient_window_id) override;
void SetModalType(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
ui::ModalType type) override;
void ReorderWindow(uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
Id transport_relative_window_id,
mojom::OrderDirection direction) override;
void GetWindowTree(Id window_id, GetWindowTreeCallback callback) override;
void Embed(Id transport_window_id,
mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client_ptr,
uint32_t embed_flags,
EmbedCallback callback) override;
void ScheduleEmbed(mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client,
ScheduleEmbedCallback callback) override;
void ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient(
uint32_t window_id,
ScheduleEmbedForExistingClientCallback callback) override;
void EmbedUsingToken(Id transport_window_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& token,
uint32_t embed_flags,
EmbedUsingTokenCallback callback) override;
void SetFocus(uint32_t change_id, Id transport_window_id) override;
void SetCanFocus(Id transport_window_id, bool can_focus) override;
void SetCursor(uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
ui::CursorData cursor) override;
void SetWindowTextInputState(Id window_id,
ui::mojom::TextInputStatePtr state) override;
void SetImeVisibility(Id window_id,
bool visible,
::ui::mojom::TextInputStatePtr state) override;
void SetEventTargetingPolicy(Id transport_window_id,
mojom::EventTargetingPolicy policy) override;
void OnWindowInputEventAck(uint32_t event_id,
mojom::EventResult result) override;
void DeactivateWindow(Id transport_window_id) override;
void StackAbove(uint32_t change_id, Id above_id, Id below_id) override;
void StackAtTop(uint32_t change_id, Id window_id) override;
void PerformWmAction(Id window_id, const std::string& action) override;
void GetCursorLocationMemory(
GetCursorLocationMemoryCallback callback) override;
void PerformWindowMove(uint32_t change_id,
Id transport_window_id,
mojom::MoveLoopSource source,
const gfx::Point& cursor) override;
void CancelWindowMove(Id transport_window_id) override;
void PerformDragDrop(
uint32_t change_id,
Id source_window_id,
const gfx::Point& screen_location,
const base::flat_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& drag_data,
const gfx::ImageSkia& drag_image,
const gfx::Vector2d& drag_image_offset,
uint32_t drag_operation,
ui::mojom::PointerKind source) override;
void CancelDragDrop(Id window_id) override;
void ObserveTopmostWindow(mojom::MoveLoopSource source,
Id window_id) override;
void StopObservingTopmostWindow() override;
WindowService* window_service_;
const ClientSpecificId client_id_;
// Identity of the remote client. This is only valid for clients connecting
// directly to the WindowService. Clients that were embedded do not connect
// directly to the WindowService, in which case |client_name_| is empty.
const std::string client_name_;
ConnectionType connection_type_ = ConnectionType::kEmbedding;
mojom::WindowTreeClient* window_tree_client_;
// Controls whether the client can change the visibility of the roots.
bool can_change_root_window_visibility_ = true;
ClientRoots client_roots_;
// Set of windows this client created. The values are the same as key, but
// put inside a unique_ptr to reinforce this class owns these Windows.
// Ideally set would be used, but sets have some painful restrictions
// (c++17's set::extract() may make it possible to use a set again).
std::unordered_map<aura::Window*, std::unique_ptr<aura::Window>>
// These contain mappings for known windows. At a minimum this contains the
// windows in |client_created_windows_|. It will also contain any windows
// that are exposed (known) to this client for various reasons. For example,
// if this client is the result of an embedding then the window at the embed
// point (the root window of the ClientRoot) was not created by this client,
// but is known and in these mappings.
std::map<aura::Window*, ClientWindowId> window_to_client_window_id_map_;
std::unordered_map<ClientWindowId, aura::Window*, ClientWindowIdHash>
// Used to track the active change from the client.
std::unique_ptr<ClientChangeTracker> property_change_tracker_;
// If non-null the client has requested pointer events the client would not
// normally get.
std::unique_ptr<PointerWatcher> pointer_watcher_;
FocusHandler focus_handler_{this};
// Holds WindowTreeClients passed to ScheduleEmbed(). Entries are removed
// when EmbedUsingToken() is called.
using ScheduledEmbeds =
base::flat_map<base::UnguessableToken, mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr>;
ScheduledEmbeds scheduled_embeds_;
// Calls to ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient() add an entry here. The value is
// the value supplied to ScheduleEmbedForExistingClient(). When a matching
// EmbedUsingToken() is received, the value in the map is used as the id for
// the window in this client (specifically |ClientWindowId.sink_id|).
using ScheduledEmbedsForExistingClient =
base::flat_map<base::UnguessableToken, ClientSpecificId>;
ScheduledEmbedsForExistingClient scheduled_embeds_for_existing_client_;
// Used to track events sent to the client.
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<InFlightEvent>> in_flight_events_;
// Set while a window move loop is in progress.
aura::Window* window_moving_ = nullptr;
// Set while a window move loop is in progress to track the window move
// information.
std::unique_ptr<TopmostWindowObserver> topmost_window_observer_;
// Set while a drag loop is in progress.
Id pending_drag_source_window_id_ = kInvalidTransportId;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WindowTree> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace ws