blob: 1f12d47e502aab795e0d298aeace5f6266e32108 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "net/nqe/effective_connection_type.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
// DataReductionProxy-related data that can be put into UserData or other
// storage vehicles to associate this data with the object that owns it.
class DataReductionProxyData : public base::SupportsUserData::Data {
~DataReductionProxyData() override;
// Whether the DataReductionProxy was used for this request or navigation.
bool used_data_reduction_proxy() const { return used_data_reduction_proxy_; }
void set_used_data_reduction_proxy(bool used_data_reduction_proxy) {
used_data_reduction_proxy_ = used_data_reduction_proxy;
// Whether Lo-Fi was requested for this request or navigation. True if the
// session is in Lo-Fi control or enabled group, and the network quality is
// slow.
bool lofi_requested() const { return lofi_requested_; }
void set_lofi_requested(bool lofi_requested) {
lofi_requested_ = lofi_requested;
// Whether a lite page response was seen for the request or navigation.
bool lite_page_received() const { return lite_page_received_; }
void set_lite_page_received(bool lite_page_received) {
lite_page_received_ = lite_page_received;
// Whether a lite page response was seen for the request or navigation.
bool lofi_received() const { return lofi_received_; }
void set_lofi_received(bool lofi_received) { lofi_received_ = lofi_received; }
// The session key used for this request. Only set for main frame requests.
std::string session_key() const { return session_key_; }
void set_session_key(const std::string& session_key) {
session_key_ = session_key;
// The URL the frame is navigating to. This may change during the navigation
// when encountering a server redirect. Only set for main frame requests.
GURL request_url() const { return request_url_; }
void set_request_url(const GURL& request_url) { request_url_ = request_url; }
// The EffectiveConnectionType after the proxy is resolved. This is set for
// main frame requests only.
net::EffectiveConnectionType effective_connection_type() const {
return effective_connection_type_;
void set_effective_connection_type(
const net::EffectiveConnectionType& effective_connection_type) {
effective_connection_type_ = effective_connection_type;
// An identifier that is guaranteed to be unique to each page load during a
// data saver session. Only present on main frame requests.
const base::Optional<uint64_t>& page_id() const { return page_id_; }
void set_page_id(uint64_t page_id) { page_id_ = page_id; }
// Removes |this| from |request|.
static void ClearData(net::URLRequest* request);
// Returns the Data from the URLRequest's UserData.
static DataReductionProxyData* GetData(const net::URLRequest& request);
// Returns the Data for a given URLRequest. If there is currently no
// DataReductionProxyData on URLRequest, it creates one, and adds it to the
// URLRequest's UserData, and returns a raw pointer to the new instance.
static DataReductionProxyData* GetDataAndCreateIfNecessary(
net::URLRequest* request);
// Create a brand new instance of DataReductionProxyData that could be used in
// a different thread. Several of deep copies may occur per navigation, so
// this is inexpensive.
std::unique_ptr<DataReductionProxyData> DeepCopy() const;
// Whether the DataReductionProxy was used for this request or navigation.
bool used_data_reduction_proxy_;
// Whether Lo-Fi was requested for this request or navigation. True if the
// session is in Lo-Fi control or enabled group, and the network quality is
// slow.
bool lofi_requested_;
// Whether a lite page response was seen for the request or navigation.
bool lite_page_received_;
// Whether a lite page response was seen for the request or navigation.
bool lofi_received_;
// The session key used for this request or navigation.
std::string session_key_;
// The URL the frame is navigating to. This may change during the navigation
// when encountering a server redirect.
GURL request_url_;
// The EffectiveConnectionType when the request or navigation starts. This is
// set for main frame requests only.
net::EffectiveConnectionType effective_connection_type_;
// An identifier that is guaranteed to be unique to each page load during a
// data saver session. Only present on main frame requests.
base::Optional<uint64_t> page_id_;
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy