Integrate about:conflicts with --diagnostics

This should enable the user to find conflicting dlls that are crashing Chrome on startup.

This changelist introduces a limited_mode for scanning, since the diagnostics tests run without the help of many Chrome services, so we can't use the File thread for asynchronous scanning or the notification system.

Also changed the scanning so that if no signature/description is given in the blacklist, then we mark the DLL as a confirmed match if the name and the location match (before we used to match it as a 'suspected' match). A very sizable chunk of the blacklist is malware, which has no signature, so this gives us the ability to trigger the wrench badge on finding malware (that part remains opt-in through about:flags).

Also added failure count to diagnostics output (sometimes the error scrolls off screen, so having a note at the bottom helps).

TEST=All diagnostics tests run as part of the unit tests.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
11 files changed