Add cloud_print to the GN build.

There were some existing cloud_print targets that were hooked up only on Linux, but most of the code was Windows-only. This adds the missing targets and should bring us up to GYP parity.

Fix the cloud print size_t to int warnings and remove the warning disable from GYP.

Move generated resources file from cloud_print/resources.h to cloud_print/service/resources.h to match where the source file is.

Cloud print does some messy things to get the content switches constants, including the file directly in its sources and manually setting LINK_CONTENT_STATICALLY for all targets. In GN, this adds a static_switches target in content that does this in an official way.

Reland of with warning fixes

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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#354089}
28 files changed