blob: 09356e40fd944636135211bd51b51eaa34b46561 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_prefs.h"
#include "components/pref_registry/pref_registry_syncable.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
namespace autofill {
namespace prefs {
// Integer that is set to the last choice user made when prompted for saving a
// credit card. The prompt is for user's consent in saving the card in the
// server for signed in users and saving the card locally for non signed-in
// users.
const char kAutofillAcceptSaveCreditCardPromptState[] =
// Integer that is set to the billing customer number fetched from priority
// preference.
const char kAutofillBillingCustomerNumber[] = "billing_customer_number";
// The field type, validity state map of all profiles.
const char kAutofillProfileValidity[] = "autofill.profile_validity";
// Boolean that is true if Autofill is enabled and allowed to save credit card
// data.
const char kAutofillCreditCardEnabled[] = "autofill.credit_card_enabled";
// Number of times the credit card signin promo has been shown.
const char kAutofillCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionCount[] =
// Boolean that is true if Autofill is enabled and allowed to save data.
const char kAutofillEnabledDeprecated[] = "autofill.enabled";
// Boolean that is true if Japan address city field has been migrated to be a
// part of the street field.
const char kAutofillJapanCityFieldMigrated[] =
// Integer that is set to the last version where the profile deduping routine
// was run. This routine will be run once per version.
const char kAutofillLastVersionDeduped[] = "autofill.last_version_deduped";
// Integer that is set to the last version where the profile validation routine
// was run. We validate profiles at least once per version to keep track of the
// changes in the validation logic.
const char kAutofillLastVersionValidated[] = "autofill.last_version_validated";
// Integer that is set to the last version where disused addresses were
// deleted. This deletion will be run once per version.
const char kAutofillLastVersionDisusedAddressesDeleted[] =
// Integer that is set to the last version where disused credit cards were
// deleted. This deletion will be run once per version.
const char kAutofillLastVersionDisusedCreditCardsDeleted[] =
// Boolean that is set to denote whether user cancelled/rejected local card
// migration prompt.
const char kAutofillMigrateLocalCardsCancelledPrompt[] =
// Boolean that is true if the orphan rows in the autofill table were removed.
const char kAutofillOrphanRowsRemoved[] = "autofill.orphan_rows_removed";
// Boolean that is true if Autofill is enabled and allowed to save profile data.
const char kAutofillProfileEnabled[] = "autofill.profile_enabled";
// The (randomly inititialied) seed value to use when encoding form/field
// metadata for randomized uploads. The value of this pref is a string.
const char kAutofillUploadEncodingSeed[] = "autofill.upload_encoding_seed";
// Dictionary pref used to track which form signature uploads have been
// performed. Each entry in the dictionary maps a form signature (reduced
// via a 10-bit modulus) to a integer bit-field where each bit denotes whether
// or not a given upload event has occurred.
const char kAutofillUploadEvents[] = "autofill.upload_events";
// The timestamp (seconds since the Epoch UTC) for when the the upload event
// pref was last reset.
const char kAutofillUploadEventsLastResetTimestamp[] =
// Boolean that's true when Wallet card and address import is enabled by the
// user.
const char kAutofillWalletImportEnabled[] = "autofill.wallet_import_enabled";
// Boolean that is set to the last choice user made when prompted for saving an
// unmasked server card locally.
const char kAutofillWalletImportStorageCheckboxState[] =
void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry) {
// Synced prefs. Used for cross-device choices, e.g., credit card Autofill.
prefs::kAutofillBillingCustomerNumber, 0.0,
prefs::kAutofillEnabledDeprecated, true,
prefs::kAutofillProfileEnabled, true,
prefs::kAutofillLastVersionDeduped, 0,
prefs::kAutofillLastVersionValidated, 0,
prefs::kAutofillLastVersionDisusedAddressesDeleted, 0,
prefs::kAutofillCreditCardEnabled, true,
prefs::kAutofillProfileValidity, "",
// Non-synced prefs. Used for per-device choices, e.g., signin promo.
prefs::kAutofillCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionCount, 0);
registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutofillJapanCityFieldMigrated, false);
registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutofillWalletImportEnabled, true);
prefs::kAutofillWalletImportStorageCheckboxState, true);
prefs::kAutofillLastVersionDisusedCreditCardsDeleted, 0);
prefs::kAutofillMigrateLocalCardsCancelledPrompt, false);
registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kAutofillOrphanRowsRemoved, false);
registry->RegisterStringPref(prefs::kAutofillUploadEncodingSeed, "");
void MigrateDeprecatedAutofillPrefs(PrefService* prefs) {
// If kAutofillCreditCardEnabled and kAutofillProfileEnabled prefs are
// currently using their default value and kAutofillEnabledDeprecated has a
// non-default value, override the valuAues of the new prefs. The following
// blocks should execute only once and are needed for those users who had
// Autofill disabled before introduction of the fine-grained prefs.
// TODO( Remove these once M70- users are sufficiently low.
const PrefService::Preference* deprecated_autofill_pref =
const PrefService::Preference* autofill_credit_card_pref =
if (autofill_credit_card_pref->IsDefaultValue() &&
!deprecated_autofill_pref->IsDefaultValue()) {
const PrefService::Preference* autofill_profile_pref =
if (autofill_profile_pref->IsDefaultValue() &&
!deprecated_autofill_pref->IsDefaultValue()) {
bool IsAutocompleteEnabled(const PrefService* prefs) {
return IsProfileAutofillEnabled(prefs);
bool IsAutofillEnabled(const PrefService* prefs) {
return IsProfileAutofillEnabled(prefs) || IsCreditCardAutofillEnabled(prefs);
void SetAutofillEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled) {
SetProfileAutofillEnabled(prefs, enabled);
SetCreditCardAutofillEnabled(prefs, enabled);
bool IsCreditCardAutofillEnabled(const PrefService* prefs) {
return prefs->GetBoolean(kAutofillCreditCardEnabled);
void SetCreditCardAutofillEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled) {
prefs->SetBoolean(kAutofillCreditCardEnabled, enabled);
bool IsAutofillManaged(const PrefService* prefs) {
return prefs->IsManagedPreference(kAutofillEnabledDeprecated);
bool IsProfileAutofillManaged(const PrefService* prefs) {
return prefs->IsManagedPreference(kAutofillProfileEnabled);
bool IsCreditCardAutofillManaged(const PrefService* prefs) {
return prefs->IsManagedPreference(kAutofillCreditCardEnabled);
bool IsProfileAutofillEnabled(const PrefService* prefs) {
return prefs->GetBoolean(kAutofillProfileEnabled);
void SetProfileAutofillEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled) {
prefs->SetBoolean(kAutofillProfileEnabled, enabled);
bool IsLocalCardMigrationPromptPreviouslyCancelled(const PrefService* prefs) {
return prefs->GetBoolean(kAutofillMigrateLocalCardsCancelledPrompt);
void SetLocalCardMigrationPromptPreviouslyCancelled(PrefService* prefs,
bool enabled) {
prefs->SetBoolean(kAutofillMigrateLocalCardsCancelledPrompt, enabled);
bool IsPaymentsIntegrationEnabled(const PrefService* prefs) {
return prefs->GetBoolean(kAutofillWalletImportEnabled);
void SetPaymentsIntegrationEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled) {
prefs->SetBoolean(kAutofillWalletImportEnabled, enabled);
std::string GetAllProfilesValidityMapsEncodedString(const PrefService* prefs) {
return prefs->GetString(kAutofillProfileValidity);
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace autofill