blob: d8ab5f3c34ca78605f8cb5cbcda9fb6903a14675 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_switches.h"
namespace autofill {
namespace switches {
// Override the default autofill server URL with "scheme://host[:port]/prefix/".
const char kAutofillServerURL[] = "autofill-server-url";
// The randomized encoding type to use when sending metadata uploads. The
// value of the parameter must be one of the valid integer values of the
// AutofillRandomizedValue_EncodingType enum.
extern const char kAutofillMetadataUploadEncoding[] =
// Force hiding the local save checkbox in the autofill dialog box for getting
// the full credit card number for a wallet card. The card will never be stored
// locally.
const char kDisableOfferStoreUnmaskedWalletCards[] =
// Force showing the local save checkbox in the autofill dialog box for getting
// the full credit card number for a wallet card.
const char kEnableOfferStoreUnmaskedWalletCards[] =
// Enables suggestions with substring matching instead of prefix matching.
const char kEnableSuggestionsWithSubstringMatch[] =
// Ignores autocomplete="off" for Autofill data (profiles + credit cards).
const char kIgnoreAutocompleteOffForAutofill[] =
// Annotates forms with Autofill field type predictions.
const char kShowAutofillTypePredictions[] = "show-autofill-type-predictions";
// Annotates forms and fields with Autofill signatures.
const char kShowAutofillSignatures[] = "show-autofill-signatures";
// Use the sandbox Online Wallet service URL (for developer testing).
const char kWalletServiceUseSandbox[] = "wallet-service-use-sandbox";
} // namespace switches
} // namespace autofill