blob: 5a2b4ce955825c86e640ef60db22f2a67fed6f2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace autofill {
// Holds information about a form to be filled and/or submitted.
struct FormData {
static constexpr uint32_t kNotSetFormRendererId =
FormData(const FormData& data);
// Returns true if two forms are the same, not counting the values of the
// form elements.
bool SameFormAs(const FormData& other) const;
// Same as SameFormAs() except calling FormFieldData.SimilarFieldAs() to
// compare fields.
bool SimilarFormAs(const FormData& other) const;
// If |form| is the same as this from the POV of dynamic refills.
bool DynamicallySameFormAs(const FormData& form) const;
// Note: operator==() performs a full-field-comparison(byte by byte), this is
// different from SameFormAs(), which ignores comparison for those "values" of
// all form fields, just like what FormFieldData::SameFieldAs() ignores.
bool operator==(const FormData& form) const;
bool operator!=(const FormData& form) const;
// Allow FormData to be a key in STL containers.
bool operator<(const FormData& form) const;
// The id attribute of the form.
base::string16 id_attribute;
// The name attribute of the form.
base::string16 name_attribute;
// The name by which autofill knows this form. This is generally either the
// name attribute or the id_attribute value, which-ever is non-empty with
// priority given to the name_attribute. This value is used when computing
// form signatures.
// TODO(crbug/896689): remove this and use attributes/unique_id instead.
base::string16 name;
// The form submission button's title.
base::string16 button_title;
// The URL (minus query parameters) containing the form.
GURL origin;
// The action target of the form.
GURL action;
// The URL of main frame containing this form.
url::Origin main_frame_origin;
// True if this form is a form tag.
bool is_form_tag;
// True if the form is made of unowned fields (i.e., not within a <form> tag)
// in what appears to be a checkout flow. This attribute is only calculated
// and used if features::kAutofillRestrictUnownedFieldsToFormlessCheckout is
// enabled, to prevent heuristics from running on formless non-checkout.
bool is_formless_checkout;
// Unique renderer id which is returned by function
// WebFormElement::UniqueRendererFormId(). It is not persistant between page
// loads, so it is not saved and not used in comparison in SameFormAs().
uint32_t unique_renderer_id = kNotSetFormRendererId;
// A vector of all the input fields in the form.
std::vector<FormFieldData> fields;
// Contains unique renderer IDs of text elements which are predicted to be
// usernames. The order matters: elements are sorted in descending likelihood
// of being a username (the first one is the most likely username). Can
// contain IDs of elements which are not in |fields|. This is only used during
// parsing into PasswordForm, and hence not serialised for storage.
std::vector<uint32_t> username_predictions;
// For testing.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FormData& form);
// Serialize FormData. Used by the PasswordManager to persist FormData
// pertaining to password forms. Serialized data is appended to |pickle|.
void SerializeFormData(const FormData& form_data, base::Pickle* pickle);
// Deserialize FormData. This assumes that |iter| is currently pointing to
// the part of a pickle created by SerializeFormData. Returns true on success.
bool DeserializeFormData(base::PickleIterator* iter, FormData* form_data);
// Serialize FormData. Used by the PasswordManager to persist FormData
// pertaining to password forms in base64 string. It is useful since in some
// cases we need to store C strings without embedded '\0' symbols.
void SerializeFormDataToBase64String(const FormData& form_data,
std::string* output);
// Deserialize FormData. Returns true on success.
bool DeserializeFormDataFromBase64String(const base::StringPiece& input,
FormData* form_data);
} // namespace autofill