blob: 8b67278ba805b6b5d610ce178ae7a06d1e62145d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class Pickle;
class PickleIterator;
namespace autofill {
// The flags describing form field properties.
enum FieldPropertiesFlags {
NO_FLAGS = 0u,
USER_TYPED = 1u << 0,
// AUTOFILLED means that at least one character of the field value comes from
// being autofilled. This is different from
// WebFormControlElement::IsAutofilled(). It is meant to be used for password
// fields, to determine whether viewing the value needs user reauthentication.
// The field received focus at any moment.
HAD_FOCUS = 1u << 2,
// Use this flag, if some error occurred in flags processing.
// On submission, the value of the field was recognised as a value which is
// already stored.
KNOWN_VALUE = 1u << 4,
// A value was autofilled on pageload. This means that at least one character
// of the field value comes from being autofilled.
// A value was autofilled on any of the triggers.
// FieldPropertiesMask is used to contain combinations of FieldPropertiesFlags
// values.
typedef uint32_t FieldPropertiesMask;
// Stores information about a field in a form.
struct FormFieldData {
// Copied to components/autofill/ios/browser/resources/autofill_controller.js.
enum RoleAttribute {
// "presentation"
// Anything else.
enum CheckStatus {
// From which source the label is inferred.
enum LabelSource {
UNKNOWN, // The source is unknown.
COMBINED, // Combined with various elements.
VALUE, // label is the value of element.
static constexpr uint32_t kNotSetFormControlRendererId =
FormFieldData(const FormFieldData& other);
// Returns true if two form fields are the same, not counting the value.
bool SameFieldAs(const FormFieldData& field) const;
// SameFieldAs() is a little restricted when field's style changed
// dynamically, like css.
// This method only compares critical attributes of field to check whether
// they are similar enough to be considered as same field if form's
// other information isn't changed.
bool SimilarFieldAs(const FormFieldData& field) const;
// If |field| is the same as this from the POV of dynamic refills.
bool DynamicallySameFieldAs(const FormFieldData& field) const;
// Returns true for all of textfield-looking types such as text, password,
// search, email, url, and number. It must work the same way as Blink function
// WebInputElement::IsTextField(), and it returns false if |*this| represents
// a textarea.
bool IsTextInputElement() const;
// Returns true if the field is visible to the user.
bool IsVisible() const {
return is_focusable && role != ROLE_ATTRIBUTE_PRESENTATION;
// Note: operator==() performs a full-field-comparison(byte by byte), this is
// different from SameFieldAs(), which ignores comparison for those "values"
// not regarded as part of identity of the field, such as is_autofilled and
// the option_values/contents etc.
bool operator==(const FormFieldData& field) const;
bool operator!=(const FormFieldData& field) const;
// Comparison operator exposed for STL map. Uses label, then name to sort.
bool operator<(const FormFieldData& field) const;
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// The identifier which uniquely addresses this field in the DOM. This is an
// ephemeral value which is not guaranteed to be stable across page loads. It
// serves to allow a given field to be found during the current navigation.
// TODO( Expand the logic/application of this to other
// platforms and/or merge this concept with |unique_renderer_id|.
base::string16 unique_id;
#define EXPECT_EQ_UNIQUE_ID() EXPECT_EQ(expected.unique_id, actual.unique_id)
// The name by which autofill knows this field. This is generally either the
// name attribute or the id_attribute value, which-ever is non-empty with
// priority given to the name_attribute. This value is used when computing
// form signatures.
// TODO(crbug/896689): remove this and use attributes/unique_id instead.
base::string16 name;
// If you add more, be sure to update the comparison operators, SameFieldAs,
// serializing functions (in the .cc file) and the constructor.
base::string16 id_attribute;
base::string16 name_attribute;
base::string16 label;
base::string16 value;
std::string form_control_type;
std::string autocomplete_attribute;
base::string16 placeholder;
base::string16 css_classes;
base::string16 aria_label;
base::string16 aria_description;
// Unique renderer id which is returned by function
// WebFormControlElement::UniqueRendererFormControlId(). It is not persistant
// between page loads, so it is not saved and not used in comparison in
// SameFieldAs().
uint32_t unique_renderer_id = kNotSetFormControlRendererId;
// The unique identifier of the section (e.g. billing vs. shipping address)
// of this field.
std::string section;
// Note: we use uint64_t instead of size_t because this struct is sent over
// IPC which could span 32 & 64 bit processes. We chose uint64_t instead of
// uint32_t to maintain compatibility with old code which used size_t
// (base::Pickle used to serialize that as 64 bit).
uint64_t max_length;
bool is_autofilled;
CheckStatus check_status;
bool is_focusable;
bool should_autocomplete;
RoleAttribute role;
base::i18n::TextDirection text_direction;
FieldPropertiesMask properties_mask;
// Data members from the next block are used for parsing only, they are not
// serialised for storage.
bool is_enabled;
bool is_readonly;
base::string16 typed_value;
// For the HTML snippet |<option value="US">United States</option>|, the
// value is "US" and the contents are "United States".
std::vector<base::string16> option_values;
std::vector<base::string16> option_contents;
// Password Manager doesn't use labels nor client side nor server side, so
// label_source isn't in serialize methods.
LabelSource label_source;
// Serialize and deserialize FormFieldData. These are used when FormData objects
// are serialized and deserialized.
void SerializeFormFieldData(const FormFieldData& form_field_data,
base::Pickle* serialized);
bool DeserializeFormFieldData(base::PickleIterator* pickle_iterator,
FormFieldData* form_field_data);
// So we can compare FormFieldDatas with EXPECT_EQ().
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FormFieldData& field);
// Prefer to use this macro in place of |EXPECT_EQ()| for comparing
// |FormFieldData|s in test code.
#define EXPECT_FORM_FIELD_DATA_EQUALS(expected, actual) \
do { \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.label, actual.label); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.value, actual.value); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.form_control_type, actual.form_control_type); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.autocomplete_attribute, actual.autocomplete_attribute); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.placeholder, actual.placeholder); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.max_length, actual.max_length); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.css_classes, actual.css_classes); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.is_autofilled, actual.is_autofilled); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.section, actual.section); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.check_status, actual.check_status); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.properties_mask, actual.properties_mask); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.id_attribute, actual.id_attribute); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected.name_attribute, actual.name_attribute); \
} while (0)
} // namespace autofill