blob: 8847ea80d1a785a18fa9c0931584a60d9fe8e38f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/form_parsing/ios_form_parser.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
using autofill::FormData;
using autofill::FormFieldData;
using autofill::PasswordForm;
using FieldPointersVector = std::vector<const FormFieldData*>;
namespace password_manager {
namespace {
constexpr char kAutocompleteUsername[] = "username";
constexpr char kAutocompleteCurrentPassword[] = "current-password";
constexpr char kAutocompleteNewPassword[] = "new-password";
constexpr char kAutocompleteCreditCardPrefix[] = "cc-";
// Helper struct that is used to return results from the parsing function.
struct ParseResult {
const FormFieldData* username_field = nullptr;
const FormFieldData* password_field = nullptr;
const FormFieldData* new_password_field = nullptr;
const FormFieldData* confirmation_password_field = nullptr;
bool IsEmpty() {
return password_field == nullptr && new_password_field == nullptr;
// Helper to get the platform specific identifier by which autofill and password
// manager refer to a field. The fuzzing infrastructure doed not run on iOS, so
// the iOS specific parts of PasswordForm are also built on fuzzer enabled
// platforms. See
base::string16 GetPlatformSpecificIdentifier(const FormFieldData* field) {
#if defined(OS_IOS)
return field->unique_id;
return field->name;
// Checks in a case-insensitive way if credit card autocomplete attributes for
// the given |element| are present.
bool HasCreditCardAutocompleteAttributes(const FormFieldData& field) {
std::vector<base::StringPiece> tokens = base::SplitStringPiece(
field.autocomplete_attribute, base::kWhitespaceASCII,
return std::find_if(
tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), [](base::StringPiece token) {
return base::StartsWith(token, kAutocompleteCreditCardPrefix,
}) != tokens.end();
// Checks in a case-insensitive way if the autocomplete attribute for the given
// |element| is present and has the specified |value_in_lowercase|.
bool HasAutocompleteAttributeValue(const FormFieldData& field,
base::StringPiece value_in_lowercase) {
std::vector<base::StringPiece> tokens = base::SplitStringPiece(
field.autocomplete_attribute, base::kWhitespaceASCII,
return std::find_if(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(),
[value_in_lowercase](base::StringPiece token) {
return base::LowerCaseEqualsASCII(token,
}) != tokens.end();
// Returns text fields from |fields|.
FieldPointersVector GetTextFields(const std::vector<FormFieldData>& fields) {
FieldPointersVector result;
for (const auto& field : fields) {
if (field.IsTextInputElement())
return result;
// Returns fields that do not have credit card related autocomplete attributes.
FieldPointersVector GetNonCreditCardFields(const FieldPointersVector& fields) {
FieldPointersVector result;
for (const auto* field : fields) {
if (!HasCreditCardAutocompleteAttributes(*field))
return result;
// Returns true iff there is a password field.
bool HasPasswordField(const FieldPointersVector& fields) {
for (const FormFieldData* field : fields)
if (field->form_control_type == "password")
return true;
return false;
// Returns true iff there is a focusable field.
bool HasFocusableField(const FieldPointersVector& fields) {
for (const FormFieldData* field : fields) {
if (field->is_focusable)
return true;
return false;
// Tries to parse |fields| based on autocomplete attributes.
// Assumption on the usage autocomplete attributes:
// 1. Not more than 1 field with autocomplete=username.
// 2. Not more than 1 field with autocomplete=current-password.
// 3. Not more than 2 fields with autocomplete=new-password.
// In case of violating of any of these assumption, parsing is unsuccessful.
// Returns nullptr if parsing is unsuccessful.
std::unique_ptr<ParseResult> ParseUsingAutocomplete(
const FieldPointersVector& fields) {
std::unique_ptr<ParseResult> result = std::make_unique<ParseResult>();
for (const FormFieldData* field : fields) {
if (HasAutocompleteAttributeValue(*field, kAutocompleteUsername)) {
if (result->username_field)
return nullptr;
result->username_field = field;
} else if (HasAutocompleteAttributeValue(*field,
kAutocompleteCurrentPassword)) {
if (result->password_field)
return nullptr;
result->password_field = field;
} else if (HasAutocompleteAttributeValue(*field,
kAutocompleteNewPassword)) {
// The first field with autocomplete=new-password is considered to be
// new_password_field and the second is confirmation_password_field.
if (!result->new_password_field)
result->new_password_field = field;
else if (!result->confirmation_password_field)
result->confirmation_password_field = field;
return nullptr;
return result->IsEmpty() ? nullptr : std::move(result);
// Returns the fields of |fields| which are password fields if |is_password| is
// true and text fields otherwise. In addition, it drops non-focusable fields if
// |only_focusable| is true, and empty fields if |only_non_empty| is true.
FieldPointersVector FilterFields(const FieldPointersVector& fields,
bool is_password,
bool only_focusable,
bool only_non_empty) {
FieldPointersVector result;
for (const FormFieldData* field : fields) {
if ((field->form_control_type == "password") != is_password)
if (only_focusable && !field->is_focusable)
if (only_non_empty && field->value.empty())
return result;
// Returns only relevant password fields from |fields|. Namely
// 1. If there is a focusable password field, return only focusable.
// 2. If mode == SAVING return only non-empty fields (for saving empty fields
// are useless).
// Note that focusability is the proxy for visibility.
FieldPointersVector GetRelevantPasswords(const FieldPointersVector& fields,
FormParsingMode mode) {
const bool is_there_focusable_password_field =
std::any_of(fields.begin(), fields.end(), [](const auto* field) {
return field->is_focusable && field->form_control_type == "password";
return FilterFields(fields, true, is_there_focusable_password_field,
mode == FormParsingMode::SAVING);
// Detects different password fields from |passwords|.
void LocateSpecificPasswords(const FieldPointersVector& passwords,
const FormFieldData** current_password,
const FormFieldData** new_password,
const FormFieldData** confirmation_password) {
switch (passwords.size()) {
case 1:
*current_password = passwords[0];
case 2:
if (!passwords[0]->value.empty() &&
passwords[0]->value == passwords[1]->value) {
// Two identical non-empty passwords: assume we are seeing a new
// password with a confirmation. This can be either a sign-up form or a
// password change form that does not ask for the old password.
*new_password = passwords[0];
*confirmation_password = passwords[1];
} else {
// Assume first is old password, second is new (no choice but to guess).
// This case also includes empty passwords in order to allow filling of
// password change forms (that also could autofill for sign up form, but
// we can't do anything with this using only client side information).
*current_password = passwords[0];
*new_password = passwords[1];
// If there are more 3 passwords it is not very clear what this form it
// is. Consider only the first 3 passwords in such case in hope that it
// would be useful.
if (!passwords[0]->value.empty() &&
passwords[0]->value == passwords[1]->value &&
passwords[0]->value == passwords[2]->value) {
// All passwords are the same. For the specifiy assume that the first
// field is the current password.
*current_password = passwords[0];
} else if (passwords[1]->value == passwords[2]->value) {
// New password is the duplicated one, and comes second; or empty form
// with at least 3 password fields.
*current_password = passwords[0];
*new_password = passwords[1];
*confirmation_password = passwords[2];
} else if (passwords[0]->value == passwords[1]->value) {
// It is strange that the new password comes first, but trust more which
// fields are duplicated than the ordering of fields. Assume that
// any password fields after the new password contain sensitive
// information that isn't actually a password (security hint, SSN, etc.)
*new_password = passwords[0];
*confirmation_password = passwords[1];
} else {
// Three different passwords, or first and last match with middle
// different. No idea which is which. Let's save the first password.
// Password selection in a prompt will allow to correct the choice.
*current_password = passwords[0];
// Tries to find username elements among text fields from |fields| before
// |first_relevant_password|.
// Returns nullptr if the username is not found.
const FormFieldData* FindUsernameFieldBaseHeuristics(
const FieldPointersVector& fields,
const FormFieldData* first_relevant_password,
FormParsingMode mode) {
DCHECK(find(fields.begin(), fields.end(), first_relevant_password) !=
// Let username_candidates be all non-password fields before
// |first_relevant_password|.
auto first_relevant_password_it =
std::find(fields.begin(), fields.end(), first_relevant_password);
FieldPointersVector username_candidates(fields.begin(),
// For saving filter out empty fields.
const bool consider_only_non_empty = mode == FormParsingMode::SAVING;
username_candidates =
FilterFields(username_candidates, false /* is_password */,
false /* only_focusable */, consider_only_non_empty);
// If there is a focusable username candidate than username should be
// focusable.
if (HasFocusableField(username_candidates))
username_candidates = FilterFields(
username_candidates, false /* is_password */, true /* only_focusable */,
consider_only_non_empty /* only_non_empty */);
// According to base heuristics, username should be the last from
// |username_candidates|.
return username_candidates.empty() ? nullptr : *username_candidates.rbegin();
std::unique_ptr<ParseResult> ParseUsingBaseHeuristics(
const FieldPointersVector& fields,
FormParsingMode mode) {
// Try to find password elements (current, new, confirmation).
FieldPointersVector passwords = GetRelevantPasswords(fields, mode);
if (passwords.empty())
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<ParseResult> result = std::make_unique<ParseResult>();
LocateSpecificPasswords(passwords, &result->password_field,
if (result->IsEmpty())
return nullptr;
// If password elements are found then try to find a username.
result->username_field =
FindUsernameFieldBaseHeuristics(fields, passwords[0], mode);
return result;
// Set username and password fields from |parse_result| in |password_form|.
void SetFields(const ParseResult& parse_result, PasswordForm* password_form) {
if (parse_result.username_field) {
password_form->username_element =
password_form->username_value = parse_result.username_field->value;
if (parse_result.password_field) {
password_form->password_element =
password_form->password_value = parse_result.password_field->value;
if (parse_result.new_password_field) {
password_form->new_password_element =
password_form->new_password_value = parse_result.new_password_field->value;
if (parse_result.confirmation_password_field) {
password_form->confirmation_password_element =
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> ParseFormData(const FormData& form_data,
FormParsingMode mode) {
FieldPointersVector fields = GetTextFields(form_data.fields);
fields = GetNonCreditCardFields(fields);
// Skip forms without password fields.
if (!HasPasswordField(fields))
return nullptr;
// Create parse result and set non-field related information.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> result = std::make_unique<PasswordForm>();
result->origin = form_data.origin;
result->signon_realm = form_data.origin.GetOrigin().spec();
result->action = form_data.action;
result->form_data = form_data;
// Try to parse with autocomplete attributes.
auto autocomplete_parse_result = ParseUsingAutocomplete(fields);
if (autocomplete_parse_result) {
SetFields(*autocomplete_parse_result, result.get());
return result;
// Try to parse with base heuristic.
auto base_heuristics_parse_result = ParseUsingBaseHeuristics(fields, mode);
if (!base_heuristics_parse_result)
return nullptr;
SetFields(*base_heuristics_parse_result, result.get());
return result;
} // namespace password_manager