blob: 69c9001341d2da253825c9e1f406eca2fdb51cd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/form_parsing/ios_form_parser.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_field_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
using autofill::FormData;
using autofill::FormFieldData;
using autofill::PasswordForm;
using base::ASCIIToUTF16;
using base::UintToString16;
namespace password_manager {
namespace {
constexpr int kFieldNotFound = -1;
struct ParseResultIndices {
int username_index;
int password_index;
int new_password_index;
int confirmation_password_index;
bool IsEmpty() const {
return username_index == kFieldNotFound &&
password_index == kFieldNotFound &&
new_password_index == kFieldNotFound &&
confirmation_password_index == kFieldNotFound;
struct TestFieldData {
bool is_password;
bool is_focusable = true;
bool is_empty = true;
const char* autocomplete_attribute = nullptr;
// If |value| != nullptr then |is_empty| is ignored.
// If |value| == nullptr and |is_empty| == false, then the exact field value
// is assumed to be not important for a test and it will be set to some unique
// value.
const char* value = nullptr;
const char* form_control_type = nullptr;
struct FormParsingTestCase {
const char* description;
std::vector<TestFieldData> fields;
ParseResultIndices fill_result;
ParseResultIndices save_result;
class IOSFormParserTest : public testing::Test {
IOSFormParserTest() {}
void CheckTestData(const std::vector<FormParsingTestCase>& test_cases);
FormData GetFormData(const FormParsingTestCase& test_form) {
FormData form_data;
form_data.action = GURL("");
form_data.origin = GURL("");
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_form.fields.size(); ++i) {
const TestFieldData& field_data = test_form.fields[i];
FormFieldData field;
// An exact id is not important, set id such that different fields have
// different id.
field.name_attribute = ASCIIToUTF16("field_name") + UintToString16(i);
field.id_attribute = ASCIIToUTF16("field_id") + UintToString16(i);
// The fuzzing infrastructure doez not run on iOS, so the iOS specific parts of
// PasswordForm are also built on fuzzer enabled platforms.
// See
#if defined(OS_IOS)
field.unique_id = field.id_attribute;
if (field_data.form_control_type)
field.form_control_type = field_data.form_control_type;
field.form_control_type = field_data.is_password ? "password" : "text";
field.is_focusable = field_data.is_focusable;
if (field_data.value) {
field.value = ASCIIToUTF16(field_data.value);
} else if (!field_data.is_empty) {
// An exact value is not important, set a value with simple pattern, such
// that different fields have different values.
field.value = ASCIIToUTF16("field_value") + UintToString16(i);
if (field_data.autocomplete_attribute)
field.autocomplete_attribute = field_data.autocomplete_attribute;
return form_data;
// Check that field |fields[field_index]| has type |element_type| and value
// |value|. |element| is the name of this element in parsing
// ("username_element", "password_element" etc), that is used to show diagnostic
// message.
void CheckField(const std::vector<FormFieldData>& fields,
int field_index,
const char* element_type,
const base::string16& element,
const base::string16* value) {
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message("CheckField, element_type = ") << element_type);
base::string16 expected_element;
base::string16 expected_value;
if (field_index != kFieldNotFound) {
const FormFieldData& field = fields[field_index];
// The fuzzing infrastructure doez not run on iOS, so the iOS specific parts of
// PasswordForm are also built on fuzzer enabled platforms.
// See
#if defined(OS_IOS)
expected_element = field.unique_id;
expected_element =;
expected_value = field.value;
EXPECT_EQ(expected_element, element);
if (value)
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, *value);
void CheckPasswordFormFields(const PasswordForm& password_form,
const FormData& form_data,
const ParseResultIndices& expected_fields) {
CheckField(form_data.fields, expected_fields.username_index, "username",
password_form.username_element, &password_form.username_value);
CheckField(form_data.fields, expected_fields.password_index, "password",
password_form.password_element, &password_form.password_value);
CheckField(form_data.fields, expected_fields.new_password_index,
"new_password", password_form.new_password_element,
CheckField(form_data.fields, expected_fields.confirmation_password_index,
password_form.confirmation_password_element, nullptr);
void IOSFormParserTest::CheckTestData(
const std::vector<FormParsingTestCase>& test_cases) {
for (const FormParsingTestCase& test_case : test_cases) {
const FormData form_data = GetFormData(test_case);
for (auto mode : {FormParsingMode::FILLING, FormParsingMode::SAVING}) {
testing::Message("Test description: ")
<< test_case.description << ", parsing mode = "
<< (mode == FormParsingMode::FILLING ? "Filling" : "Saving"));
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> parsed_form =
ParseFormData(form_data, mode);
const ParseResultIndices& expected_indices =
mode == FormParsingMode::FILLING ? test_case.fill_result
: test_case.save_result;
if (expected_indices.IsEmpty() != (parsed_form == nullptr)) {
if (expected_indices.IsEmpty())
EXPECT_FALSE(parsed_form) << "Expected no parsed results";
<< "The form is expected to be parsed successfully";
} else if (!expected_indices.IsEmpty() && parsed_form) {
CheckPasswordFormFields(*parsed_form, form_data, expected_indices);
} else {
// Expected and parsed results are empty, everything is ok.
TEST_F(IOSFormParserTest, NotPasswordForm) {
std::vector<FormParsingTestCase> test_data = {
"No fields",
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"No password fields",
{{.is_password = false}, {.is_password = false}},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
TEST_F(IOSFormParserTest, SkipNotTextFields) {
std::vector<FormParsingTestCase> test_data = {
"Select between username and password fields",
{{.is_password = false, .is_empty = false},
{.form_control_type = "select", .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = true, .is_empty = false}},
{0, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{0, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
TEST_F(IOSFormParserTest, OnlyPasswordFields) {
std::vector<FormParsingTestCase> test_data = {
"1 password field",
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"2 password fields, new and confirmation password",
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw"},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, 0, 1},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, 0, 1},
"2 password fields, current and new password",
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw1"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw2"},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, 1, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, 1, kFieldNotFound},
"3 password fields, current, new, confirm password",
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw1"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw2"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw2"},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, 1, 2},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, 1, 2},
"3 password fields with different values",
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw1"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw2"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw3"},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"4 password fields, only the first 3 are considered",
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw1"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw2"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw2"},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .value = "pw3"},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, 1, 2},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, 1, 2},
TEST_F(IOSFormParserTest, TestFocusability) {
std::vector<FormParsingTestCase> test_data = {
"non-focusable fields are considered when there are no focusable "
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = false, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = false, .is_empty = false},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, 1, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, 0, 1, kFieldNotFound},
"non-focusable should be skipped when there are focusable fields",
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = false, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false},
{kFieldNotFound, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"non-focusable text fields before password",
{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = false, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = false, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false},
{1, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{1, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"focusable and non-focusable text fields before password",
{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = false, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false},
{0, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{0, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
TEST_F(IOSFormParserTest, TextAndPasswordFields) {
std::vector<FormParsingTestCase> test_data = {
"Simple empty sign-in form",
{{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true}},
{0, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
// Form with empty fields on saving does not make any sense, so empty
// parsing.
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"Simple sign-in form with filled data",
{{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false}},
{0, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{0, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"Empty sign-in form with an extra text field",
{{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true},
{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true}},
{1, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"Non-empty sign-in form with an extra text field",
{{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false}},
{1, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{0, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"Empty sign-in form with an extra invisible text field",
{{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true},
{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = false, .is_empty = true},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true}},
{0, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"Non-empty sign-in form with an extra invisible text field",
{{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = false, .is_empty = false},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false}},
{0, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{0, 2, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"Simple empty sign-in form with empty username",
{{.is_password = false, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = true},
{.is_password = true, .is_focusable = true, .is_empty = false}},
{0, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
// Form with empty username does not make sense, so username field
// should not be found.
{kFieldNotFound, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
TEST_F(IOSFormParserTest, TestAutocomplete) {
std::vector<FormParsingTestCase> test_data = {
"All possible password autocomplete attributes and some fields "
"without autocomplete",
{.is_password = false, .autocomplete_attribute = "username"},
{.is_password = false},
{.is_password = true},
{.is_password = true,
.autocomplete_attribute = "current-password"},
{.is_password = true, .autocomplete_attribute = "new-password"},
{.is_password = true},
{.is_password = true, .autocomplete_attribute = "new-password"},
{0, 3, 4, 6},
{0, 3, 4, 6},
"Non-password autocomplete attributes are skipped ",
{.is_password = false,
.is_empty = false,
.autocomplete_attribute = "email"},
.is_password = false, .is_empty = false,
.is_password = true, .is_empty = false,
{.is_password = true,
.is_empty = false,
.autocomplete_attribute = "password"},
{1, 2, 3, kFieldNotFound},
{1, 2, 3, kFieldNotFound},
"Multiple autocomplete attributes for the same field",
{.is_password = false,
.autocomplete_attribute = "email username"},
{.is_password = false},
{.is_password = true},
{.is_password = true,
.autocomplete_attribute = "abc current-password xyz"},
{0, 3, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{0, 3, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"Multiple username autocomplete attributes, fallback to base "
{.is_password = false, .autocomplete_attribute = "username"},
{.is_password = false, .autocomplete_attribute = "username"},
{.is_password = true},
{.is_password = true,
.autocomplete_attribute = "current-password"},
{1, 2, 3, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
TEST_F(IOSFormParserTest, SkippingFieldsWithCreditCardFields) {
std::vector<FormParsingTestCase> test_data = {
"Simple form with all fields are credit card related",
{.is_password = false, .autocomplete_attribute = "cc-name"},
{.is_password = true, .autocomplete_attribute = "cc-any-string"},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
"Multiple autocomplete attributes for the same field",
// This field should be skipped.
{.is_password = false,
.autocomplete_attribute = "cc-name username"},
{.is_password = true, .is_empty = false},
{kFieldNotFound, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
{kFieldNotFound, 1, kFieldNotFound, kFieldNotFound},
} // namespace
} // namespace password_manager