blob: cda92933674ecdd51ae970a9aa245ed44882f0f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
suite('settings-fingerprint-progress-arc', function() {
* An object descrbing a 2d point.
* @typedef {{
* x: number,
* y: number,
* }}
let Point;
* An object descrbing a color with r, g and b values.
* @typedef {{
* r: number,
* g: number,
* b: number,
* }}
let Color;
/** @type {?SettingsFingerprintProgressArcElement} */
let progressArc = null;
/** @type {?HTMLCanvasElement} */
let canvas = null;
/** @type {Color} */
const black = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0};
/** @type {Color} */
const blue = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 255};
/** @type {Color} */
const white = {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255};
* Helper function which gets the rgb values at |point| on the canvas.
* @param {Point} point
* @return {Color}
function getRGBData(point) {
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const pixel = ctx.getImageData(point.x, point.y, 1, 1).data;
return {r: pixel[0], g: pixel[1], b: pixel[2]};
* Helper function which checks if the given color is white. This is used to
* test the shadows, where getting the exact color at a certain point is
* difficult, so we just check that it is not white.
* @param {Color} actualColor
function checkColorNotWhite(actualColor) {
assertNotEquals(white.r, actualColor.r);
assertNotEquals(white.g, actualColor.g);
assertNotEquals(white.b, actualColor.b);
* Helper function which checks that a list of points are not white on the
* canvas.
* @param {!Array<Point>} listOfPoints
function checkListOfNotWhiteData(listOfPoints) {
for (let i = 0; i < listOfPoints.length; ++i)
* Helper function which checks if the given color is matches the expected
* color.
* @param {Color} expectedColor
* @param {Color} actualColor
function checkRGBData(expectedColor, actualColor) {
assertEquals(expectedColor.r, actualColor.r);
assertEquals(expectedColor.g, actualColor.g);
assertEquals(expectedColor.b, actualColor.b);
* Helper function which checks that a list of points match the color the are
* expected to have on the canvas.
* @param {Color} expectedColor
* @param {!Array<Point>} listOfPoints
function checkListOfRGBData(expectedColor, listOfPoints) {
for (let i = 0; i < listOfPoints.length; ++i)
checkRGBData(expectedColor, getRGBData(listOfPoints[i]));
setup(function() {
progressArc = document.createElement('settings-fingerprint-progress-arc');
canvas = progressArc.$.canvas;
// Override some parameters and function for testing purposes.
progressArc.canvasCircleRadius_ = 50;
progressArc.canvasCircleStrokeWidth_ = 3;
progressArc.canvasCircleBackgroundColor_ = 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)';
progressArc.canvasCircleProgressColor_ = 'rgba(0,0,255,1.0)';
progressArc.canvasCircleShadowColor_= 'rgba(0,0,0,1.0)';
progressArc.clearCanvas = function() {
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1.0)';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
test('TestDrawArc', function() {
// Verify that by drawing an arc from 0 to PI/2 with radius 50 and center at
// (150, 75), points along that arc should be blue, and points not on that
// arc should remain white.
progressArc.drawArc(0, Math.PI / 2,
/** @type {Array<Point>} */
let expectedPointsOnArc = [{x:200, y:75} /* 0rad */,
{x:185, y:110} /* PI/4rad */, {x:150, y:125} /* PI/2rad */];
/** @type {Array<Point>} */
let expectedPointsNotOnArc = [{x:115, y:110} /* 3PI/4rad */,
{x:100, y:75} /* PI */];
checkListOfRGBData(blue, expectedPointsOnArc);
checkListOfRGBData(white, expectedPointsNotOnArc);
// After clearing, the points that were blue should be white.
checkListOfRGBData(white, expectedPointsOnArc);
// Verify that by drawing an arc from 3PI/2 to 5PI/2 with radius 50 and
// center at (150, 75), points along that arc should be blue, and points not
// on that arc should remain white.
progressArc.drawArc(3 * Math.PI / 2, 5 * Math.PI / 2,
expectedPointsOnArc = [{x:150, y:25} /* 3PI/2 */, {x:185, y:40} /* 7PI/4 */,
{x:200, y:75} /* 2PI */, {x:185, y:110} /* 9PI/4 */,
{x:150, y:125} /* 5PI/2rad */];
expectedPointsNotOnArc = [{x:115, y:110} /* 3PI/4rad */,
{x:100, y:75} /* PI */, {x:115, y:40} /* 5PI/4 */];
checkListOfRGBData(blue, expectedPointsOnArc);
checkListOfRGBData(white, expectedPointsNotOnArc);
test('TestDrawBackgroundCircle', function() {
// Verify that by drawing an circle with radius 50 and center at (150, 75),
// points along that arc should be black, and points not on that arc should
// remain white.
/** @type {Array<Point>} */
const expectedPointsInCircle = [{x:200, y:75} /* 0rad */,
{x:150, y:125} /* PI/2rad */, {x:100, y:75} /* PIrad */,
{x:150, y:25} /* 3PI/2rad */];
/** @type {Array<Point>} */
const expectedPointsNotInCircle =
[{x:110, y:75} /* Too left, outside of stroke */,
{x:90, y:75} /* Too right, inside of stroke */,
{x:200, y:100} /* Outside of circle */,
{x:150, y:75} /* In the center */];
checkListOfRGBData(black, expectedPointsInCircle);
checkListOfRGBData(white, expectedPointsNotInCircle);
// After clearing, the points that were black should be white.
checkListOfRGBData(white, expectedPointsInCircle);
test('TestDrawShadow', function() {
// Verify that by drawing a shadow with radius 50 and center at (150,75)
// with blur 20, points that have distance between 50 and 70 from the center
// should not be white.
progressArc.drawShadow(20, 0, 0);
/** @type {Array<Point>} */
const expectedPointsInShadowBlur10 = [{x:210, y:75} /* 0rad */,
{x:150, y:135} /* PI/2rad */, {x:90, y:75} /* PIrad */,
{x:150, y:15} /* 3PI/2rad */];
/** @type {Array<Point>} */
const expectedPointsInShadowBlur20 = [{x:220, y:75} /* 0rad */,
{x:150, y:145} /* PI/2rad */, {x:80, y:75} /* PIrad */,
{x:150, y:5} /* 3PI/2rad */];
// After clearing, the points that were black should be white.
checkListOfRGBData(white, expectedPointsInShadowBlur10);
checkListOfRGBData(white, expectedPointsInShadowBlur20);
// Verify that by drawing a shadow with radius 50 and center at (150,75)
// with blur 20, points that have distance between 50 and 60 from the center
// should not be white. Points greater than 60 distance should be white.
progressArc.drawShadow(10, 0, 0);
checkListOfRGBData(white, expectedPointsInShadowBlur20);