blob: d95d4f3822bebeeaf489bb7da2f77b2bced0eb33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_pump.h"
#include "base/message_loop/pending_task_queue.h"
#include "base/message_loop/timer_slack.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/pending_task.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/sequence_local_storage_map.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskSource;
class ThreadTaskRunnerHandle;
namespace internal {
class MessageLoopTaskRunner;
// A MessageLoopImpl is the implementation of the MessageLoop which provides the
// basic scheduling functionality. MessageLoopImpl is the legacy implementation,
// which is being deprecated and replaced with SequenceManager-based
// implementation (
class BASE_EXPORT MessageLoopImpl : public MessageLoopBase,
public MessagePump::Delegate,
public RunLoop::Delegate {
// Create an unbound MessageLoopImpl implementation.
// Pump will be created by owning MessageLoop and will be passed via
// BindToCurrentThread.
explicit MessageLoopImpl(MessageLoopBase::Type type);
~MessageLoopImpl() override;
// MessageLoopBase implementation:
bool IsType(MessageLoopBase::Type type) const override;
std::string GetThreadName() const override;
void SetTaskRunner(
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner) override;
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner() override;
void AddDestructionObserver(
DestructionObserver* destruction_observer) override;
void RemoveDestructionObserver(
DestructionObserver* destruction_observer) override;
void AddTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer) override;
void RemoveTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer) override;
void SetAddQueueTimeToTasks(bool enable) override;
bool IsBoundToCurrentThread() const override;
MessagePump* GetMessagePump() const override;
bool IsIdleForTesting() override;
void SetTaskExecutionAllowed(bool allowed) override;
bool IsTaskExecutionAllowed() const override;
#if defined(OS_IOS) || defined(OS_ANDROID)
void AttachToMessagePump() override;
void SetTimerSlack(TimerSlack timer_slack) override;
void BindToCurrentThread(std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> pump) override;
void DeletePendingTasks() override;
bool HasTasks() override;
unsigned int GetWorkId() const override;
// Gets the TaskRunner associated with this message loop.
const scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner() const {
return task_runner_;
bool IsCurrent() const;
// Runs the specified PendingTask.
void RunTask(PendingTask* pending_task);
std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> pump_;
friend class MessageLoopCurrent;
friend class MessageLoopCurrentForIO;
friend class MessageLoopCurrentForUI;
friend class MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest;
friend class ScheduleWorkTest;
friend class Thread;
friend class sequence_manager::LazyThreadControllerForTest;
friend class sequence_manager::internal::SequenceManagerImpl;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MessageLoopTest, DeleteUnboundLoop);
class Controller;
// Sets the ThreadTaskRunnerHandle for the current thread to point to the
// task runner for this message loop.
void SetThreadTaskRunnerHandle();
// RunLoop::Delegate:
void Run(bool application_tasks_allowed) override;
void Quit() override;
void EnsureWorkScheduled() override;
// Called to process any delayed non-nestable tasks.
bool ProcessNextDelayedNonNestableTask();
// Calls RunTask or queues the pending_task on the deferred task list if it
// cannot be run right now. Returns true if the task was run.
bool DeferOrRunPendingTask(PendingTask pending_task);
// Wakes up the message pump. Thread-safe (and callers should avoid holding a
// Lock at all cost while making this call as some platforms' priority
// boosting features have been observed to cause the caller to get descheduled
// :
void ScheduleWork();
// Returns |next_run_time| capped at 1 day from |recent_time_|. This is used
// to mitigate where some platforms are unhappy with
// delays > 100,000,000 seconds. In practice, a diagnosis metric showed that
// no sleep > 1 hour ever completes (always interrupted by an earlier
// MessageLoop event) and 99% of completed sleeps are the ones scheduled for
// <= 1 second. Details @
TimeTicks CapAtOneDay(TimeTicks next_run_time);
// Updates the id for the current work item. This function should be called
// before each distinct piece of work executed by the message loop.
void IncrementWorkId();
// MessagePump::Delegate methods:
void BeforeDoInternalWork() override;
bool DoWork() override;
bool DoDelayedWork(TimeTicks* next_delayed_work_time) override;
bool DoIdleWork() override;
const MessageLoopBase::Type type_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Tracks if we have requested high resolution timers. Its only use is to
// turn off the high resolution timer upon loop destruction.
bool in_high_res_mode_ = false;
// A recent snapshot of Time::Now(), used to check delayed_work_queue_.
TimeTicks recent_time_;
// A boolean which prevents unintentional reentrant task execution (e.g. from
// induced nested message loops). As such, nested message loops will only
// process system messages (not application tasks) by default. A nested loop
// layer must have been explicitly granted permission to be able to execute
// application tasks. This is granted either by
// RunLoop::Type::kNestableTasksAllowed when the loop is driven by the
// application or by a ScopedNestableTaskAllower preceding a system call that
// is known to generate a system-driven nested loop.
bool task_execution_allowed_ = true;
// Using an ObserverList adds significant overhead. We use a raw vector and
// require that callers do not attempt to mutate the list during a callback.
std::vector<TaskObserver*> task_observers_;
// Pointer to this MessageLoop's Controller, valid throughout this
// MessageLoop's lifetime (until |underlying_task_runner_| is released at the
// end of ~MessageLoop()).
Controller* const message_loop_controller_;
// The task runner this MessageLoop will extract its tasks from. By default,
// it will also be bound as the ThreadTaskRunnerHandle on the current thread.
// That default can be overridden by SetTaskRunner() but this MessageLoop will
// nonetheless take its tasks from |underlying_task_runner_| (the overrider is
// responsible for doing the routing). This member must be before
// |pending_task_queue| as it must outlive it.
const scoped_refptr<internal::MessageLoopTaskRunner> underlying_task_runner_;
// The source of tasks for this MessageLoop. Currently this is always
// |underlying_task_runner_|. TODO(gab): Make this customizable.
SequencedTaskSource* const sequenced_task_source_;
internal::PendingTaskQueue pending_task_queue_;
// The task runner exposed by this message loop.
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
std::unique_ptr<ThreadTaskRunnerHandle> thread_task_runner_handle_;
// Id of the thread this message loop is bound to. Initialized once when the
// MessageLoop is bound to its thread and constant forever after.
PlatformThreadId thread_id_ = kInvalidThreadId;
// Holds data stored through the SequenceLocalStorageSlot API.
internal::SequenceLocalStorageMap sequence_local_storage_map_;
// Enables the SequenceLocalStorageSlot API within its scope.
// Instantiated in BindToCurrentThread().
// The unique identifier for the current work item (task, event, etc.) being
// executed by the message loop. Atomic to support being read without locking
// from other threads.
std::atomic_uint work_id_;
ObserverList<DestructionObserver>::Unchecked destruction_observers_;
// Verifies that calls are made on the thread on which BindToCurrentThread()
// was invoked.
} // namespace base