blob: ebf160c435923067ec7c5200a741952a1cd2f6a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/scrolling/snap_coordinator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/local_frame_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_block.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_box.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_layer_scrollable_area.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/length_functions.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scroll/scroll_snap_data.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// This is experimentally determined and corresponds to the UA decided
// parameter as mentioned in spec.
constexpr float kProximityRaio = 1.0 / 3.0;
} // namespace
// TODO(sunyunjia): Move the static functions to an anonymous namespace.
SnapCoordinator::SnapCoordinator() : snap_container_map_() {}
SnapCoordinator::~SnapCoordinator() = default;
SnapCoordinator* SnapCoordinator::Create() {
return new SnapCoordinator();
// Returns the scroll container that can be affected by this snap area.
static LayoutBox* FindSnapContainer(const LayoutBox& snap_area) {
// According to the new spec
// "Snap positions must only affect the nearest ancestor (on the element’s
// containing block chain) scroll container".
Element* viewport_defining_element =
LayoutBox* box = snap_area.ContainingBlock();
while (box && !box->HasOverflowClip() && !box->IsLayoutView() &&
box->GetNode() != viewport_defining_element)
box = box->ContainingBlock();
// If we reach to viewportDefiningElement then we dispatch to viewport
if (box && box->GetNode() == viewport_defining_element)
return snap_area.GetDocument().GetLayoutView();
return box;
void SnapCoordinator::SnapAreaDidChange(LayoutBox& snap_area,
ScrollSnapAlign scroll_snap_align) {
LayoutBox* old_container = snap_area.SnapContainer();
if (scroll_snap_align.alignment_inline == SnapAlignment::kNone &&
scroll_snap_align.alignment_block == SnapAlignment::kNone) {
if (old_container)
if (LayoutBox* new_container = FindSnapContainer(snap_area)) {
// TODO(sunyunjia): consider keep the SnapAreas in a map so it is
// easier to update.
// TODO(sunyunjia): Only update when the localframe doesn't need layout.
if (old_container && old_container != new_container)
} else {
// TODO(majidvp): keep track of snap areas that do not have any
// container so that we check them again when a new container is
// added to the page.
void SnapCoordinator::UpdateAllSnapContainerData() {
for (const auto& entry : snap_container_map_) {
static ScrollableArea* ScrollableAreaForSnapping(const LayoutBox& layout_box) {
return layout_box.IsLayoutView()
? layout_box.GetFrameView()->GetScrollableArea()
: layout_box.GetScrollableArea();
static ScrollSnapType GetPhysicalSnapType(const LayoutBox& snap_container) {
ScrollSnapType scroll_snap_type = snap_container.Style()->GetScrollSnapType();
if (scroll_snap_type.axis == SnapAxis::kInline) {
if (snap_container.Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode())
scroll_snap_type.axis = SnapAxis::kX;
scroll_snap_type.axis = SnapAxis::kY;
if (scroll_snap_type.axis == SnapAxis::kBlock) {
if (snap_container.Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode())
scroll_snap_type.axis = SnapAxis::kY;
scroll_snap_type.axis = SnapAxis::kX;
// Writing mode does not affect the cases where axis kX, kY or kBoth.
return scroll_snap_type;
void SnapCoordinator::UpdateSnapContainerData(const LayoutBox& snap_container) {
if (snap_container.Style()->GetScrollSnapType().is_none)
SnapContainerData snap_container_data(GetPhysicalSnapType(snap_container));
ScrollableArea* scrollable_area = ScrollableAreaForSnapping(snap_container);
if (!scrollable_area)
FloatPoint max_position = ScrollOffsetToPosition(
scrollable_area->MaximumScrollOffset(), scrollable_area->ScrollOrigin());
gfx::ScrollOffset(max_position.X(), max_position.Y()));
// Scroll-padding represents inward offsets from the corresponding edge of the
// scrollport.
// Scrollport is the visual viewport of the scroll container (through which
// the scrollable overflow region can be viewed) coincides with its padding
// box. So we use the
// LayoutRect of the padding box here. The coordinate is relative to the
// container's border box.
LayoutRect container_rect(snap_container.PaddingBoxRect());
const ComputedStyle* container_style = snap_container.Style();
LayoutRectOutsets container_padding(
// The percentage of scroll-padding is different from that of normal
// padding, as scroll-padding resolves the percentage against
// corresponding dimension of the scrollport[1], while the normal padding
// resolves that against "width".[2,3]
// We use MinimumValueForLength here to ensure kAuto is resolved to
// LayoutUnit() which is the correct behavior for padding.
// [1]
// "relative to the corresponding dimension of the scroll container’s
// scrollport"
// [2]
// [3] See for example LayoutBoxModelObject::ComputedCSSPadding where it
// uses |MinimumValueForLength| but against the "width".
if (snap_container_data.scroll_snap_type().strictness ==
SnapStrictness::kProximity) {
LayoutSize size = container_rect.Size();
gfx::ScrollOffset range(size.Width().ToFloat(), size.Height().ToFloat());
if (SnapAreaSet* snap_areas = snap_container.SnapAreas()) {
for (const LayoutBox* snap_area : *snap_areas) {
*snap_area, snap_container, container_rect, max_position));
snap_container_map_.Set(&snap_container, snap_container_data);
static float ClipInContainer(LayoutUnit unit, float max) {
float value = unit.ClampNegativeToZero().ToFloat();
return value > max ? max : value;
// Returns scroll offset at which the snap area and snap containers meet the
// requested snapping alignment on the given axis.
// If the scroll offset required for the alignment is outside the valid range
// then it will be clamped.
// alignment - The scroll-snap-align specified on the snap area.
// axis - The axis for which we consider alignment on. Should be either X or Y
// container - The snap_container rect relative to the container_element's
// boundary. Note that this rect is represented by the dotted box below,
// which is contracted by the scroll-padding from the element's original
// boundary.
// max_position - The maximal scrollable offset of the container. The
// calculated snap_position can not be larger than this value.
// area - The snap area rect relative to the snap container's boundary. Note
// that this rect is represented by the dotted box below, which is expanded
// by the scroll-margin from the element's original boundary.
static float CalculateSnapPosition(SnapAlignment alignment,
SearchAxis axis,
const LayoutRect& container,
const FloatPoint& max_position,
const LayoutRect& area) {
if (alignment == SnapAlignment::kNone)
return SnapAreaData::kInvalidScrollPosition;
switch (alignment) {
/* Start alignment aligns the area's start edge with container's start edge.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ ^ +
+ | +
+ |snap_position +
+ | +
+ v +
+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ +
+ \ scroll-padding \ +
+ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ . . scroll-margin . . \ +
+ \ . . |=================| . . \ +
+ \ . . | | . . \ +
+ \ . . | snap_area | . . \ +
+ \ . . | | . . \ +
+ \ . . |=================| . . \ +
+ \ . . . . \ +
+ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ . . \ +
+ \ . . \ +
+ \ . . \ +
+ \ . . . . . . .snap_container . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ \ +
+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ +
+ +
+ scrollable_content +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
case SnapAlignment::kStart:
if (axis == SearchAxis::kX) {
return ClipInContainer(area.X() - container.X(), max_position.X());
return ClipInContainer(area.Y() - container.Y(), max_position.Y());
/* Center alignment aligns the snap_area(with margin)'s center line with
snap_container(without padding)'s center line.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ ^ +
+ | snap_position +
+ v +
+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ +
+ \ scroll-padding \ +
+ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ . . \ +
+ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ . . scroll-margin . . \ +
+ \ . . |=================| . . \ +
+ \ . . | snap_area | . . \ +
+ \* *.* * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * Center line
+ \ . . | | . . \ +
+ \ . . |=================| . . \ +
+ \ . . . . \ +
+ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ . . \ +
+ \ . . . . . . snap_container. . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ \ +
+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ +
+ +
+ +
+ scrollable_content +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
case SnapAlignment::kCenter:
if (axis == SearchAxis::kX) {
return ClipInContainer(area.Center().X() - container.Center().X(),
return ClipInContainer(area.Center().Y() - container.Center().Y(),
/* End alignment aligns the snap_area(with margin)'s end edge with
snap_container(without padding)'s end edge.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + . .
+ ^ +
+ | snap_position +
+ v +
+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ +
+ \ \ +
+ \ . . . . . . . . snap_container. . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ . . \ +
+ \ . . \ +
+ \ . . \ +
+ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ . . scroll-margin . . \ +
+ \ . . |=================| . . \ +
+ \ . . | | . . \ +
+ \ . . | snap_area | . . \ +
+ \ . . | | . . \ +
+ \ . . |=================| . . \ +
+ \ . . . . \ +
+ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ +
+ \ scroll-padding \ +
+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ +
+ +
+ scrollable_content +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
case SnapAlignment::kEnd:
if (axis == SearchAxis::kX) {
return ClipInContainer(area.MaxX() - container.MaxX(),
return ClipInContainer(area.MaxY() - container.MaxY(), max_position.Y());
return LayoutUnit(SnapAreaData::kInvalidScrollPosition);
static ScrollSnapAlign GetPhysicalAlignment(
const ComputedStyle& area_style,
const ComputedStyle& container_style) {
ScrollSnapAlign align = area_style.GetScrollSnapAlign();
if (container_style.IsHorizontalWritingMode())
return align;
SnapAlignment tmp = align.alignment_inline;
align.alignment_inline = align.alignment_block;
align.alignment_block = tmp;
if (container_style.IsFlippedBlocksWritingMode()) {
if (align.alignment_inline == SnapAlignment::kStart) {
align.alignment_inline = SnapAlignment::kEnd;
} else if (align.alignment_inline == SnapAlignment::kEnd) {
align.alignment_inline = SnapAlignment::kStart;
return align;
static FloatRect GetVisibleRegion(const LayoutRect& container,
const LayoutRect& area) {
float left = area.X() - container.MaxX();
float right = area.MaxX() - container.X();
float top = area.Y() - container.MaxY();
float bottom = area.MaxY() - container.Y();
return FloatRect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
static SnapAxis ToSnapAxis(ScrollSnapAlign align) {
if (align.alignment_inline != SnapAlignment::kNone &&
align.alignment_block != SnapAlignment::kNone)
return SnapAxis::kBoth;
if (align.alignment_inline != SnapAlignment::kNone &&
align.alignment_block == SnapAlignment::kNone)
return SnapAxis::kX;
return SnapAxis::kY;
SnapAreaData SnapCoordinator::CalculateSnapAreaData(
const LayoutBox& snap_area,
const LayoutBox& snap_container,
const LayoutRect& container_rect,
const FloatPoint& max_position) {
const ComputedStyle* container_style = snap_container.Style();
const ComputedStyle* area_style = snap_area.Style();
SnapAreaData snap_area_data;
// We assume that the snap_container is the snap_area's ancestor in layout
// tree, as the snap_container is found by walking up the layout tree in
// FindSnapContainer(). Under this assumption,
// snap_area.LocalToAncestorQuad() returns the snap_area's position relative
// to its container's border box. And the |area| below represents the
// snap_area rect in respect to the snap_container.
LayoutRect area_rect(LayoutPoint(), LayoutSize(snap_area.OffsetWidth(),
area_rect = EnclosingLayoutRect(
.LocalToAncestorQuad(FloatRect(area_rect), &snap_container,
kUseTransforms | kTraverseDocumentBoundaries)
ScrollableArea* scrollable_area = ScrollableAreaForSnapping(snap_container);
if (scrollable_area) {
if (snap_container.IsLayoutView())
area_rect = snap_container.GetFrameView()->FrameToDocument(area_rect);
LayoutRectOutsets area_margin(
area_style->ScrollMarginTop(), area_style->ScrollMarginRight(),
area_style->ScrollMarginBottom(), area_style->ScrollMarginLeft());
ScrollSnapAlign align = GetPhysicalAlignment(*area_style, *container_style);
CalculateSnapPosition(align.alignment_inline, SearchAxis::kX,
container_rect, max_position, area_rect));
CalculateSnapPosition(align.alignment_block, SearchAxis::kY,
container_rect, max_position, area_rect));
snap_area_data.snap_axis = ToSnapAxis(align);
snap_area_data.visible_region = GetVisibleRegion(container_rect, area_rect);
snap_area_data.must_snap =
(area_style->ScrollSnapStop() == EScrollSnapStop::kAlways);
return snap_area_data;
FloatPoint SnapCoordinator::GetSnapPositionForPoint(
const LayoutBox& snap_container,
const FloatPoint& point,
bool did_scroll_x,
bool did_scroll_y) {
auto iter = snap_container_map_.find(&snap_container);
if (iter == snap_container_map_.end())
return point;
const SnapContainerData& data = iter->value;
if (!data.size())
return point;
gfx::ScrollOffset snap_position;
if (data.FindSnapPosition(gfx::ScrollOffset(point.X(), point.Y()),
did_scroll_x, did_scroll_y, &snap_position)) {
return FloatPoint(snap_position.x(), snap_position.y());
return point;
void SnapCoordinator::PerformSnapping(const LayoutBox& snap_container,
bool did_scroll_x,
bool did_scroll_y) {
ScrollableArea* scrollable_area = ScrollableAreaForSnapping(snap_container);
if (!scrollable_area)
FloatPoint current_position = scrollable_area->ScrollPosition();
FloatPoint snap_position = GetSnapPositionForPoint(
snap_container, current_position, did_scroll_x, did_scroll_y);
if (snap_position != current_position) {
ScrollPositionToOffset(snap_position, scrollable_area->ScrollOrigin()),
kProgrammaticScroll, kScrollBehaviorSmooth);
void SnapCoordinator::SnapContainerDidChange(LayoutBox& snap_container,
ScrollSnapType scroll_snap_type) {
if (scroll_snap_type.is_none) {
// TODO(sunyunjia): Only update when the localframe doesn't need layout.
// TODO(majidvp): Add logic to correctly handle orphaned snap areas here.
// 1. Removing container: find a new snap container for its orphan snap
// areas (most likely nearest ancestor of current container) otherwise add
// them to an orphan list.
// 2. Adding container: may take over snap areas from nearest ancestor snap
// container or from existing areas in orphan pool.
base::Optional<SnapContainerData> SnapCoordinator::GetSnapContainerData(
const LayoutBox& snap_container) const {
auto iter = snap_container_map_.find(&snap_container);
if (iter != snap_container_map_.end()) {
return iter->value;
return base::nullopt;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void SnapCoordinator::ShowSnapAreaMap() {
for (auto* const container : snap_container_map_.Keys())
void SnapCoordinator::ShowSnapAreasFor(const LayoutBox* container) {
LOG(INFO) << *container->GetNode();
if (SnapAreaSet* snap_areas = container->SnapAreas()) {
for (auto* const snap_area : *snap_areas) {
LOG(INFO) << " " << *snap_area->GetNode();
void SnapCoordinator::ShowSnapDataFor(const LayoutBox* snap_container) {
auto iter = snap_container_map_.find(snap_container);
if (iter == snap_container_map_.end())
LOG(INFO) << iter->value;
} // namespace blink