blob: b1229004af9131f6a9c4af3998e3d3bafadfa654 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2001 Tobias Anton (
* Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights
* reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/events/event_dispatch_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_wrappable.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/atomic_string.h"
namespace blink {
class DOMWrapperWorld;
class EventDispatcher;
class EventInit;
class EventPath;
class EventTarget;
class ScriptState;
class ScriptValue;
class CORE_EXPORT Event : public ScriptWrappable {
enum class Bubbles {
enum class Cancelable {
enum PhaseType {
kNone = 0,
kCapturingPhase = 1,
kAtTarget = 2,
kBubblingPhase = 3
enum RailsMode {
kRailsModeFree = 0,
kRailsModeHorizontal = 1,
kRailsModeVertical = 2
enum class ComposedMode {
enum class PassiveMode {
// Not passive, default initialized.
// Not passive, explicitly specified.
// Passive, explicitly specified.
// Passive, not explicitly specified and forced due to document level
// listener.
// Passive, default initialized.
static Event* Create() { return new Event; }
static Event* Create(const AtomicString& type) {
return new Event(type, Bubbles::kNo, Cancelable::kNo);
static Event* CreateCancelable(const AtomicString& type) {
return new Event(type, Bubbles::kNo, Cancelable::kYes);
static Event* CreateBubble(const AtomicString& type) {
return new Event(type, Bubbles::kYes, Cancelable::kNo);
static Event* CreateCancelableBubble(const AtomicString& type) {
return new Event(type, Bubbles::kYes, Cancelable::kYes);
static Event* Create(const AtomicString& type, const EventInit& initializer) {
return new Event(type, initializer);
~Event() override;
void initEvent(const AtomicString& type, bool bubbles, bool cancelable);
void initEvent(const AtomicString& event_type_arg,
bool bubbles_arg,
bool cancelable_arg,
EventTarget* related_target);
const AtomicString& type() const { return type_; }
void SetType(const AtomicString& type) { type_ = type; }
EventTarget* target() const { return target_.Get(); }
void SetTarget(EventTarget*);
EventTarget* currentTarget() const;
void SetCurrentTarget(EventTarget* current_target) {
current_target_ = current_target;
// This callback is invoked when an event listener has been dispatched
// at the current target. It should only be used to influence UMA metrics
// and not change functionality since observing the presence of listeners
// is dangerous.
virtual void DoneDispatchingEventAtCurrentTarget();
void SetRelatedTargetIfExists(EventTarget* related_target);
unsigned short eventPhase() const { return event_phase_; }
void SetEventPhase(unsigned short event_phase) { event_phase_ = event_phase; }
void SetFireOnlyCaptureListenersAtTarget(
bool fire_only_capture_listeners_at_target) {
DCHECK_EQ(event_phase_, kAtTarget);
fire_only_capture_listeners_at_target_ =
void SetFireOnlyNonCaptureListenersAtTarget(
bool fire_only_non_capture_listeners_at_target) {
DCHECK_EQ(event_phase_, kAtTarget);
fire_only_non_capture_listeners_at_target_ =
bool FireOnlyCaptureListenersAtTarget() const {
return fire_only_capture_listeners_at_target_;
bool FireOnlyNonCaptureListenersAtTarget() const {
return fire_only_non_capture_listeners_at_target_;
bool bubbles() const { return bubbles_; }
bool cancelable() const { return cancelable_; }
bool composed() const { return composed_; }
bool IsScopedInV0() const;
// Event creation timestamp in milliseconds. It returns a DOMHighResTimeStamp
// using the platform timestamp (see |platform_time_stamp_|).
// For more info see
double timeStamp(ScriptState*) const;
TimeTicks PlatformTimeStamp() const { return platform_time_stamp_; }
void stopPropagation() { propagation_stopped_ = true; }
void SetStopPropagation(bool stop_propagation) {
propagation_stopped_ = stop_propagation;
void stopImmediatePropagation() { immediate_propagation_stopped_ = true; }
void SetStopImmediatePropagation(bool stop_immediate_propagation) {
immediate_propagation_stopped_ = stop_immediate_propagation;
// IE Extensions
EventTarget* srcElement() const {
return target();
} // MSIE extension - "the object that fired the event"
bool legacyReturnValue(ScriptState*) const;
void setLegacyReturnValue(ScriptState*, bool return_value);
virtual const AtomicString& InterfaceName() const;
bool HasInterface(const AtomicString&) const;
// These events are general classes of events.
virtual bool IsUIEvent() const;
virtual bool IsMouseEvent() const;
virtual bool IsFocusEvent() const;
virtual bool IsKeyboardEvent() const;
virtual bool IsTouchEvent() const;
virtual bool IsGestureEvent() const;
virtual bool IsWheelEvent() const;
virtual bool IsPointerEvent() const;
virtual bool IsInputEvent() const;
virtual bool IsCompositionEvent() const;
// Drag events are a subset of mouse events.
virtual bool IsDragEvent() const;
// These events lack a DOM interface.
virtual bool IsClipboardEvent() const;
virtual bool IsBeforeTextInsertedEvent() const;
virtual bool IsBeforeUnloadEvent() const;
virtual bool IsErrorEvent() const;
virtual bool IsActivateInvisibleEvent() const;
bool PropagationStopped() const {
return propagation_stopped_ || immediate_propagation_stopped_;
bool ImmediatePropagationStopped() const {
return immediate_propagation_stopped_;
bool WasInitialized() { return was_initialized_; }
bool defaultPrevented() const { return default_prevented_; }
virtual void preventDefault();
void SetDefaultPrevented(bool default_prevented) {
default_prevented_ = default_prevented;
bool DefaultHandled() const { return default_handled_; }
void SetDefaultHandled() { default_handled_ = true; }
bool cancelBubble(ScriptState* = nullptr) const {
return PropagationStopped();
void setCancelBubble(ScriptState*, bool);
Event* UnderlyingEvent() const { return underlying_event_.Get(); }
void SetUnderlyingEvent(Event*);
bool HasEventPath() { return event_path_; }
EventPath& GetEventPath() {
return *event_path_;
void InitEventPath(Node&);
ScriptValue path(ScriptState*) const;
HeapVector<Member<EventTarget>> composedPath(ScriptState*) const;
bool IsBeingDispatched() const { return eventPhase(); }
// Events that must not leak across isolated world, similar to how
// ErrorEvent behaves, can override this method.
virtual bool CanBeDispatchedInWorld(const DOMWrapperWorld&) const {
return true;
bool isTrusted() const { return is_trusted_; }
void SetTrusted(bool value) { is_trusted_ = value; }
void SetComposed(bool composed) {
composed_ = composed;
void SetHandlingPassive(PassiveMode);
bool PreventDefaultCalledDuringPassive() const {
return prevent_default_called_during_passive_;
bool PreventDefaultCalledOnUncancelableEvent() const {
return prevent_default_called_on_uncancelable_event_;
bool executedListenerOrDefaultAction() const {
return executed_listener_or_default_action_;
void SetExecutedListenerOrDefaultAction() {
executed_listener_or_default_action_ = true;
bool LegacyDidListenersThrow() const {
return legacy_did_listeners_throw_flag_;
void LegacySetDidListenersThrowFlag() {
legacy_did_listeners_throw_flag_ = true;
virtual DispatchEventResult DispatchEvent(EventDispatcher&);
void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
Event(const AtomicString& type,
TimeTicks platform_time_stamp);
Event(const AtomicString& type,
TimeTicks platform_time_stamp);
Event(const AtomicString& type,
ComposedMode = ComposedMode::kScoped);
Event(const AtomicString& type,
const EventInit&,
TimeTicks platform_time_stamp);
Event(const AtomicString& type, const EventInit& init)
: Event(type, init, CurrentTimeTicks()) {}
virtual void ReceivedTarget();
void SetBubbles(bool bubble) { bubbles_ = bubble; }
PassiveMode HandlingPassive() const { return handling_passive_; }
enum EventPathMode { kEmptyAfterDispatch, kNonEmptyAfterDispatch };
HeapVector<Member<EventTarget>> PathInternal(ScriptState*,
EventPathMode) const;
AtomicString type_;
unsigned bubbles_ : 1;
unsigned cancelable_ : 1;
unsigned composed_ : 1;
unsigned is_event_type_scoped_in_v0_ : 1;
unsigned propagation_stopped_ : 1;
unsigned immediate_propagation_stopped_ : 1;
unsigned default_prevented_ : 1;
unsigned default_handled_ : 1;
unsigned was_initialized_ : 1;
unsigned is_trusted_ : 1;
// Only if at least one listeners or default actions are executed on an event
// does Event Timing report it.
unsigned executed_listener_or_default_action_ : 1;
// Whether preventDefault was called when |handling_passive_| is
// true. This field is reset on each call to SetHandlingPassive.
unsigned prevent_default_called_during_passive_ : 1;
// Whether preventDefault was called on uncancelable event.
unsigned prevent_default_called_on_uncancelable_event_ : 1;
// Whether any of listeners have thrown an exception or not.
// Corresponds to |legacyOutputDidListenersThrowFlag| in DOM standard.
unsigned legacy_did_listeners_throw_flag_ : 1;
// This fields are effective only when
// CallCaptureListenersAtCapturePhaseAtShadowHosts runtime flag is enabled.
unsigned fire_only_capture_listeners_at_target_ : 1;
unsigned fire_only_non_capture_listeners_at_target_ : 1;
PassiveMode handling_passive_;
unsigned short event_phase_;
Member<EventTarget> current_target_;
Member<EventTarget> target_;
Member<Event> underlying_event_;
Member<EventPath> event_path_;
// The monotonic platform time in seconds, for input events it is the
// event timestamp provided by the host OS and reported in the original
// WebInputEvent instance.
TimeTicks platform_time_stamp_;
#define DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE_CASTS(typeName) \
DEFINE_TYPE_CASTS(typeName, Event, event, event->Is##typeName(), \
} // namespace blink