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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Service Worker: Redirected response</title>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
// Tests redirect behavior. It calls fetch_method(url, fetch_option) and tests
// the resulting response against the expected values. It also adds the
// response to |cache| and checks the cached response matches the expected
// values.
// |options|: a dictionary of parameters for the test
// |options.url|: the URL to fetch
// |options.fetch_option|: the options passed to |fetch_method|
// |options.fetch_method|: the method used to fetch. Useful for testing an
// iframe's fetch() vs. this page's fetch().
// |options.cache|: A Cache to add the response to
// |options.expected_redirected|: The value of response.redirected
function redirected_test(options) {
return, options.url, options.fetch_option).then(response => {
var cloned_response = response.clone();
response.redirected, options.expected_redirected,
'The redirected flag of response must match. URL: ' + options.url);
cloned_response.redirected, options.expected_redirected,
'The redirected flag of cloned response must match. URL: ' + options.url);
return options.cache.put(options.url, response);
.then(_ => options.cache.match(options.url))
.then(response => {
assert_equals(response.redirected, options.expected_redirected,
'The redirected flag of response in CacheStorage must match. URL: ' +
var host_info = get_host_info();
var REDIRECT_URL = host_info['HTTPS_ORIGIN'] +
var TARGET_URL = host_info['HTTPS_ORIGIN'] +
var frame;
var cache;
var setup;
promise_test(t => {
var SCOPE = 'resources/blank.html?redirected-response';
var SCRIPT = 'resources/fetch-rewrite-worker.js';
var CACHE_NAME = 'service-workers/service-worker/redirected-response';
setup = service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, SCRIPT, SCOPE)
.then(registration => {
promise_test(function() {
return registration.unregister();
}, 'restore global state (service worker registration)');
return wait_for_state(t, registration.installing, 'activated');
.then(_ =>
.then(c => {
cache = c;
promise_test(function() {
return self.caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
}, 'restore global state (caches)');
return with_iframe(SCOPE);
.then(f => {
frame = f;
add_completion_callback(function() {
return setup;
}, 'initialize global state (service worker registration and caches)');
// ===============================================================
// Tests for requests that are out-of-scope of the service worker.
// ===============================================================
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => redirected_test({url: TARGET_URL,
fetch_option: {},
fetch_method: self.fetch,
cache: cache,
expected_redirected: false})),
'mode: "follow", non-intercepted request, no server redirect');
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => redirected_test({url: REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL,
fetch_option: {},
fetch_method: self.fetch,
cache: cache,
expected_redirected: true})),
'mode: "follow", non-intercepted request');
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => redirected_test({url: REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL + '&manual',
fetch_option: {redirect: 'manual'},
fetch_method: self.fetch,
cache: cache,
expected_redirected: false})),
'mode: "manual", non-intercepted request');
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => promise_rejects(
t, new TypeError(),
self.fetch(REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL + '&error',
'The redirect response from the server should be treated as' +
' an error when the redirect flag of request was \'error\'.')),
'mode: "error", non-intercepted request');
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => redirected_test({url:'./?url=' + encodeURIComponent(TARGET_URL),
fetch_option: {},
fetch_method: frame.contentWindow.fetch,
cache: cache,
expected_redirected: false})),
'mode: "follow", no mode change, no server redirect');
// =======================================================
// Tests for requests that are in-scope of the service worker. The service
// worker returns a redirected response.
// =======================================================
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => redirected_test({url: './?url=' + encodeURIComponent(REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL) +
fetch_option: {redirect: 'follow'},
fetch_method: frame.contentWindow.fetch,
cache: cache,
expected_redirected: true})),
'mode: "follow", no mode change');
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => promise_rejects(
t, new TypeError(),
'./?url=' + encodeURIComponent(REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL) +
{redirect: 'error'}),
'The redirected response from the service worker should be ' +
'treated as an error when the redirect flag of request was ' +
'mode: "error", mode change: "follow"');
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => promise_rejects(
t, new TypeError(),
'./?url=' + encodeURIComponent(REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL) +
{redirect: 'manual'}),
'The redirected response from the service worker should be ' +
'treated as an error when the redirect flag of request was ' +
'mode: "manual", mode change: "follow"');
// =======================================================
// Tests for requests that are in-scope of the service worker. The service
// worker returns an opaqueredirect response.
// =======================================================
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => promise_rejects(
t, new TypeError(),
'./?url=' + encodeURIComponent(REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL) +
{redirect: 'follow'}),
'The opaqueredirect response from the service worker should ' +
'be treated as an error when the redirect flag of request was' +
' \'follow\'.')),
'mode: "follow", mode change: "redirect"');
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => promise_rejects(
t, new TypeError(),
'./?url=' + encodeURIComponent(REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL) +
{redirect: 'error'}),
'The opaqueredirect response from the service worker should ' +
'be treated as an error when the redirect flag of request was' +
' \'error\'.')),
'mode: "error", mode change: "manual"');
promise_test(t => setup
.then(() => redirected_test({url: './?url=' + encodeURIComponent(REDIRECT_TO_TARGET_URL) +
fetch_option: {redirect: 'manual'},
fetch_method: frame.contentWindow.fetch,
cache: cache,
expected_redirected: false})),
'mode: "manual", no mode change');