blob: fbce2ad2d2ae5c912c00567fb5290af5a00cd883 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/geometry/DOMMatrixReadOnly.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/V8ObjectBuilder.h"
#include "core/css/CSSIdentifierValue.h"
#include "core/css/CSSToLengthConversionData.h"
#include "core/css/CSSValueList.h"
#include "core/css/parser/CSSParser.h"
#include "core/css/resolver/TransformBuilder.h"
#include "core/geometry/DOMMatrix.h"
#include "core/geometry/DOMMatrixInit.h"
#include "core/geometry/DOMPoint.h"
#include "core/geometry/DOMPointInit.h"
#include "core/layout/api/LayoutViewItem.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
void setDictionaryMembers(DOMMatrixInit& other) {
if (!other.hasM11())
other.setM11(other.hasA() ? other.a() : 1);
if (!other.hasM12())
other.setM12(other.hasB() ? other.b() : 0);
if (!other.hasM21())
other.setM21(other.hasC() ? other.c() : 0);
if (!other.hasM22())
other.setM22(other.hasD() ? other.d() : 1);
if (!other.hasM41())
other.setM41(other.hasE() ? other.e() : 0);
if (!other.hasM42())
other.setM42(other.hasF() ? other.f() : 0);
String getErrorMessage(const char* a, const char* b) {
return String::format("The '%s' property should equal the '%s' property.", a,
} // namespace
bool DOMMatrixReadOnly::validateAndFixup(DOMMatrixInit& other,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
if (other.hasA() && other.hasM11() && other.a() != other.m11()) {
exceptionState.throwTypeError(getErrorMessage("a", "m11"));
return false;
if (other.hasB() && other.hasM12() && other.b() != other.m12()) {
exceptionState.throwTypeError(getErrorMessage("b", "m12"));
return false;
if (other.hasC() && other.hasM21() && other.c() != other.m21()) {
exceptionState.throwTypeError(getErrorMessage("c", "m21"));
return false;
if (other.hasD() && other.hasM22() && other.d() != other.m22()) {
exceptionState.throwTypeError(getErrorMessage("d", "m22"));
return false;
if (other.hasE() && other.hasM41() && other.e() != other.m41()) {
exceptionState.throwTypeError(getErrorMessage("e", "m41"));
return false;
if (other.hasF() && other.hasM42() && other.f() != other.m42()) {
exceptionState.throwTypeError(getErrorMessage("f", "m42"));
return false;
if (other.hasIs2D() && other.is2D() &&
(other.m31() || other.m32() || other.m13() || other.m23() ||
other.m43() || other.m14() || other.m24() || other.m34() ||
other.m33() != 1 || other.m44() != 1)) {
"The is2D member is set to true but the input matrix is 3d matrix.");
return false;
if (!other.hasIs2D()) {
bool is2D = !(other.m31() || other.m32() || other.m13() || other.m23() ||
other.m43() || other.m14() || other.m24() || other.m34() ||
other.m33() != 1 || other.m44() != 1);
return true;
DOMMatrixReadOnly* DOMMatrixReadOnly::create(ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
return new DOMMatrixReadOnly(TransformationMatrix());
DOMMatrixReadOnly* DOMMatrixReadOnly::create(const String& transformList,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
DOMMatrixReadOnly* matrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly(TransformationMatrix());
matrix->setMatrixValueFromString(transformList, exceptionState);
return matrix;
DOMMatrixReadOnly* DOMMatrixReadOnly::create(Vector<double> sequence,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
if (sequence.size() != 6 && sequence.size() != 16) {
"The sequence must contain 6 elements for a 2D matrix or 16 elements "
"for a 3D matrix.");
return nullptr;
return new DOMMatrixReadOnly(sequence, sequence.size());
DOMMatrixReadOnly* DOMMatrixReadOnly::fromFloat32Array(
DOMFloat32Array* float32Array,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
if (float32Array->length() != 6 && float32Array->length() != 16) {
"The sequence must contain 6 elements for a 2D matrix or 16 elements a "
"for 3D matrix.");
return nullptr;
return new DOMMatrixReadOnly(float32Array->data(), float32Array->length());
DOMMatrixReadOnly* DOMMatrixReadOnly::fromFloat64Array(
DOMFloat64Array* float64Array,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
if (float64Array->length() != 6 && float64Array->length() != 16) {
"The sequence must contain 6 elements for a 2D matrix or 16 elements "
"for a 3D matrix.");
return nullptr;
return new DOMMatrixReadOnly(float64Array->data(), float64Array->length());
DOMMatrixReadOnly* DOMMatrixReadOnly::fromMatrix(
DOMMatrixInit& other,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
if (!validateAndFixup(other, exceptionState)) {
return nullptr;
if (other.is2D()) {
double args[] = {other.m11(), other.m12(), other.m21(),
other.m22(), other.m41(), other.m42()};
return new DOMMatrixReadOnly(args, 6);
double args[] = {other.m11(), other.m12(), other.m13(), other.m14(),
other.m21(), other.m22(), other.m23(), other.m24(),
other.m31(), other.m32(), other.m33(), other.m34(),
other.m41(), other.m42(), other.m43(), other.m44()};
return new DOMMatrixReadOnly(args, 16);
DOMMatrixReadOnly::~DOMMatrixReadOnly() {}
bool DOMMatrixReadOnly::is2D() const {
return m_is2D;
bool DOMMatrixReadOnly::isIdentity() const {
return m_matrix->isIdentity();
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::multiply(DOMMatrixInit& other,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->multiplySelf(other, exceptionState);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::translate(double tx, double ty, double tz) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->translateSelf(tx, ty, tz);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::scale(double sx) {
return scale(sx, sx);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::scale(double sx,
double sy,
double sz,
double ox,
double oy,
double oz) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->scaleSelf(sx, sy, sz, ox, oy, oz);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::scale3d(double scale,
double ox,
double oy,
double oz) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->scale3dSelf(scale, ox, oy, oz);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::rotate(double rotX) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->rotateSelf(rotX);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::rotate(double rotX, double rotY) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->rotateSelf(rotX, rotY);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::rotate(double rotX, double rotY, double rotZ) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->rotateSelf(rotX, rotY, rotZ);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::rotateFromVector(double x, double y) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->rotateFromVectorSelf(x, y);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::rotateAxisAngle(double x,
double y,
double z,
double angle) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->rotateAxisAngleSelf(x, y, z, angle);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::skewX(double sx) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->skewXSelf(sx);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::skewY(double sy) {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->skewYSelf(sy);
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::flipX() {
DOMMatrix* flipX = DOMMatrix::create(this);
return flipX;
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::flipY() {
DOMMatrix* flipY = DOMMatrix::create(this);
return flipY;
DOMMatrix* DOMMatrixReadOnly::inverse() {
return DOMMatrix::create(this)->invertSelf();
DOMPoint* DOMMatrixReadOnly::transformPoint(const DOMPointInit& point) {
if (is2D() && point.z() == 0 && point.w() == 1) {
double x = point.x() * m11() + point.y() * m12() + m41();
double y = point.x() * m12() + point.y() * m22() + m42();
return DOMPoint::create(x, y, 0, 1);
double x = point.x() * m11() + point.y() * m21() + point.z() * m31() +
point.w() * m41();
double y = point.x() * m12() + point.y() * m22() + point.z() * m32() +
point.w() * m42();
double z = point.x() * m13() + point.y() * m23() + point.z() * m33() +
point.w() * m43();
double w = point.x() * m14() + point.y() * m24() + point.z() * m34() +
point.w() * m44();
return DOMPoint::create(x, y, z, w);
DOMMatrixReadOnly::DOMMatrixReadOnly(const TransformationMatrix& matrix,
bool is2D) {
m_matrix = TransformationMatrix::create(matrix);
m_is2D = is2D;
DOMFloat32Array* DOMMatrixReadOnly::toFloat32Array() const {
float array[] = {
static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m11()), static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m12()),
static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m13()), static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m14()),
static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m21()), static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m22()),
static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m23()), static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m24()),
static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m31()), static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m32()),
static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m33()), static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m34()),
static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m41()), static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m42()),
static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m43()), static_cast<float>(m_matrix->m44())};
return DOMFloat32Array::create(array, 16);
DOMFloat64Array* DOMMatrixReadOnly::toFloat64Array() const {
double array[] = {
m_matrix->m11(), m_matrix->m12(), m_matrix->m13(), m_matrix->m14(),
m_matrix->m21(), m_matrix->m22(), m_matrix->m23(), m_matrix->m24(),
m_matrix->m31(), m_matrix->m32(), m_matrix->m33(), m_matrix->m34(),
m_matrix->m41(), m_matrix->m42(), m_matrix->m43(), m_matrix->m44()};
return DOMFloat64Array::create(array, 16);
const String DOMMatrixReadOnly::toString() const {
std::stringstream stream;
if (is2D()) {
stream << "matrix(" << a() << ", " << b() << ", " << c() << ", " << d()
<< ", " << e() << ", " << f();
} else {
stream << "matrix3d(" << m11() << ", " << m12() << ", " << m13() << ", "
<< m14() << ", " << m21() << ", " << m22() << ", " << m23() << ", "
<< m24() << ", " << m31() << ", " << m32() << ", " << m33() << ", "
<< m34() << ", " << m41() << ", " << m42() << ", " << m43() << ", "
<< m44();
stream << ")";
return String(stream.str().c_str());
ScriptValue DOMMatrixReadOnly::toJSONForBinding(
ScriptState* scriptState) const {
V8ObjectBuilder result(scriptState);
result.addNumber("a", a());
result.addNumber("b", b());
result.addNumber("c", c());
result.addNumber("d", d());
result.addNumber("e", e());
result.addNumber("f", f());
result.addNumber("m11", m11());
result.addNumber("m12", m12());
result.addNumber("m13", m13());
result.addNumber("m14", m14());
result.addNumber("m21", m21());
result.addNumber("m22", m22());
result.addNumber("m23", m23());
result.addNumber("m24", m24());
result.addNumber("m31", m31());
result.addNumber("m32", m32());
result.addNumber("m33", m33());
result.addNumber("m34", m34());
result.addNumber("m41", m41());
result.addNumber("m42", m42());
result.addNumber("m43", m43());
result.addNumber("m44", m44());
result.addBoolean("is2D", is2D());
result.addBoolean("isIdentity", isIdentity());
return result.scriptValue();
void DOMMatrixReadOnly::setMatrixValueFromString(
const String& inputString,
ExceptionState& exceptionState) {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, identityMatrix2D, ("matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)"));
String string = inputString;
if (string.isEmpty())
string = identityMatrix2D;
const CSSValue* value =
CSSParser::parseSingleValue(CSSPropertyTransform, string);
if (!value || value->isCSSWideKeyword()) {
"Failed to parse '" + inputString + "'.");
if (value->isIdentifierValue()) {
DCHECK(toCSSIdentifierValue(value)->getValueID() == CSSValueNone);
m_is2D = true;
if (TransformBuilder::hasRelativeLengths(toCSSValueList(*value))) {
"Lengths must be absolute, not relative");
const ComputedStyle& initialStyle = ComputedStyle::initialStyle();
TransformOperations operations = TransformBuilder::createTransformOperations(
*value, CSSToLengthConversionData(&initialStyle, &initialStyle,
LayoutViewItem(nullptr), 1.0f));
if (operations.dependsOnBoxSize()) {
SyntaxError, "Lengths must be absolute, not depend on the box size");
operations.apply(FloatSize(0, 0), *m_matrix);
m_is2D = !operations.has3DOperation();
} // namespace blink