blob: b4ed1e7a0802a524742498ede45ec5d06376dfb8 [file] [log] [blame]
function assert_is_unit(unit, result) {
assert_class_string(result, 'CSSUnitValue',
'relative lengths must compute to a CSSUnitValue');
assert_equals(result.unit, unit, 'unit');
function assert_is_calc_sum(result) {
assert_class_string(result, 'CSSMathSum',
'specified calc must be a CSSMathSum');
function assert_is_equal_with_range_handling(input, result) {
if (input instanceof CSSUnitValue && input.value < 0)
assert_style_value_equals(result, new CSSMathSum(input));
assert_style_value_equals(result, input);
const gCssWideKeywordsExamples = [
description: 'initial keyword',
input: new CSSKeywordValue('initial')
description: 'inherit keyword',
input: new CSSKeywordValue('initial')
description: 'unset keyword',
input: new CSSKeywordValue('initial')
const gTestSyntaxExamples = {
'<length>': {
description: 'a length',
examples: [
description: "zero px",
input: new CSSUnitValue(0, 'px')
description: "a negative em",
input: new CSSUnitValue(-3.14, 'em'),
// 'ems' are relative units, so just check that it computes to px
defaultComputed: (_, result) => assert_is_unit('px', result)
description: "a positive cm",
input: new CSSUnitValue(3.14, 'cm'),
// 'cms' are relative units, so just check that it computes to px
defaultComputed: (_, result) => assert_is_unit('px', result)
description: "a calc length",
input: new CSSMathSum(new CSSUnitValue(0, 'px'), new CSSUnitValue(0, 'em')),
// Specified/computed calcs are usually simplified.
// FIXME: Test this properly
defaultSpecified: (_, result) => assert_is_calc_sum(result),
defaultComputed: (_, result) => assert_is_unit('px', result)
'<percentage>': {
description: 'a percent',
examples: [
description: "zero percent",
input: new CSSUnitValue(0, 'percent')
description: "a negative percent",
input: new CSSUnitValue(-3.14, 'percent')
description: "a positive percent",
input: new CSSUnitValue(3.14, 'percent')
description: "a calc percent",
input: new CSSMathSum(new CSSUnitValue(0, 'percent'), new CSSUnitValue(0, 'percent')),
// Specified/computed calcs are usually simplified.
// FIXME: Test this properly
defaultSpecified: (_, result) => assert_is_calc_sum(result),
defaultComputed: (_, result) => assert_is_unit('percent', result)
'<time>': {
description: 'a time',
examples: [
description: "zero seconds",
input: new CSSUnitValue(0, 's')
description: "negative milliseconds",
input: new CSSUnitValue(-3.14, 'ms')
description: "positive seconds",
input: new CSSUnitValue(3.14, 's')
description: "a calc time",
input: new CSSMathSum(new CSSUnitValue(0, 's'), new CSSUnitValue(0, 'ms')),
// Specified/computed calcs are usually simplified.
// FIXME: Test this properly
defaultSpecified: (_, result) => assert_is_calc_sum(result),
defaultComputed: (_, result) => assert_is_unit('s', result)
'<number>': {
description: 'a number',
examples: [
description: 'the number zero',
input: new CSSUnitValue(0, 'number')
description: 'a negative number',
input: new CSSUnitValue(-3.14, 'number')
description: 'a positive number',
input: new CSSUnitValue(3.14, 'number')
description: "a calc number",
input: new CSSMathSum(new CSSUnitValue(2, 'number'), new CSSUnitValue(3, 'number')),
defaultSpecified: (_, result) => assert_is_calc_sum(result),
defaultComputed: (_, result) => {
assert_style_value_equals(result, new CSSUnitValue(5, 'number'));
'<position>': {
description: 'a position',
examples: [
decription: "origin position",
input: new CSSPositionValue(new CSSUnitValue(0, 'px'), new CSSUnitValue(0, 'px'))
'<transform>': {
description: 'a transform',
examples: [
description: 'a transform containing only a translate',
input: new CSSTransformValue([
new CSSTranslate(
new CSSUnitValue(0, 'px'),
new CSSUnitValue(1, 'px'),
new CSSUnitValue(2, 'px'),
// Test setting a value in a style map and then getting it from the inline and
// computed styles.
function testPropertyValid(propertyName, examples, specified, computed, description) {
test(t => {
let element = createDivWithStyle(t);
for (const example of examples) {
element.attributeStyleMap.set(propertyName, example.input);
// specified style
const specifiedResult = element.attributeStyleMap.get(propertyName);
assert_not_equals(specifiedResult, null,
'Specified value must not be null');
assert_true(specifiedResult instanceof CSSStyleValue,
'Specified value must be a CSSStyleValue');
if (specified || example.defaultSpecified) {
(specified || example.defaultSpecified)(example.input, specifiedResult);
} else {
assert_style_value_equals(specifiedResult, example.input,
`Setting ${example.description} and getting its specified value`);
// computed style
const computedResult = element.computedStyleMap().get(propertyName);
assert_not_equals(computedResult, null,
'Computed value must not be null');
assert_true(computedResult instanceof CSSStyleValue,
'Computed value must be a CSSStyleValue');
if (computed || example.defaultComputed) {
(computed || example.defaultComputed)(example.input, computedResult);
} else {
assert_style_value_equals(computedResult, example.input,
`Setting ${example.description} and getting its computed value`);
}, `Can set '${propertyName}' to ${description}`);
// We have to special case CSSImageValue as they cannot be created with a
// constructor and are completely opaque.
function testIsImageValidForProperty(propertyName) {
test(t => {
let element1 = createDivWithStyle(t, `${propertyName}: url("/media/1x1-green.png")`);
let element2 = createDivWithStyle(t);
const result = element1.attributeStyleMap.get(propertyName);
assert_not_equals(result, null, 'Image value must not be null');
assert_class_string(result, 'CSSImageValue',
'Image value must be a CSSImageValue');
element2.attributeStyleMap.set(propertyName, result);
'Image value can be set on different element');
}, `Can set '${propertyName}' to an image`);
// Test that styleMap.set throws for invalid values
function testPropertyInvalid(propertyName, examples, description) {
test(t => {
let styleMap = createInlineStyleMap(t);
for (const example of examples) {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => styleMap.set(propertyName, example.input));
}, `Setting '${propertyName}' to ${description} throws TypeError`);
// Test that styleMap.get/.set roundtrips correctly for unsupported values.
function testUnsupportedValue(propertyName, cssText) {
test(t => {
let element1 = createDivWithStyle(t);
let element2 = createDivWithStyle(t);[propertyName] = cssText;
const result = element1.attributeStyleMap.get(propertyName);
assert_not_equals(result, null,
'Unsupported value must not be null');
assert_class_string(result, 'CSSStyleValue',
'Unsupported value must be a CSSStyleValue and not one of its subclasses');
element2.attributeStyleMap.set(propertyName, result);
'Unsupported value can be set on different element');
}, `'${propertyName}' does not supported '${cssText}'`);
function createKeywordExample(keyword) {
return {
description: `the '${keyword}' keyword`,
examples: [ { input: new CSSKeywordValue(keyword) } ]
// Run a battery of StylePropertyMap tests on |propertyName|.
// Second argument is a list of test cases. A test case has the form:
// {
// syntax: "<length>",
// specified: /* a callback */ (optional)
// computed: /* a callback */ (optional)
// }
// If a callback is passed to |specified|, then the callback will be passed
// two arguments:
// 1. The input test case
// 2. The result of calling get() on the inline style map (specified values).
// The callback should check if the result is expected using assert_* functions.
// If no callback is passed, then we assert that the result is the same as
// the input.
// Same goes for |computed|, but with the computed style map (computed values).
// FIXME: The reason we pass argument #2 is that it's sometimes difficult to
// compute exactly what the expected result should be (e.g. browser-specific
// values). Once we can do that, we can remove argument #2 and just return
// the expected result.
function runPropertyTests(propertyName, testCases) {
let syntaxTested = new Set();
// Every property should at least support CSS-wide keywords.
null, // should be as specified
() => {}, // could be anything
'CSS-wide keywords');
for (const testCase of testCases) {
// <image> is a special case
if (testCase.syntax === '<image>') {
// Retrieve test examples for this test case's syntax. If the syntax
// looks like a keyword, then create an example on the fly.
const syntaxExamples = testCase.syntax.match(/^[a-z\-]+$/) ?
createKeywordExample(testCase.syntax) :
if (!syntaxExamples)
throw new Error(`'${testCase.syntax}' is not a valid CSS component`);
// Also test that styleMap.set rejects invalid CSSStyleValues.
for (const [syntax, syntaxExamples] of Object.entries(gTestSyntaxExamples)) {
if (!syntaxTested.has(syntax)) {
// Check that |propertyName| doesn't "support" examples in |testExamples|.
// |testExamples| is a list of CSS string values. An "unsupported" value
// doesn't have a corresponding Typed OM representation. It normalizes as
// the base CSSStyleValue.
function runUnsupportedPropertyTests(propertyName, testExamples) {
for (const cssText of testExamples) {
testUnsupportedValue(propertyName, cssText);