blob: ff9b9c1c8d740f53e82b7c74180278839ee4b82a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/generic_sensor/platform_sensor.h"
namespace base {
class RepeatingTimer;
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
class Thread;
namespace device {
class SensorReader;
struct SensorDataLinux;
class PlatformSensorLinux : public PlatformSensor {
mojom::SensorType type,
mojo::ScopedSharedBufferMapping mapping,
PlatformSensorProvider* provider,
const SensorDataLinux& data,
std::unique_ptr<SensorReader> sensor_reader,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> polling_thread_task_runner);
// Thread safe.
mojom::ReportingMode GetReportingMode() override;
~PlatformSensorLinux() override;
bool StartSensor(const PlatformSensorConfiguration& configuration) override;
void StopSensor() override;
bool CheckSensorConfiguration(
const PlatformSensorConfiguration& configuration) override;
PlatformSensorConfiguration GetDefaultConfiguration() override;
void BeginPoll(const PlatformSensorConfiguration& configuration);
void StopPoll();
// Triggers |sensor_reader_| to read new sensor data.
// If new data is read, UpdateSensorReading() is called.
void PollForReadingData();
// Owned timer to be deleted on a polling thread.
base::RepeatingTimer* timer_;
const PlatformSensorConfiguration default_configuration_;
const mojom::ReportingMode reporting_mode_;
// A sensor reader that reads values from sensor files
// and stores them to a SensorReading structure.
std::unique_ptr<SensorReader> sensor_reader_;
// A task runner that is used to poll sensor data.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> polling_thread_task_runner_;
// Stores previously read values that are used to
// determine whether the recent values are changed
// and IPC can be notified that updates are available.
SensorReading old_values_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PlatformSensorLinux> weak_factory_;
} // namespace device