blob: 86eb998315b8aa208e7daeca830d5010771ef3bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/wasm/function-body-decoder.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-limits.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-tier.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Counters;
namespace compiler {
class TurbofanWasmCompilationUnit;
} // namespace compiler
namespace wasm {
class LiftoffCompilationUnit;
struct ModuleWireBytes;
class NativeModule;
class WasmCode;
class WasmEngine;
struct WasmFunction;
enum RuntimeExceptionSupport : bool {
kRuntimeExceptionSupport = true,
kNoRuntimeExceptionSupport = false
enum UseTrapHandler : bool { kUseTrapHandler = true, kNoTrapHandler = false };
enum LowerSimd : bool { kLowerSimd = true, kNoLowerSimd = false };
// The {ModuleEnv} encapsulates the module data that is used during compilation.
// ModuleEnvs are shareable across multiple compilations.
struct ModuleEnv {
// A pointer to the decoded module's static representation.
const WasmModule* const module;
// True if trap handling should be used in compiled code, rather than
// compiling in bounds checks for each memory access.
const UseTrapHandler use_trap_handler;
// If the runtime doesn't support exception propagation,
// we won't generate stack checks, and trap handling will also
// be generated differently.
const RuntimeExceptionSupport runtime_exception_support;
// The smallest size of any memory that could be used with this module, in
// bytes.
const uint64_t min_memory_size;
// The largest size of any memory that could be used with this module, in
// bytes.
const uint64_t max_memory_size;
const LowerSimd lower_simd;
constexpr ModuleEnv(const WasmModule* module, UseTrapHandler use_trap_handler,
RuntimeExceptionSupport runtime_exception_support,
LowerSimd lower_simd = kNoLowerSimd)
: module(module),
min_memory_size(module ? module->initial_pages * uint64_t{kWasmPageSize}
: 0),
max_memory_size(module && module->has_maximum_pages
? (module->maximum_pages * uint64_t{kWasmPageSize})
: kSpecMaxWasmMemoryBytes),
lower_simd(lower_simd) {}
class WasmCompilationUnit final {
static ExecutionTier GetDefaultExecutionTier();
// If constructing from a background thread, pass in a Counters*, and ensure
// that the Counters live at least as long as this compilation unit (which
// typically means to hold a std::shared_ptr<Counters>).
// If used exclusively from a foreground thread, Isolate::counters() may be
// used by callers to pass Counters.
WasmCompilationUnit(WasmEngine* wasm_engine, ModuleEnv*, NativeModule*,
FunctionBody, int index, Counters*,
ExecutionTier = GetDefaultExecutionTier());
void ExecuteCompilation(WasmFeatures* detected);
NativeModule* native_module() const { return native_module_; }
ExecutionTier mode() const { return mode_; }
bool failed() const { return result_.failed(); }
WasmCode* result() const {
return result_.value();
void ReportError(ErrorThrower* thrower) const;
static WasmCode* CompileWasmFunction(
Isolate* isolate, NativeModule* native_module, WasmFeatures* detected,
ErrorThrower* thrower, ModuleEnv* env, const WasmFunction* function,
ExecutionTier = GetDefaultExecutionTier());
friend class LiftoffCompilationUnit;
friend class compiler::TurbofanWasmCompilationUnit;
ModuleEnv* env_;
WasmEngine* wasm_engine_;
FunctionBody func_body_;
Counters* counters_;
int func_index_;
NativeModule* native_module_;
ExecutionTier mode_;
wasm::Result<WasmCode*> result_;
// LiftoffCompilationUnit, set if {mode_ == kLiftoff}.
std::unique_ptr<LiftoffCompilationUnit> liftoff_unit_;
// TurbofanWasmCompilationUnit, set if {mode_ == kTurbofan}.
std::unique_ptr<compiler::TurbofanWasmCompilationUnit> turbofan_unit_;
void SwitchMode(ExecutionTier new_mode);
// Called from {ExecuteCompilation} to set the result of compilation.
void SetResult(WasmCode*);
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8