blob: d54d4ddfbcbf6bcc36dfd6db0c55c255f56c032f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/frame/csp/CSPSource.h"
#include "core/frame/UseCounter.h"
#include "core/frame/csp/ContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/KnownPorts.h"
#include "platform/weborigin/SecurityOrigin.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
namespace blink {
CSPSource::CSPSource(ContentSecurityPolicy* policy,
const String& scheme,
const String& host,
int port,
const String& path,
WildcardDisposition hostWildcard,
WildcardDisposition portWildcard)
: m_policy(policy),
m_portWildcard(portWildcard) {}
bool CSPSource::matches(const KURL& url,
ResourceRequest::RedirectStatus redirectStatus) const {
bool schemesMatch = m_scheme.isEmpty() ? m_policy->protocolMatchesSelf(url)
: schemeMatches(url.protocol());
if (!schemesMatch)
return false;
if (isSchemeOnly())
return true;
bool pathsMatch = (redirectStatus == RedirectStatus::FollowedRedirect) ||
return hostMatches( && portMatches(url.port(), url.protocol()) &&
bool CSPSource::schemeMatches(const String& protocol) const {
DCHECK_EQ(protocol, protocol.lower());
if (m_scheme == "http")
return protocol == "http" || protocol == "https";
if (m_scheme == "ws")
return protocol == "ws" || protocol == "wss";
return protocol == m_scheme;
bool CSPSource::hostMatches(const String& host) const {
Document* document = m_policy->document();
bool match;
bool equalHosts = m_host == host;
if (m_hostWildcard == HasWildcard) {
match = host.endsWith(String("." + m_host), TextCaseInsensitive);
// Chrome used to, incorrectly, match *.x.y to x.y. This was fixed, but
// the following count measures when a match fails that would have
// passed the old, incorrect style, in case a lot of sites were
// relying on that behavior.
if (document && equalHosts)
} else {
match = equalHosts;
return match;
bool CSPSource::pathMatches(const String& urlPath) const {
if (m_path.isEmpty())
return true;
String path = decodeURLEscapeSequences(urlPath);
if (m_path.endsWith("/"))
return path.startsWith(m_path);
return path == m_path;
bool CSPSource::portMatches(int port, const String& protocol) const {
if (m_portWildcard == HasWildcard)
return true;
if (port == m_port)
return true;
if (m_port == 80 &&
(port == 443 || (port == 0 && defaultPortForProtocol(protocol) == 443)))
return true;
if (!port)
return isDefaultPortForProtocol(m_port, protocol);
if (!m_port)
return isDefaultPortForProtocol(port, protocol);
return false;
bool CSPSource::subsumes(CSPSource* other) {
if (!schemeMatches(other->m_scheme))
return false;
if (other->isSchemeOnly() || isSchemeOnly())
return isSchemeOnly();
if ((m_hostWildcard == NoWildcard && other->m_hostWildcard == HasWildcard) ||
(m_portWildcard == NoWildcard && other->m_portWildcard == HasWildcard)) {
return false;
bool hostSubsumes = (m_host == other->m_host || hostMatches(other->m_host));
bool portSubsumes = (m_portWildcard == HasWildcard) ||
portMatches(other->m_port, other->m_scheme);
bool pathSubsumes = pathMatches(other->m_path);
return hostSubsumes && portSubsumes && pathSubsumes;
bool CSPSource::isSimilar(CSPSource* other) {
bool schemesMatch =
schemeMatches(other->m_scheme) || other->schemeMatches(m_scheme);
if (!schemesMatch || isSchemeOnly() || other->isSchemeOnly())
return schemesMatch;
bool hostsMatch = (m_host == other->m_host) || hostMatches(other->m_host) ||
bool portsMatch = (other->m_portWildcard == HasWildcard) ||
portMatches(other->m_port, other->m_scheme);
bool pathsMatch = pathMatches(other->m_path) || other->pathMatches(m_path);
if (hostsMatch && portsMatch && pathsMatch)
return true;
return false;
CSPSource* CSPSource::intersect(CSPSource* other) {
if (!isSimilar(other))
return nullptr;
String scheme = other->schemeMatches(m_scheme) ? m_scheme : other->m_scheme;
String host = m_hostWildcard == NoWildcard ? m_host : other->m_host;
String path = other->pathMatches(m_path) ? m_path : other->m_path;
int port = (other->m_portWildcard == HasWildcard || !other->m_port)
? m_port
: other->m_port;
WildcardDisposition hostWildcard =
(m_hostWildcard == HasWildcard) ? other->m_hostWildcard : m_hostWildcard;
WildcardDisposition portWildcard =
(m_portWildcard == HasWildcard) ? other->m_portWildcard : m_portWildcard;
return new CSPSource(m_policy, scheme, host, port, path, hostWildcard,
bool CSPSource::isSchemeOnly() const {
return m_host.isEmpty();
bool CSPSource::firstSubsumesSecond(HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> listA,
HeapVector<Member<CSPSource>> listB) {
// Empty vector of CSPSources has an effect of 'none'.
if (!listA.size() || !listB.size())
return !listB.size();
// Walk through all the items in |listB|, ensuring that each is subsumed by at
// least one item in |listA|. If any item in |listB| is not subsumed, return
// false.
for (const auto& sourceB : listB) {
bool foundMatch = false;
for (const auto& sourceA : listA) {
if ((foundMatch = sourceA->subsumes(sourceB)))
if (!foundMatch)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace blink