blob: 69c497b6804ea906e227112534bd469bc81cb815 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Parser for linker map files.
The format of a linker map file depends on the linker that generates it. This
file uses "coded linker name" to identify formats and variants:
'gold': The gold linker (usage is being deprecated by Chrome).
'lld_v0': LLD linker (no LTO), old format.
'lld-lto_v0': LLD linker with ThinLTO, old format.
'lld_v1': LLD linker (no LTO), new format.
'lld-lto_v1': LLD linker with ThinLTO, new format.
The |linker_name| parameter in various functions must take one of the above
coded linker name values.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import code
import logging
import os
import re
import readline
import demangle
import models
# About linker maps:
# * "Discarded input sections" include symbols merged with other symbols
# (aliases), so the information there is not actually a list of unused things.
# * Linker maps include symbols that do not have names (with object path),
# whereas "nm" skips over these (they don't account for much though).
# * The parse time for compressed linker maps is dominated by ungzipping.
class MapFileParserGold(object):
"""Parses a linker map file from gold linker."""
# Map file writer for gold linker:
def __init__(self):
self._common_symbols = []
self._symbols = []
self._section_sizes = {}
self._lines = None
def Parse(self, lines):
"""Parses a linker map file.
lines: Iterable of lines, the first of which has been consumed to
identify file type.
A tuple of (section_sizes, symbols).
self._lines = iter(lines)
logging.debug('Scanning for Header')
while True:
line = self._SkipToLineWithPrefix('Common symbol', 'Memory map')
if line.startswith('Common symbol'):
self._common_symbols = self._ParseCommonSymbols()
logging.debug('.bss common entries: %d', len(self._common_symbols))
elif line.startswith('Memory map'):
return self._section_sizes, self._symbols
def _SkipToLineWithPrefix(self, prefix, prefix2=None):
for l in self._lines:
if l.startswith(prefix) or (prefix2 and l.startswith(prefix2)):
return l
def _ParsePossiblyWrappedParts(self, line, count):
parts = line.split(None, count - 1)
if not parts:
return None
if len(parts) != count:
line = next(self._lines)
parts.extend(line.split(None, count - len(parts) - 1))
assert len(parts) == count, 'parts: ' + ' '.join(parts)
parts[-1] = parts[-1].rstrip()
return parts
def _ParseCommonSymbols(self):
# Common symbol size file
# ff_cos_131072 0x40000 obj/third_party/<snip>
# ff_cos_131072_fixed
# 0x20000 obj/third_party/<snip>
ret = []
next(self._lines) # Skip past blank line
name, size_str, path = None, None, None
for l in self._lines:
parts = self._ParsePossiblyWrappedParts(l, 3)
if not parts:
name, size_str, path = parts
sym = models.Symbol(models.SECTION_BSS, int(size_str[2:], 16),
full_name=name, object_path=path)
return ret
def _ParseSections(self):
# .text 0x0028c600 0x22d3468
# 0x0028c600 0x38 obj/net/net/bbr_sender.o
# .text._reset 0x00339d00 0xf0 obj/third_party/icu/icuuc/ucnv.o
# ** fill 0x0255fb00 0x02
# .text._ZN4base8AutoLockD2Ev
# 0x00290710 0xe obj/net/net/file_name.o
# 0x00290711 base::AutoLock::~AutoLock()
# 0x00290711 base::AutoLock::~AutoLock()
# .text._ZNK5blink15LayoutBlockFlow31mustSeparateMarginAfterForChildERK...
# 0xffffffffffffffff 0x46 obj/...
# 0x006808e1 blink::LayoutBlockFlow::...
# 0x002a2000 0x20 obj/net/net/tag.o
# .bss
# .bss._ZGVZN11GrProcessor11initClassIDI10LightingFPEEvvE8kClassID
# 0x02d4b294 0x4 obj/skia/skia/SkLightingShader.o
# 0x02d4b294 guard variable for void GrProcessor::initClassID
# .data 0x0028c600 0x22d3468
# 0x02d1e668 0x10 ../../third_party/.../libfoo.a(bar.o)
# 0x02d1e668 vtable for gvr::android::GlobalRef<_jfloatArray*>
# ** merge strings
# 0x0255fb00 0x1f2424
# ** merge constants
# 0x0255fb00 0x8
# ** common 0x02db5700 0x13ab48
syms = self._symbols
while True:
line = self._SkipToLineWithPrefix('.')
if not line:
section_name = None
# Parse section name and size.
parts = self._ParsePossiblyWrappedParts(line, 3)
if not parts:
section_name, section_address_str, section_size_str = parts
section_address = int(section_address_str[2:], 16)
section_size = int(section_size_str[2:], 16)
self._section_sizes[section_name] = section_size
if (section_name in (models.SECTION_BSS,
models.SECTION_TEXT) or
section_name.startswith(models.SECTION_DATA)):'Parsing %s', section_name)
if section_name == models.SECTION_BSS:
# Common symbols have no address.
prefix_len = len(section_name) + 1 # + 1 for the trailing .
symbol_gap_count = 0
merge_symbol_start_address = section_address
sym_count_at_start = len(syms)
line = next(self._lines)
# Parse section symbols.
while True:
if not line or line.isspace():
if line.startswith(' **'):
zero_index = line.find('0')
if zero_index == -1:
# Line wraps.
name = line.strip()
line = next(self._lines)
# Line does not wrap.
name = line[:zero_index].strip()
line = line[zero_index:]
address_str, size_str = self._ParsePossiblyWrappedParts(line, 2)
line = next(self._lines)
# These bytes are already accounted for.
if name == '** common':
address = int(address_str[2:], 16)
size = int(size_str[2:], 16)
path = None
sym = models.Symbol(section_name, size, address=address,
full_name=name, object_path=path)
if merge_symbol_start_address > 0:
merge_symbol_start_address += size
# A normal symbol entry.
subsection_name, address_str, size_str, path = (
self._ParsePossiblyWrappedParts(line, 4))
size = int(size_str[2:], 16)
assert subsection_name.startswith(section_name), (
'subsection name was: ' + subsection_name)
mangled_name = subsection_name[prefix_len:]
name = None
address_str2 = None
while True:
line = next(self._lines).rstrip()
if not line or line.startswith(' .'):
# clang includes ** fill, but gcc does not.
if line.startswith(' ** fill'):
# Alignment explicitly recorded in map file. Rather than
# record padding based on these entries, we calculate it
# using addresses. We do this because fill lines are not
# present when compiling with gcc (only for clang).
elif line.startswith(' **'):
elif name is None:
address_str2, name = self._ParsePossiblyWrappedParts(line, 2)
if address_str == '0xffffffffffffffff':
# The section needs special handling (e.g., a merge section)
# It also generally has a large offset after it, so don't
# penalize the subsequent symbol for this gap (e.g. a 50kb gap).
# There seems to be no corelation between where these gaps occur
# and the symbols they come in-between.
# TODO(agrieve): Learn more about why this happens.
if address_str2:
address = int(address_str2[2:], 16) - 1
elif syms and syms[-1].address > 0:
# Merge sym with no second line showing real address.
address = syms[-1].end_address
logging.warning('First symbol of section had address -1')
address = 0
merge_symbol_start_address = address + size
address = int(address_str[2:], 16)
# Finish off active address gap / merge section.
if merge_symbol_start_address:
merge_size = address - merge_symbol_start_address
merge_symbol_start_address = 0
if merge_size > 0:
# merge_size == 0 for the initial symbol generally.
logging.debug('Merge symbol of size %d found at:\n %r',
merge_size, syms[-1])
# Set size=0 so that it will show up as padding.
sym = models.Symbol(
section_name, 0,
full_name='** symbol gap %d' % symbol_gap_count)
symbol_gap_count += 1
# .text.res_findResource_60
# 0x00178de8 0x12a obj/...
# 0x00178de9 res_findResource_60
# .text._ZN3url6ParsedC2Ev
# 0x0021ad62 0x2e obj/url/url/url_parse.o
# 0x0021ad63 url::Parsed::Parsed()
# .text.unlikely._ZN4base3CPUC2Ev
# 0x003f9d3c 0x48 obj/base/base/cpu.o
# 0x003f9d3d base::CPU::CPU()
full_name = name
if mangled_name and (not name or mangled_name.startswith('_Z') or
'._Z' in mangled_name):
full_name = mangled_name
# Handle outlined functions. These are actual LLD features, but we
# handle them here for Gold to facilitate testing.
if full_name and full_name.startswith('OUTLINED_FUNCTION_'):
full_name = '** outlined function'
sym = models.Symbol(section_name, size, address=address,
full_name=full_name, object_path=path)
section_end_address = section_address + section_size
if section_name != models.SECTION_BSS and (
syms[-1].end_address < section_end_address):
# Set size=0 so that it will show up as padding.
sym = models.Symbol(
section_name, 0,
'** symbol gap %d (end of section)' % symbol_gap_count))
logging.debug('Symbol count for %s: %d', section_name,
len(syms) - sym_count_at_start)
logging.error('Problem line: %r', line)
logging.error('In section: %r', section_name)
class MapFileParserLld(object):
"""Parses a linker map file from LLD."""
# TODO(huangs): Add LTO support.
# Map file writer for LLD linker (for ELF):
_LINE_RE_V0 = re.compile(r'([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(\d+) ( *)(.*)')
_LINE_RE_V1 = re.compile(
r'\s*[0-9a-f]+\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(\d+) ( *)(.*)')
def __init__(self, linker_name):
self._linker_name = linker_name
self._common_symbols = []
self._section_sizes = {}
def Parse(self, lines):
"""Parses a linker map file.
lines: Iterable of lines, the first of which has been consumed to
identify file type.
A tuple of (section_sizes, symbols).
# Newest format:
# VMA LMA Size Align Out In Symbol
# 194 194 13 1 .interp
# 194 194 13 1 <internal>:(.interp)
# 1a8 1a8 22d8 4 .ARM.exidx
# 1b0 1b0 8 4 obj/sandbox/syscall.o:(.ARM.exidx)
# 400 400 123400 64 .text
# 600 600 14 4 obj/...:(.text.OUTLINED_FUNCTION_0)
# 600 600 0 1 $x.3
# 600 600 14 1 OUTLINED_FUNCTION_0
# 123800 123800 20000 256 .rodata
# 123800 123800 4 4 ...:o:(.rodata._ZN3fooE.llvm.1234)
# 123800 123800 4 1 foo (.llvm.1234)
# 123804 123804 4 4 ...:o:(
# 123804 123804 4 1 bar.llvm.1234
# Older format:
# Address Size Align Out In Symbol
# 00000000002002a8 000000000000001c 1 .interp
# 00000000002002a8 000000000000001c 1 <internal>:(.interp)
# ...
# 0000000000201000 0000000000000202 16 .text
# 0000000000201000 000000000000002a 1 /[...]/crt1.o:(.text)
# 0000000000201000 0000000000000000 0 _start
# 000000000020102a 0000000000000000 1 /[...]/crti.o:(.text)
# 0000000000201030 00000000000000bd 16 /[...]/crtbegin.o:(.text)
# 0000000000201030 0000000000000000 0 deregister_tm_clones
# 0000000000201060 0000000000000000 0 register_tm_clones
# 00000000002010a0 0000000000000000 0 __do_global_dtors_aux
# 00000000002010c0 0000000000000000 0 frame_dummy
# 00000000002010ed 0000000000000071 1 a.o:(.text)
# 00000000002010ed 0000000000000071 0 main
# Extract e.g., 'lld_v0' -> 0, or 'lld-lto_v1' -> 1.
map_file_version = int(self._linker_name.split('_v')[1])
pattern = MapFileParserLld._LINE_RE[map_file_version]
syms = []
cur_section = None
cur_section_is_useful = None
promoted_name_count = 0
for line in lines:
m = pattern.match(line)
if m is None:
address = int(, 16)
size = int(, 16)
indent_size = len(
tok =
if indent_size == 0:
if not tok.startswith('PROVIDE_HIDDEN'):
self._section_sizes[tok] = size
cur_section = tok
# E.g., Want to convert "(.text._name)" -> "_name" later.
mangled_start_idx = len(cur_section) + 2
cur_section_is_useful = (
cur_section in (models.SECTION_BSS,
models.SECTION_TEXT) or
elif cur_section_is_useful:
if indent_size == 8:
# Create preliminary Symbol, which can be modified as sym[-1].
syms.append(models.Symbol(cur_section, size, address=address))
# E.g. path.o:(.text._name)
cur_obj, paren_value = tok.split(':')
# "(.text._name)" -> "_name".
mangled_name = paren_value[mangled_start_idx:-1]
# As of 2017/11 LLD does not distinguish merged strings from other
# merged data. Feature request is filed under:
if cur_obj == '<internal>':
if cur_section == '.rodata' and mangled_name == '':
# Treat all <internal> sections within .rodata as as string
# literals. Some may hold numeric constants or other data, but
# there is currently no way to distinguish them.
syms[-1].full_name = '** lld merge strings'
# e.g. <internal>:(.text.thunk)
syms[-1].full_name = '** ' + mangled_name
elif cur_obj == 'lto.tmp' or 'thinlto-cache' in cur_obj:
syms[-1].object_path = cur_obj
elif indent_size == 16:
# Ignore anything with '.L_MergedGlobals' prefix. This seems to only
# happen for ARM (32-bit) builds.
if tok.startswith('.L_MergedGlobals'):
# If multiple entries exist, take the first on that reports a size.
# Zero-length symbols look like "$t.4", "$d.5".
if size and not syms[-1].full_name:
# Outlined functions have names like OUTLINED_FUNCTION_0, which can
# appear 1000+ time that can cause false aliasing. We treat these as
# special cases by designating them as a placeholder symbols and
# renaming them to '** outlined function'.
if tok.startswith('OUTLINED_FUNCTION_'):
tok = '** outlined function'
stripped_tok = demangle.StripLlvmPromotedGlobalNames(tok)
if len(tok) != len(stripped_tok):
promoted_name_count += 1
tok = stripped_tok
syms[-1].full_name = tok
logging.error('Problem line: %r', line)
if promoted_name_count:'Found %d promoted global names', promoted_name_count)
return self._section_sizes, syms
def _DetectLto(lines):
"""Scans LLD linker map file and returns whether LTO was used."""
# It's assumed that the first line in |lines| was consumed to determine that
# LLD was used. Seek 'thinlto-cache' prefix within an "indicator section" as
# indicator for LTO.
found_indicator_section = False
# Potential names of "main section". Only one gets used.
indicator_section_set = set(['.rodata', '.ARM.exidx'])
start_pos = -1
for line in lines:
# Shortcut to avoid regex: The first line seen (second line in file) should
# start a section, and start with '.', e.g.:
# 194 194 13 1 .interp
# Assign |start_pos| as position of '.', and trim everything before!
if start_pos < 0:
start_pos = line.index('.')
if len(line) < start_pos:
line = line[start_pos:]
tok = line.lstrip() # Allow whitespace at right.
indent_size = len(line) - len(tok)
if indent_size == 0: # Section change.
if found_indicator_section: # Exit if just visited "main section".
if tok.strip() in indicator_section_set:
found_indicator_section = True
elif indent_size == 8:
if found_indicator_section:
if tok.startswith('thinlto-cache'):
return True
return False
def DetectLinkerNameFromMapFile(lines):
"""Heuristic linker detection from partial scan of the linker map.
lines: Iterable of lines from the linker map.
A coded linker name.
first_line = next(lines)
if first_line.startswith('Address'):
return 'lld-lto_v0' if _DetectLto(lines) else 'lld_v0'
if first_line.lstrip().startswith('VMA'):
return 'lld-lto_v1' if _DetectLto(lines) else 'lld_v1'
if first_line.startswith('Archive member'):
return 'gold'
raise Exception('Invalid map file: ' + first_line)
class MapFileParser(object):
"""Parses a linker map file generated from a specified linker."""
def Parse(self, linker_name, lines):
"""Parses a linker map file.
linker_name: Coded linker name to specify a linker.
lines: Iterable of lines from the linker map.
A tuple of (section_sizes, symbols).
next(lines) # Consume the first line of headers.
if linker_name.startswith('lld'):
inner_parser = MapFileParserLld(linker_name)
elif linker_name == 'gold':
inner_parser = MapFileParserGold()
raise Exception('.map file is from a unsupported linker.')
section_sizes, syms = inner_parser.Parse(lines)
for sym in syms:
if sym.object_path and not sym.object_path.endswith(')'):
# Don't want '' to become '.'.
# Thin archives' paths will get fixed in |ar.CreateThinObjectPath|.
sym.object_path = os.path.normpath(sym.object_path)
return (section_sizes, syms)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('linker_file', type=os.path.realpath)
help='Verbose level (multiple times for more)')
parser.add_argument('--dump', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
level=logging.WARNING - args.verbose * 10,
format='%(levelname).1s %(relativeCreated)6d %(message)s')
with open(args.linker_file, 'r') as map_file:
linker_name = DetectLinkerNameFromMapFile(map_file)
print('Linker type: %s' % linker_name)
with open(args.linker_file, 'r') as map_file:
section_sizes, syms = MapFileParser().Parse(linker_name, map_file)
if args.dump:
for sym in syms:
# Enter interactive shell.
readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')
variables = {'section_sizes': section_sizes, 'syms': syms}
banner_lines = [
'*' * 80,
' section_sizes: Map from section to sizes.',
' syms: Raw symbols parsed from the linker map file.',
'*' * 80,
if __name__ == '__main__':