blob: 209816b027828b9176a4f904b8f06d789510880a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_column_layout_algorithm.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_logical_size.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_baseline.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_block_layout_algorithm.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_out_of_flow_layout_part.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_box_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
inline bool NeedsColumnBalancing(LayoutUnit block_size,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
return block_size == NGSizeIndefinite ||
style.GetColumnFill() == EColumnFill::kBalance;
// Constrain a balanced column block size to not overflow the multicol
// container.
LayoutUnit ConstrainColumnBlockSize(LayoutUnit size,
NGBlockNode node,
const NGConstraintSpace& space) {
// The {,max-}{height,width} properties are specified on the multicol
// container, but here we're calculating the column block sizes inside the
// multicol container, which isn't exactly the same. We may shrink the column
// block size here, but we'll never stretch it, because the value passed is
// the perfect balanced block size. Making it taller would only disrupt the
// balanced output, for no reason. The only thing we need to worry about here
// is to not overflow the multicol container.
// First of all we need to convert the size to a value that can be compared
// against the resolved properties on the multicol container. That means that
// we have to convert the value from content-box to border-box.
NGBoxStrut border_scrollbar_padding =
CalculateBorderScrollbarPadding(space, node);
LayoutUnit extra = border_scrollbar_padding.BlockSum();
size += extra;
const ComputedStyle& style = node.Style();
LayoutUnit max = ResolveBlockLength(space, style, style.LogicalMaxHeight(),
size, LengthResolveType::kMaxSize,
LayoutUnit extent = ResolveBlockLength(space, style, style.LogicalHeight(),
size, LengthResolveType::kContentSize,
if (extent != NGSizeIndefinite) {
// A specified height/width will just constrain the maximum length.
max = std::min(max, extent);
// Constrain and convert the value back to content-box.
size = std::min(size, max);
return size - extra;
} // namespace
NGColumnLayoutAlgorithm::NGColumnLayoutAlgorithm(NGBlockNode node,
const NGConstraintSpace& space,
NGBreakToken* break_token)
: NGLayoutAlgorithm(node, space, ToNGBlockBreakToken(break_token)) {}
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> NGColumnLayoutAlgorithm::Layout() {
NGBoxStrut border_scrollbar_padding =
CalculateBorderScrollbarPadding(ConstraintSpace(), Node());
NGLogicalSize border_box_size =
CalculateBorderBoxSize(ConstraintSpace(), Node());
NGLogicalSize content_box_size =
CalculateContentBoxSize(border_box_size, border_scrollbar_padding);
NGLogicalSize column_size = CalculateColumnSize(content_box_size);
WritingMode writing_mode = ConstraintSpace().GetWritingMode();
LayoutUnit column_block_offset(border_scrollbar_padding.block_start);
LayoutUnit column_inline_progression =
column_size.inline_size +
ResolveUsedColumnGap(content_box_size.inline_size, Style());
int used_column_count =
ResolveUsedColumnCount(content_box_size.inline_size, Style());
do {
scoped_refptr<NGBlockBreakToken> break_token = BreakToken();
LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size;
LayoutUnit column_inline_offset(border_scrollbar_padding.inline_start);
int actual_column_count = 0;
int forced_break_count = 0;
// Each column should calculate their own minimal space shortage. Find the
// lowest value of those. This will serve as the column stretch amount, if
// we determine that stretching them is necessary and possible (column
// balancing).
LayoutUnit minimal_space_shortage(LayoutUnit::Max());
// Allow any block-start margins at the start of the first column.
bool separate_leading_margins = true;
do {
// Lay out one column. Each column will become a fragment.
scoped_refptr<NGConstraintSpace> child_space =
NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm child_algorithm(Node(), *child_space.get(),
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> result = child_algorithm.Layout();
scoped_refptr<NGPhysicalBoxFragment> column(
NGLogicalOffset logical_offset(column_inline_offset, column_block_offset);
container_builder_.AddChild(result, logical_offset);
LayoutUnit space_shortage = result->MinimalSpaceShortage();
if (space_shortage > LayoutUnit()) {
minimal_space_shortage =
std::min(minimal_space_shortage, space_shortage);
if (result->HasForcedBreak()) {
separate_leading_margins = true;
} else {
separate_leading_margins = false;
LayoutUnit block_size = NGBoxFragment(writing_mode, *column).BlockSize();
intrinsic_block_size =
std::max(intrinsic_block_size, column_block_offset + block_size);
column_inline_offset += column_inline_progression;
break_token = ToNGBlockBreakToken(column->BreakToken());
} while (break_token && !break_token->IsFinished());
// If we overflowed (actual column count larger than what we have room for),
// and we're supposed to calculate the column lengths automatically (column
// balancing), see if we're able to stretch them.
// We can only stretch the columns if we have at least one column that could
// take more content, and we also need to know the stretch amount (minimal
// space shortage). We need at least one soft break opportunity to do
// this. If forced breaks cause too many breaks, there's no stretch amount
// that could prevent the actual column count from overflowing.
if (actual_column_count > used_column_count &&
actual_column_count > forced_break_count + 1 &&
minimal_space_shortage != LayoutUnit::Max()) {
LayoutUnit new_column_block_size =
StretchColumnBlockSize(minimal_space_shortage, column_size.block_size,
DCHECK_GE(new_column_block_size, column_size.block_size);
if (new_column_block_size > column_size.block_size) {
// Re-attempt layout with taller columns.
column_size.block_size = new_column_block_size;
} while (true);
NGOutOfFlowLayoutPart(&container_builder_, Node().IsAbsoluteContainer(),
Node().IsFixedContainer(), Node().GetScrollbarSizes(),
ConstraintSpace(), Style())
// TODO(mstensho): Propagate baselines.
if (border_box_size.block_size == NGSizeIndefinite) {
// Get the block size from the columns if it's auto.
border_box_size.block_size =
column_size.block_size + border_scrollbar_padding.BlockSum();
container_builder_.SetPadding(ComputePadding(ConstraintSpace(), Style()));
return container_builder_.ToBoxFragment();
base::Optional<MinMaxSize> NGColumnLayoutAlgorithm::ComputeMinMaxSize(
const MinMaxSizeInput& input) const {
// First calculate the min/max sizes of columns.
NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm algorithm(Node(), ConstraintSpace());
base::Optional<MinMaxSize> min_max_sizes = algorithm.ComputeMinMaxSize(input);
MinMaxSize sizes = min_max_sizes.value();
// If column-width is non-auto, pick the larger of that and intrinsic column
// width.
if (!Style().HasAutoColumnWidth()) {
sizes.min_size =
std::max(sizes.min_size, LayoutUnit(Style().ColumnWidth()));
sizes.max_size = std::max(sizes.max_size, sizes.min_size);
// Now convert those column min/max values to multicol container min/max
// values. We typically have multiple columns and also gaps between them.
int column_count = Style().ColumnCount();
DCHECK_GE(column_count, 1);
sizes.min_size *= column_count;
sizes.max_size *= column_count;
LayoutUnit column_gap = ResolveUsedColumnGap(LayoutUnit(), Style());
LayoutUnit gap_extra = column_gap * (column_count - 1);
LayoutUnit border_scrollbar_padding =
CalculateBorderScrollbarPadding(ConstraintSpace(), node_).InlineSum();
sizes += gap_extra + border_scrollbar_padding;
return sizes;
NGLogicalSize NGColumnLayoutAlgorithm::CalculateColumnSize(
const NGLogicalSize& content_box_size) {
NGLogicalSize column_size = content_box_size;
DCHECK_GE(column_size.inline_size, LayoutUnit());
column_size.inline_size =
ResolveUsedColumnInlineSize(column_size.inline_size, Style());
if (NeedsColumnBalancing(column_size.block_size, Style())) {
int used_count =
ResolveUsedColumnCount(content_box_size.inline_size, Style());
column_size.block_size =
CalculateBalancedColumnBlockSize(column_size, used_count);
return column_size;
LayoutUnit NGColumnLayoutAlgorithm::CalculateBalancedColumnBlockSize(
const NGLogicalSize& column_size,
int column_count) {
// To calculate a balanced column size, we need to figure out how tall our
// content is. To do that we need to lay out. Create a special constraint
// space for column balancing, without splitting into fragmentainers. It will
// make us lay out all the multicol content as one single tall strip. When
// we're done with this layout pass, we can examine the result and calculate
// an ideal column block size.
auto space = CreateConstaintSpaceForBalancing(column_size);
NGBlockLayoutAlgorithm balancing_algorithm(Node(), *space.get());
scoped_refptr<NGLayoutResult> result = balancing_algorithm.Layout();
// TODO(mstensho): This is where the fun begins. We need to examine the entire
// fragment tree, not just the root.
NGFragment fragment(space->GetWritingMode(),
LayoutUnit single_strip_block_size = fragment.BlockSize();
// Some extra care is required the division here. We want a the resulting
// LayoutUnit value to be large enough to prevent overflowing columns. Use
// floating point to get higher precision than LayoutUnit. Then convert it to
// a LayoutUnit, but round it up to the nearest value that LayoutUnit is able
// to represent.
LayoutUnit block_size = LayoutUnit::FromFloatCeil(
single_strip_block_size.ToFloat() / static_cast<float>(column_count));
// Finally, honor {,min-,max-}{height,width} properties.
return ConstrainColumnBlockSize(block_size, Node(), ConstraintSpace());
LayoutUnit NGColumnLayoutAlgorithm::StretchColumnBlockSize(
LayoutUnit minimal_space_shortage,
LayoutUnit current_column_size,
LayoutUnit container_content_box_block_size) const {
if (!NeedsColumnBalancing(container_content_box_block_size, Style()))
return current_column_size;
LayoutUnit length = current_column_size + minimal_space_shortage;
// Honor {,min-,max-}{height,width} properties.
return ConstrainColumnBlockSize(length, Node(), ConstraintSpace());
const NGLogicalSize& column_size,
bool separate_leading_margins) const {
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder space_builder(ConstraintSpace());
if (NGBaseline::ShouldPropagateBaselines(Node()))
// To ensure progression, we need something larger than 0 here. The spec
// actually says that fragmentainers have to accept at least 1px of content.
// See
LayoutUnit column_block_size =
std::max(column_size.block_size, LayoutUnit(1));
return space_builder.ToConstraintSpace(Style().GetWritingMode());
const NGLogicalSize& column_size) const {
NGConstraintSpaceBuilder space_builder(ConstraintSpace());
space_builder.SetAvailableSize({column_size.inline_size, NGSizeIndefinite});
return space_builder.ToConstraintSpace(Style().GetWritingMode());
} // namespace Blink