blob: 1b5f99afee7388228a700c4b4093d2bbf117a6a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/strong_binding.h"
#include "services/ui/common/types.h"
#include "services/ui/public/cpp/window.h"
#include "services/ui/public/cpp/window_manager_delegate.h"
#include "services/ui/public/interfaces/window_tree.mojom.h"
namespace display {
class Display;
namespace gfx {
class Insets;
namespace service_manager {
class Connector;
namespace ui {
class InFlightChange;
class WindowTreeClientDelegate;
class WindowTreeClientPrivate;
class WindowTreeClientObserver;
enum class ChangeType;
// Manages the connection with mus.
// WindowTreeClient is owned by the creator. Generally when the delegate gets
// one of OnEmbedRootDestroyed() or OnLostConnection() it should delete the
// WindowTreeClient.
// When WindowTreeClient is deleted all windows are deleted (and observers
// notified).
class WindowTreeClient : public mojom::WindowTreeClient,
public mojom::WindowManager,
public WindowManagerClient {
explicit WindowTreeClient(
WindowTreeClientDelegate* delegate,
WindowManagerDelegate* window_manager_delegate = nullptr,
mojom::WindowTreeClientRequest request = nullptr);
~WindowTreeClient() override;
// Establishes the connection by way of the WindowTreeFactory.
void ConnectViaWindowTreeFactory(service_manager::Connector* connector);
// Establishes the connection by way of WindowManagerWindowTreeFactory.
void ConnectAsWindowManager(service_manager::Connector* connector);
// Wait for OnEmbed(), returning when done.
void WaitForEmbed();
bool connected() const { return tree_ != nullptr; }
ClientSpecificId client_id() const { return client_id_; }
// API exposed to the window implementations that pushes local changes to the
// service.
void DestroyWindow(Window* window);
// These methods take TransportIds. For windows owned by the current client,
// the client id high word can be zero. In all cases, the TransportId 0x1
// refers to the root window.
void AddChild(Window* parent, Id child_id);
void RemoveChild(Window* parent, Id child_id);
void AddTransientWindow(Window* window, Id transient_window_id);
void RemoveTransientWindowFromParent(Window* window);
void SetModal(Window* window);
void Reorder(Window* window,
Id relative_window_id,
mojom::OrderDirection direction);
// Returns true if the specified window was created by this client.
bool WasCreatedByThisClient(const Window* window) const;
void SetBounds(Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
void SetCapture(Window* window);
void ReleaseCapture(Window* window);
void SetClientArea(Id window_id,
const gfx::Insets& client_area,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& additional_client_areas);
void SetHitTestMask(Id window_id, const gfx::Rect& mask);
void ClearHitTestMask(Id window_id);
void SetFocus(Window* window);
void SetCanFocus(Id window_id, bool can_focus);
void SetCanAcceptDrops(Id window_id, bool can_accept_drops);
void SetCanAcceptEvents(Id window_id, bool can_accept_events);
void SetPredefinedCursor(Id window_id, ui::mojom::Cursor cursor_id);
void SetVisible(Window* window, bool visible);
void SetOpacity(Window* window, float opacity);
void SetProperty(Window* window,
const std::string& name,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& data);
void SetWindowTextInputState(Id window_id, mojo::TextInputStatePtr state);
void SetImeVisibility(Id window_id,
bool visible,
mojo::TextInputStatePtr state);
void Embed(Id window_id,
mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr client,
uint32_t flags,
const mojom::WindowTree::EmbedCallback& callback);
void RequestClose(Window* window);
void AttachCompositorFrameSink(
Id window_id,
cc::mojom::MojoCompositorFrameSinkRequest compositor_frame_sink,
cc::mojom::MojoCompositorFrameSinkClientPtr client);
// Sets the input capture to |window| without notifying the server.
void LocalSetCapture(Window* window);
// Sets focus to |window| without notifying the server.
void LocalSetFocus(Window* window);
// Start/stop tracking windows. While tracked, they can be retrieved via
// WindowTreeClient::GetWindowById.
void AddWindow(Window* window);
bool IsRoot(Window* window) const { return roots_.count(window) > 0; }
void OnWindowDestroying(Window* window);
// Called after the window's observers have been notified of destruction (as
// the last step of ~Window).
void OnWindowDestroyed(Window* window);
Window* GetWindowByServerId(Id id);
// Returns the root of this connection.
const std::set<Window*>& GetRoots();
// Returns the Window with input capture; null if no window has requested
// input capture, or if another app has capture.
Window* GetCaptureWindow();
// Returns the focused window; null if focus is not yet known or another app
// is focused.
Window* GetFocusedWindow();
// Sets focus to null. This does nothing if focus is currently null.
void ClearFocus();
// Returns the current location of the mouse on screen. Note: this method may
// race the asynchronous initialization; but in that case we return (0, 0).
gfx::Point GetCursorScreenPoint();
// See description in window_tree.mojom. When an existing pointer watcher is
// updated or cleared then any future events from the server for that watcher
// will be ignored.
void StartPointerWatcher(bool want_moves);
void StopPointerWatcher();
void PerformDragDrop(
Window* window,
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& drag_data,
int drag_operation,
const gfx::Point& cursor_location,
const SkBitmap& bitmap,
const base::Callback<void(bool, uint32_t)>& callback);
// Cancels a in progress drag drop. (If no drag is in progress, does
// nothing.)
void CancelDragDrop(Window* window);
// Performs a window move. |callback| will be asynchronously called with the
// whether the move loop completed successfully.
void PerformWindowMove(Window* window,
ui::mojom::MoveLoopSource source,
const gfx::Point& cursor_location,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback);
// Cancels a in progress window move. (If no window is currently being moved,
// does nothing.)
void CancelWindowMove(Window* window);
// Creates and returns a new Window (which is owned by the window server).
// Windows are initially hidden, use SetVisible(true) to show.
Window* NewWindow() { return NewWindow(nullptr); }
Window* NewWindow(
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>* properties);
Window* NewTopLevelWindow(
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>* properties);
void AddObserver(WindowTreeClientObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(WindowTreeClientObserver* observer);
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
std::string GetDebugWindowHierarchy() const;
void BuildDebugInfo(const std::string& depth,
Window* window,
std::string* result) const;
friend class WindowTreeClientPrivate;
struct CurrentDragState;
enum class NewWindowType {
using IdToWindowMap = std::map<Id, Window*>;
// TODO(sky): this assumes change_ids never wrap, which is a bad assumption.
using InFlightMap = std::map<uint32_t, std::unique_ptr<InFlightChange>>;
// Returns the oldest InFlightChange that matches |change|.
InFlightChange* GetOldestInFlightChangeMatching(const InFlightChange& change);
// See InFlightChange for details on how InFlightChanges are used.
uint32_t ScheduleInFlightChange(std::unique_ptr<InFlightChange> change);
// Returns true if there is an InFlightChange that matches |change|. If there
// is an existing change SetRevertValueFrom() is invoked on it. Returns false
// if there is no InFlightChange matching |change|.
// See InFlightChange for details on how InFlightChanges are used.
bool ApplyServerChangeToExistingInFlightChange(const InFlightChange& change);
static Id server_id(const Window* window) { return window->server_id(); }
void BuildWindowTree(const std::vector<mojom::WindowDataPtr>& windows,
Window* initial_parent);
Window* NewWindowImpl(NewWindowType type,
const Window::SharedProperties* properties);
// Sets the mojom::WindowTree implementation.
void SetWindowTree(mojom::WindowTreePtr window_tree_ptr);
// Called when the mojom::WindowTree connection is lost, deletes this.
void OnConnectionLost();
// OnEmbed() calls into this. Exposed as a separate function for testing.
void OnEmbedImpl(mojom::WindowTree* window_tree,
ClientSpecificId client_id,
mojom::WindowDataPtr root_data,
int64_t display_id,
Id focused_window_id,
bool drawn);
// Called by WmNewDisplayAdded().
void WmNewDisplayAddedImpl(const display::Display& display,
mojom::WindowDataPtr root_data,
bool parent_drawn);
void OnReceivedCursorLocationMemory(mojo::ScopedSharedBufferHandle handle);
// Callback passed from WmPerformMoveLoop().
void OnWmMoveLoopCompleted(uint32_t change_id, bool completed);
// Overridden from WindowTreeClient:
void OnEmbed(ClientSpecificId client_id,
mojom::WindowDataPtr root,
mojom::WindowTreePtr tree,
int64_t display_id,
Id focused_window_id,
bool drawn) override;
void OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected(Id window_id) override;
void OnUnembed(Id window_id) override;
void OnCaptureChanged(Id new_capture_window_id,
Id old_capture_window_id) override;
void OnTopLevelCreated(uint32_t change_id,
mojom::WindowDataPtr data,
int64_t display_id,
bool drawn) override;
void OnWindowBoundsChanged(Id window_id,
const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) override;
void OnClientAreaChanged(
uint32_t window_id,
const gfx::Insets& new_client_area,
const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& new_additional_client_areas) override;
void OnTransientWindowAdded(uint32_t window_id,
uint32_t transient_window_id) override;
void OnTransientWindowRemoved(uint32_t window_id,
uint32_t transient_window_id) override;
void OnWindowHierarchyChanged(
Id window_id,
Id old_parent_id,
Id new_parent_id,
std::vector<mojom::WindowDataPtr> windows) override;
void OnWindowReordered(Id window_id,
Id relative_window_id,
mojom::OrderDirection direction) override;
void OnWindowDeleted(Id window_id) override;
void OnWindowVisibilityChanged(Id window_id, bool visible) override;
void OnWindowOpacityChanged(Id window_id,
float old_opacity,
float new_opacity) override;
void OnWindowParentDrawnStateChanged(Id window_id, bool drawn) override;
void OnWindowSharedPropertyChanged(
Id window_id,
const std::string& name,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& new_data) override;
void OnWindowInputEvent(uint32_t event_id,
Id window_id,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> event,
bool matches_pointer_watcher) override;
void OnPointerEventObserved(std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> event,
uint32_t window_id) override;
void OnWindowFocused(Id focused_window_id) override;
void OnWindowPredefinedCursorChanged(Id window_id,
mojom::Cursor cursor) override;
void OnWindowSurfaceChanged(Id window_id,
const cc::SurfaceInfo& surface_info) override;
void OnDragDropStart(
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>& mime_data)
void OnDragEnter(Id window_id,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& position,
uint32_t effect_bitmask,
const OnDragEnterCallback& callback) override;
void OnDragOver(Id window_id,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& position,
uint32_t effect_bitmask,
const OnDragOverCallback& callback) override;
void OnDragLeave(Id window_id) override;
void OnCompleteDrop(Id window_id,
uint32_t event_flags,
const gfx::Point& position,
uint32_t effect_bitmask,
const OnCompleteDropCallback& callback) override;
void OnPerformDragDropCompleted(uint32_t window,
bool success,
uint32_t action_taken) override;
void OnDragDropDone() override;
void OnChangeCompleted(uint32_t change_id, bool success) override;
void RequestClose(uint32_t window_id) override;
void GetWindowManager(
mojo::AssociatedInterfaceRequest<WindowManager> internal) override;
// Overridden from WindowManager:
void OnConnect(ClientSpecificId client_id) override;
void WmNewDisplayAdded(const display::Display& display,
mojom::WindowDataPtr root_data,
bool parent_drawn) override;
void WmDisplayRemoved(int64_t display_id) override;
void WmDisplayModified(const display::Display& display) override;
void WmSetBounds(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
const gfx::Rect& transit_bounds) override;
void WmSetProperty(
uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
const std::string& name,
const base::Optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>& transit_data) override;
void WmCreateTopLevelWindow(
uint32_t change_id,
ClientSpecificId requesting_client_id,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>>&
transport_properties) override;
void WmClientJankinessChanged(ClientSpecificId client_id,
bool janky) override;
void WmPerformMoveLoop(uint32_t change_id,
Id window_id,
mojom::MoveLoopSource source,
const gfx::Point& cursor_location) override;
void WmCancelMoveLoop(uint32_t window_id) override;
void WmDeactivateWindow(uint32_t window_id) override;
void OnAccelerator(uint32_t ack_id,
uint32_t accelerator_id,
std::unique_ptr<ui::Event> event) override;
// Overridden from WindowManagerClient:
void SetFrameDecorationValues(
mojom::FrameDecorationValuesPtr values) override;
void SetNonClientCursor(Window* window, ui::mojom::Cursor cursor_id) override;
void AddAccelerators(std::vector<mojom::AcceleratorPtr> accelerators,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback) override;
void RemoveAccelerator(uint32_t id) override;
void AddActivationParent(Window* window) override;
void RemoveActivationParent(Window* window) override;
void ActivateNextWindow() override;
void SetUnderlaySurfaceOffsetAndExtendedHitArea(
Window* window,
const gfx::Vector2d& offset,
const gfx::Insets& hit_area) override;
// The one int in |cursor_location_mapping_|. When we read from this
// location, we must always read from it atomically.
base::subtle::Atomic32* cursor_location_memory() {
return reinterpret_cast<base::subtle::Atomic32*>(
// This is set once and only once when we get OnEmbed(). It gives the unique
// id for this client.
ClientSpecificId client_id_;
// Id assigned to the next window created.
ClientSpecificId next_window_id_;
// Id used for the next change id supplied to the server.
uint32_t next_change_id_;
InFlightMap in_flight_map_;
WindowTreeClientDelegate* delegate_;
WindowManagerDelegate* window_manager_delegate_;
std::set<Window*> roots_;
IdToWindowMap windows_;
std::map<ClientSpecificId, std::set<Window*>> embedded_windows_;
Window* capture_window_;
Window* focused_window_;
mojo::Binding<mojom::WindowTreeClient> binding_;
mojom::WindowTreePtr tree_ptr_;
// Typically this is the value contained in |tree_ptr_|, but tests may
// directly set this.
mojom::WindowTree* tree_;
// Set to true if OnEmbed() was received.
bool is_from_embed_ = false;
bool in_destructor_;
// A mapping to shared memory that is one 32 bit integer long. The window
// server uses this to let us synchronously read the cursor location.
mojo::ScopedSharedBufferMapping cursor_location_mapping_;
base::ObserverList<WindowTreeClientObserver> observers_;
mojom::WindowManagerClientAssociatedPtr window_manager_internal_client_;
bool has_pointer_watcher_ = false;
// The current change id for the client.
uint32_t current_move_loop_change_ = 0u;
// Callback executed when a move loop initiated by PerformWindowMove() is
// completed.
base::Callback<void(bool)> on_current_move_finished_;
// The current change id for the window
uint32_t current_wm_move_loop_change_ = 0u;
Id current_wm_move_loop_window_id_ = 0u;
// State related to being the initiator of a drag started with
// PerformDragDrop().
std::unique_ptr<CurrentDragState> current_drag_state_;
// The mus server sends the mime drag data once per connection; we cache this
// and are responsible for sending it to all of our windows.
std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>> mime_drag_data_;
// A set of window ids for windows that we received an OnDragEnter() message
// for. We maintain this set so we know who to send OnDragFinish() messages
// at the end of the drag.
std::set<Id> drag_entered_windows_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WindowTreeClient> weak_factory_;
} // namespace ui