blob: 56c41f97d48405e1f4f16590526b6c54626d5c12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Test implementation of chrome.* apis.
* These APIs are provided natively to a chrome app, but since we are
* running as a regular web page, we must provide test implementations.
// All testing functions in namespace 'test'.
var test = test || {};
/** @constructor */
test.Event = function() {
this.listeners_ = [];
/** @param {function()} callback */
test.Event.prototype.addListener = function(callback) {
/** @param {function()} callback */
test.Event.prototype.removeListener = function(callback) {
this.listeners_ = this.listeners_.filter(l => l !== callback);
/** @param {...*} args */
test.Event.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(...args) {
setTimeout(() => {
for (let listener of this.listeners_) {
}, 0);
* Suppress compiler warning for overwriting default chrome object.
* @suppress {checkTypes|const}
chrome = {
app: {
runtime: {
onLaunched: new test.Event(),
onRestarted: new test.Event(),
window: {
current: () => {
return window;
commandLinePrivate: {
switches_: {},
hasSwitch: (name, callback) => {
setTimeout(callback, 0, chrome.commandLinePrivate.switches_[name]);
contextMenus: {
create: () => {},
onClicked: new test.Event(),
echoPrivate: {
getOfferInfo: (id, callback) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// checkSpaceAndMaybeShowWelcomeBanner_ relies on lastError being set.
chrome.runtime.lastError = {message: 'Not found'};
delete chrome.runtime.lastError;
}, 0);
extension: {
getViews: (fetchProperties) => {
// Returns Window[].
return [window];
inIncognitoContext: false,
fileBrowserHandler: {
onExecute: new test.Event(),
i18n: {
getMessage: (messageName, opt_substitutions) => {
return messageName;
metricsPrivate: {
userActions_: [],
smallCounts_: [],
times_: [],
values_: [],
MetricTypeType: {
HISTOGRAM_LINEAR: 'histogram-linear',
recordMediumCount: () => {},
recordPercentage: () => {},
recordSmallCount: (metricName, value) => {
chrome.metricsPrivate.smallCounts_.push([metricName, value]);
recordTime: (metricName, value) => {
chrome.metricsPrivate.times_.push([metricName, value]);
recordUserAction: (action) => {
recordValue: (metricName, value) => {
chrome.metricsPrivate.values_.push([metricName, value]);
notifications: {
onButtonClicked: new test.Event(),
onClicked: new test.Event(),
onClosed: new test.Event(),
power: {
requestKeepAwake: (level) => {},
releaseKeepAwake: () => {},
runtime: {
getBackgroundPage: (callback) => {
setTimeout(callback, 0, window);
// FileManager extension ID.
id: 'hhaomjibdihmijegdhdafkllkbggdgoj',
onMessageExternal: new test.Event(),
sendMessage: (extensionId, message, options, opt_callback) => {
// Returns JSON.
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback(''), 0);
storage: {
state_: {},
local: {
get: (keys, callback) => {
var keys = keys instanceof Array ? keys : [keys];
var result = {};
keys.forEach(key => {
if (key in
result[key] =[key];
setTimeout(callback, 0, result);
set: (items, opt_callback) => {
for (var key in items) {[key] = items[key];
if (opt_callback)
setTimeout(opt_callback, 0);
onChanged: new test.Event(),
sync: {
get: (keys, callback) => {
setTimeout(callback, 0, {});
// cws_widget_container.js loads the chrome web store widget as
// a WebView. It calls WebView.request.onBeforeSendHeaders.
HTMLElement.prototype.request = {
onBeforeSendHeaders: new test.Event(),
// cws_widget_container.js also calls WebView.stop.
HTMLElement.prototype.stop = () => {};
// domAutomationController is provided in tests, but is
// useful for debugging tests in browser.
* @constructor
* @extends {DomAutomationController}
function ConsoleDomAutomationController() {}
ConsoleDomAutomationController.prototype.send = (json) => {
console.debug('domAutomationController.send', json);
window.domAutomationController =
window.domAutomationController || new ConsoleDomAutomationController();