blob: 9e68a2747f91b5b4c18a155275ca5136b66522a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "smbprovider/smbprovider.h"
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
#include "smbprovider/constants.h"
#include "smbprovider/mount_manager.h"
#include "smbprovider/proto.h"
#include "smbprovider/proto_bindings/directory_entry.pb.h"
#include "smbprovider/samba_interface_impl.h"
#include "smbprovider/smbprovider_helper.h"
namespace smbprovider {
namespace {
void AppendEntries(const std::vector<DirectoryEntry>& batch,
std::vector<DirectoryEntry>* entries) {
entries->insert(entries->end(), batch.begin(), batch.end());
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object,
std::unique_ptr<SambaInterface> samba_interface,
std::unique_ptr<MountManager> mount_manager,
size_t buffer_size)
: org::chromium::SmbProviderAdaptor(this),
dir_buf_(buffer_size) {}
std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object,
std::unique_ptr<SambaInterface> samba_interface,
std::unique_ptr<MountManager> mount_manager)
: SmbProvider(std::move(dbus_object),
kBufferSize) {}
void SmbProvider::RegisterAsync(
const AsyncEventSequencer::CompletionAction& completion_callback) {
void SmbProvider::Mount(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
int32_t* mount_id) {
*mount_id = -1;
MountOptionsProto options;
bool can_mount = ParseOptionsProto(options_blob, &options, error_code) &&
CanMountPath(options.path(), error_code);
if (!can_mount) {
// ParseOptionsProto() or CanMountPath() already set |error_code|.
*mount_id = mount_manager_->AddMount(options.path());
*error_code = static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_OK);
int32_t SmbProvider::Unmount(const ProtoBlob& options_blob) {
int32_t error_code;
UnmountOptionsProto options;
if (!ParseOptionsProto(options_blob, &options, &error_code) ||
!RemoveMount(options.mount_id(), &error_code)) {
return error_code;
return ERROR_OK;
void SmbProvider::ReadDirectory(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
ProtoBlob* out_entries) {
std::string full_path;
ReadDirectoryOptionsProto options;
if (!ParseOptionsAndPath(options_blob, &options, &full_path, error_code)) {
int32_t dir_id = -1;
int32_t open_dir_error = samba_interface_->OpenDirectory(full_path, &dir_id);
if (open_dir_error != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(open_dir_error), error_code);
DirectoryEntryListProto directory_entries;
int32_t get_dir_error = GetDirectoryEntries(dir_id, &directory_entries);
if (get_dir_error != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(get_dir_error), error_code);
*error_code = static_cast<int32_t>(
SerializeProtoToBlob(directory_entries, out_entries));
void SmbProvider::GetMetadataEntry(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
ProtoBlob* out_entry) {
std::string full_path;
GetMetadataEntryOptionsProto options;
if (!ParseOptionsAndPath(options_blob, &options, &full_path, error_code)) {
struct stat stat_info;
int32_t get_status_error =
samba_interface_->GetEntryStatus(full_path.c_str(), &stat_info);
if (get_status_error != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(get_status_error), error_code);
*error_code = GetDirectoryEntryProtoFromStat(full_path, stat_info, out_entry);
void SmbProvider::OpenFile(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
int32_t* file_id) {
std::string full_path;
OpenFileOptionsProto options;
if (!ParseOptionsAndPath(options_blob, &options, &full_path, error_code)) {
if (!OpenFile(options, full_path, error_code, file_id)) {
*file_id = -1;
*error_code = static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_OK);
int32_t SmbProvider::CloseFile(const ProtoBlob& options_blob) {
int32_t error_code;
CloseFileOptionsProto options;
if (!ParseOptionsProto(options_blob, &options, &error_code)) {
return error_code;
if (!CloseFile(options, options.file_id(), &error_code)) {
return error_code;
return static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_OK);
int32_t SmbProvider::DeleteEntry(const ProtoBlob& options_blob) {
int32_t error_code;
DeleteEntryOptionsProto options;
std::string full_path;
if (!ParseOptionsAndPath(options_blob, &options, &full_path, &error_code)) {
return error_code;
if (options.recursive()) {
bool is_directory;
int32_t get_type_result;
if (!GetEntryType(full_path, &get_type_result, &is_directory)) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(get_type_result), &error_code);
return error_code;
int32_t result;
if (is_directory) {
result = samba_interface_->RemoveDirectory(full_path.c_str());
} else {
result = samba_interface_->Unlink(full_path.c_str());
if (result != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(result), &error_code);
return error_code;
return static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_OK);
void SmbProvider::ReadFile(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
dbus::FileDescriptor* temp_fd) {
// TODO(allenvic): Investigate having a single shared buffer in the class.
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
ReadFileOptionsProto options;
ParseOptionsProto(options_blob, &options, error_code) &&
Seek(options, error_code) &&
ReadFileIntoBuffer(options, error_code, &buffer) &&
WriteTempFile(options, buffer, error_code, temp_fd);
int32_t SmbProvider::CreateFile(const ProtoBlob& options_blob) {
int32_t error_code;
std::string full_path;
CreateFileOptionsProto options;
if (!ParseOptionsAndPath(options_blob, &options, &full_path, &error_code)) {
return error_code;
int32_t file_id;
// CreateFile() gives us back an open file descriptor to the newly created
// file.
int32_t create_result = samba_interface_->CreateFile(full_path, &file_id);
if (create_result != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(create_result), &error_code);
return error_code;
// Close the file handle from CreateFile().
if (!CloseFile(options, file_id, &error_code)) {
// Attempt to delete the file since file will not be usable.
int32_t unlink_result = samba_interface_->Unlink(full_path);
if (unlink_result != 0) {
// Log the unlink error but return the original error.
LOG(ERROR) << "Error unlinking after error closing file: "
<< GetErrorFromErrno(unlink_result);
return error_code;
return static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_OK);
int32_t SmbProvider::Truncate(const ProtoBlob& options_blob) {
int32_t error_code;
std::string full_path;
TruncateOptionsProto options;
int32_t file_id;
const bool result =
ParseOptionsAndPath(options_blob, &options, &full_path, &error_code) &&
OpenFile(options, full_path, &error_code, &file_id) &&
TruncateAndCloseFile(options, file_id, options.length(), &error_code);
return result ? static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_OK) : error_code;
// This is a helper method that has a similar return structure as
// samba_interface_ methods, where it will return errno as an error in case of
// failure.
int32_t SmbProvider::GetDirectoryEntries(int32_t dir_id,
DirectoryEntryListProto* entries) {
std::vector<DirectoryEntry> entries_vector;
int32_t result = GetDirectoryEntriesVector(dir_id, &entries_vector);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
SerializeDirEntryVectorToProto(entries_vector, entries);
return 0;
int32_t SmbProvider::GetDirectoryEntriesVector(
int32_t dir_id, std::vector<DirectoryEntry>* entries) {
int32_t bytes_read = 0;
do {
std::vector<DirectoryEntry> entries_batch;
int32_t result =
GetDirectoryEntriesVectorOnce(dir_id, &entries_batch, &bytes_read);
if (result != 0) {
return result;
AppendEntries(entries_batch, entries);
} while (bytes_read > 0);
return 0;
int32_t SmbProvider::GetDirectoryEntriesVectorOnce(
int32_t dir_id, std::vector<DirectoryEntry>* entries, int32_t* bytes_read) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, entries->size()); // entries should be empty.
*bytes_read = 0;
int32_t result = ReadDirectoryEntriesToBuffer(dir_id, bytes_read);
if (result != 0) {
// The result will be set to errno on failure.
return result;
ConvertBufferToEntries(entries, *bytes_read);
return 0;
int32_t SmbProvider::ReadDirectoryEntriesToBuffer(int32_t dir_id,
int32_t* bytes_read) {
return samba_interface_->GetDirectoryEntries(
dir_id, GetDirentFromBuffer(, dir_buf_.size(),
void SmbProvider::ConvertBufferToEntries(std::vector<DirectoryEntry>* entries,
int32_t bytes_read) {
int32_t bytes_left = bytes_read;
smbc_dirent* dirent = GetDirentFromBuffer(;
while (bytes_left > 0) {
AddEntryIfValid(*dirent, entries);
DCHECK_GT(dirent->dirlen, 0);
DCHECK_GE(bytes_left, dirent->dirlen);
bytes_left -= dirent->dirlen;
dirent = AdvanceDirEnt(dirent);
DCHECK_EQ(bytes_left, 0);
// TODO(zentaro): When the proto's with missing mount_id are landed, this can
// take a generic *Options proto and derive the operation name and entry path
// itself.
bool SmbProvider::GetFullPath(const char* operation_name,
int32_t mount_id,
const std::string& entry_path,
std::string* full_path) const {
if (!mount_manager_->GetFullPath(mount_id, entry_path, full_path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << operation_name << " requested unknown mount_id " << mount_id;
return false;
return true;
template <typename Proto>
bool SmbProvider::ParseOptionsAndPath(const ProtoBlob& blob,
Proto* options,
std::string* full_path,
int32_t* error_code) {
if (!ParseOptionsProto(blob, options, error_code)) {
return false;
if (!GetFullPath(GetMethodName(*options), options->mount_id(),
GetEntryPath(*options), full_path)) {
*error_code = static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
return false;
return true;
bool SmbProvider::GetEntryType(const std::string& full_path,
int32_t* error_code,
bool* is_directory) {
struct stat stat_info;
*error_code = samba_interface_->GetEntryStatus(full_path.c_str(), &stat_info);
if (*error_code != 0) {
return false;
if (IsDirectory(stat_info)) {
*is_directory = true;
return true;
if (IsFile(stat_info)) {
*is_directory = false;
return true;
*error_code = ENOENT;
return false;
template <typename Proto>
bool SmbProvider::Seek(const Proto& options, int32_t* error_code) {
int32_t result = samba_interface_->Seek(options.file_id(), options.offset());
if (result != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(result), error_code);
return false;
return true;
bool SmbProvider::CanMountPath(const std::string& mount_root,
int32_t* error_code) {
int32_t dir_id = -1;
int32_t result = samba_interface_->OpenDirectory(mount_root, &dir_id);
if (result != 0) {
LogAndSetError(kMountMethod, -1, GetErrorFromErrno(result), error_code);
return false;
return true;
void SmbProvider::CloseDirectory(int32_t dir_id) {
int32_t result = samba_interface_->CloseDirectory(dir_id);
if (result != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error closing directory " << dir_id;
bool SmbProvider::RemoveMount(int32_t mount_id, int32_t* error_code) {
bool removed = mount_manager_->RemoveMount(mount_id);
if (!removed) {
*error_code = static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_NOT_FOUND);
return removed;
bool SmbProvider::ReadFileIntoBuffer(const ReadFileOptionsProto& options,
int32_t* error_code,
std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer) {
size_t bytes_read;
int32_t result = samba_interface_->ReadFile(options.file_id(), buffer->data(),
buffer->size(), &bytes_read);
if (result != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(result), error_code);
return false;
DCHECK_GE(bytes_read, 0);
DCHECK_LE(bytes_read, buffer->size());
// Make sure buffer is only as big as bytes_read.
return true;
bool SmbProvider::WriteTempFile(const ReadFileOptionsProto& options,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer,
int32_t* error_code,
dbus::FileDescriptor* temp_fd) {
base::ScopedFD scoped_fd = temp_file_manager_.CreateTempFile(buffer);
if (!scoped_fd.is_valid()) {
LogAndSetError(options, ERROR_IO, error_code);
return false;
GetValidDBusFD(&scoped_fd, temp_fd);
*error_code = static_cast<int32_t>(ERROR_OK);
return true;
template <typename Proto>
bool SmbProvider::OpenFile(const Proto& options,
const std::string& full_path,
int32_t* error,
int32_t* file_id) {
int32_t result = samba_interface_->OpenFile(
full_path, GetOpenFilePermissions(options), file_id);
if (result != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(result), error);
return false;
return true;
template <typename Proto>
bool SmbProvider::CloseFile(const Proto& options,
int32_t file_id,
int32_t* error) {
int32_t result = samba_interface_->CloseFile(file_id);
if (result != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(result), error);
return false;
return true;
template <typename Proto>
bool SmbProvider::TruncateAndCloseFile(const Proto& options,
const int32_t file_id,
int64_t length,
int32_t* error) {
int32_t truncate_result = samba_interface_->Truncate(file_id, length);
if (truncate_result != 0) {
LogAndSetError(options, GetErrorFromErrno(truncate_result), error);
// Continue to close on error.
int32_t close_error;
if (!CloseFile(options, file_id, &close_error)) {
if (truncate_result == 0) {
// If Truncate was successful, set error to the close error, otherwise
// keep the truncate error.
*error = close_error;
return false;
// Return if the truncate was successful.
return truncate_result == 0;
} // namespace smbprovider