blob: 22d5e911de6f140d120ae69d2c02c1a4436bafd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content_public.browser;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.ui.OverscrollRefreshHandler;
* The WebContents Java wrapper to allow communicating with the native WebContents object.
* Note about serialization and {@link Parcelable}:
* This object is serializable and deserializable as long as it is done in the same process. That
* means it can be passed between Activities inside this process, but not preserved beyond the
* process lifetime. This class will automatically deserialize into {@code null} if a deserialize
* attempt happens in another process.
* To properly deserialize a custom Parcelable the right class loader must be used. See below for
* some examples.
* Intent Serialization/Deserialization Example:
* intent.putExtra("WEBCONTENTSKEY", webContents);
* // ... send to other location ...
* intent.setExtrasClassLoader(WebContents.class.getClassLoader());
* webContents = intent.getParcelableExtra("WEBCONTENTSKEY");
* Bundle Serialization/Deserialization Example:
* bundle.putParcelable("WEBCONTENTSKEY", webContents);
* // ... send to other location ...
* bundle.setClassLoader(WebContents.class.getClassLoader());
* webContents = bundle.get("WEBCONTENTSKEY");
public interface WebContents extends Parcelable {
* Deletes the Web Contents object.
void destroy();
* @return Whether or not the native object associated with this WebContent is destroyed.
boolean isDestroyed();
* @return The navigation controller associated with this WebContents.
NavigationController getNavigationController();
* @return The title for the current visible page.
String getTitle();
* @return The URL for the current visible page.
String getVisibleUrl();
* @return Whether this WebContents is loading a resource.
boolean isLoading();
* @return Whether this WebContents is loading and and the load is to a different top-level
* document (rather than being a navigation within the same document).
boolean isLoadingToDifferentDocument();
* Stop any pending navigation.
void stop();
* Cut the selected content.
void cut();
* Copy the selected content.
void copy();
* Paste content from the clipboard.
void paste();
* Replace the selected text with the {@code word}.
void replace(String word);
* Select all content.
void selectAll();
* Clear the selection. This includes the cursor which is a zero-sized selection, and keyboard
* will be hidden as a result.
void unselect();
* To be called when the ContentView is hidden.
void onHide();
* To be called when the ContentView is shown.
void onShow();
* Removes handles used in text selection.
void dismissTextHandles();
* Suspends all media players for this WebContents. Note: There may still
* be activities generating audio, so setAudioMuted() should also be called
* to ensure all audible activity is silenced.
void suspendAllMediaPlayers();
* Sets whether all audio output from this WebContents is muted.
* @param mute Set to true to mute the WebContents, false to unmute.
void setAudioMuted(boolean mute);
* Get the Background color from underlying RenderWidgetHost for this WebContent.
int getBackgroundColor();
* Shows an interstitial page driven by the passed in delegate.
* @param url The URL being blocked by the interstitial.
* @param interstitialPageDelegateAndroid The delegate handling the interstitial.
void showInterstitialPage(
String url, long interstitialPageDelegateAndroid);
* @return Whether the page is currently showing an interstitial, such as a bad HTTPS page.
boolean isShowingInterstitialPage();
* @return Whether the location bar should be focused by default for this page.
boolean focusLocationBarByDefault();
* If the view is ready to draw contents to the screen. In hardware mode,
* the initialization of the surface texture may not occur until after the
* view has been added to the layout. This method will return {@code true}
* once the texture is actually ready.
boolean isReady();
* Inform WebKit that Fullscreen mode has been exited by the user.
void exitFullscreen();
* Changes whether hiding the browser controls is enabled.
* @param enableHiding Whether hiding the browser controls should be enabled or not.
* @param enableShowing Whether showing the browser controls should be enabled or not.
* @param animate Whether the transition should be animated or not.
void updateBrowserControlsState(boolean enableHiding, boolean enableShowing, boolean animate);
* Brings the Editable to the visible area while IME is up to make easier for inputing text.
void scrollFocusedEditableNodeIntoView();
* Selects the word around the caret, if any.
* The caller can check if selection actually occurred by listening to OnSelectionChanged.
void selectWordAroundCaret();
* Adjusts the selection starting and ending points by the given amount.
* A negative amount moves the selection towards the beginning of the document, a positive
* amount moves the selection towards the end of the document.
* @param startAdjust The amount to adjust the start of the selection.
* @param endAdjust The amount to adjust the end of the selection.
public void adjustSelectionByCharacterOffset(int startAdjust, int endAdjust);
* Get the URL of the current page.
* @return The URL of the current page.
String getUrl();
* Gets the last committed URL. It represents the current page that is
* displayed in this WebContents. It represents the current security context.
* @return The last committed URL.
String getLastCommittedUrl();
* Get the InCognito state of WebContents.
* @return whether this WebContents is in InCognito mode or not
boolean isIncognito();
* Resumes the requests for a newly created window.
void resumeLoadingCreatedWebContents();
* Injects the passed Javascript code in the current page and evaluates it.
* If a result is required, pass in a callback.
* It is not possible to use this method to evaluate JavaScript on web
* content, only on WebUI pages.
* @param script The Javascript to execute.
* @param callback The callback to be fired off when a result is ready. The script's
* result will be json encoded and passed as the parameter, and the call
* will be made on the main thread.
* If no result is required, pass null.
void evaluateJavaScript(String script, JavaScriptCallback callback);
* Injects the passed Javascript code in the current page and evaluates it.
* If a result is required, pass in a callback.
* @param script The Javascript to execute.
* @param callback The callback to be fired off when a result is ready. The script's
* result will be json encoded and passed as the parameter, and the call
* will be made on the main thread.
* If no result is required, pass null.
void evaluateJavaScriptForTests(String script, JavaScriptCallback callback);
* Adds a log message to dev tools console. |level| must be a value of
* org.chromium.content_public.common.ConsoleMessageLevel.
void addMessageToDevToolsConsole(int level, String message);
* Dispatches a Message event to the specified frame.
void postMessageToFrame(String frameName, String message,
String sourceOrigin, String targetOrigin, MessagePort[] ports);
* Creates a message channel for sending postMessage requests and returns the ports for
* each end of the channel.
* @param service The message port service to register the channel with.
* @return The ports that forms the ends of the message channel created.
MessagePort[] createMessageChannel();
* Returns whether the initial empty page has been accessed by a script from another
* page. Always false after the first commit.
* @return Whether the initial empty page has been accessed by a script.
boolean hasAccessedInitialDocument();
* This returns the theme color as set by the theme-color meta tag.
* <p>
* The color returned may retain non-fully opaque alpha components. A value of
* {@link} means there was no theme color specified.
* @return The theme color for the content as set by the theme-color meta tag.
int getThemeColor();
* Initiate extraction of text, HTML, and other information for clipping puposes (smart clip)
* from the rectangle area defined by starting positions (x and y), and width and height.
void requestSmartClipExtract(int x, int y, int width, int height);
* Register a handler to handle smart clip data once extraction is done.
void setSmartClipResultHandler(final Handler smartClipHandler);
* Requests a snapshop of accessibility tree. The result is provided asynchronously
* using the callback
* @param callback The callback to be called when the snapshot is ready. The callback
* cannot be null.
void requestAccessibilitySnapshot(AccessibilitySnapshotCallback callback);
* Add an observer to the WebContents
* @param observer The observer to add.
void addObserver(WebContentsObserver observer);
* Remove an observer from the WebContents
* @param observer The observer to remove.
void removeObserver(WebContentsObserver observer);
* Sets a handler to handle swipe to refresh events.
* @param handler The handler to install.
void setOverscrollRefreshHandler(OverscrollRefreshHandler handler);
public void getContentBitmapAsync(Bitmap.Config config, float scale, Rect srcRect,
ContentBitmapCallback callback);
* Reloads all the Lo-Fi images in this WebContents.
public void reloadLoFiImages();
* Sends a request to download the given image {@link url}.
* This method delegates the call to the downloadImage() method of native WebContents.
* @param url The URL of the image to download.
* @param isFavicon Whether the image is a favicon. If true, the cookies are not sent and not
* accepted during download.
* @param maxBitmapSize The maximum bitmap size. Bitmaps with pixel sizes larger than {@link
* max_bitmap_size} are filtered out from the bitmap results. If there are no
* bitmap results <= {@link max_bitmap_size}, the smallest bitmap is resized to
* {@link max_bitmap_size} and is the only result. A {@link max_bitmap_size} of
* 0 means unlimited.
* @param bypassCache If true, {@link url} is requested from the server even if it is present in
* the browser cache.
* @param callback The callback which will be called when the bitmaps are received from the
* renderer.
* @return The unique id of the download request
public int downloadImage(String url, boolean isFavicon, int maxBitmapSize,
boolean bypassCache, ImageDownloadCallback callback);
* Whether the WebContents has an active fullscreen video with native or custom controls.
* The WebContents must be fullscreen when this method is called.
public boolean hasActiveEffectivelyFullscreenVideo();
* Issues a fake notification about the renderer being killed.
* @param wasOomProtected True if the renderer was protected from the OS out-of-memory killer
* (e.g. renderer for the currently selected tab)
public void simulateRendererKilledForTesting(boolean wasOomProtected);
* Notifies the WebContents about the new persistent video status. It should be called whenever
* the value changes.
* @param value Whether there is a persistent video associated with this WebContents.
public void setHasPersistentVideo(boolean value);